Open an account for a high-risk business in the payment system

Today, the business is developing very rapidly. A market is filled with companies, that work in different directions, including enterprises with high risk activities.

As you know, to conduct business, a company needs to open a bank account. A process of opening an account under high risk activity on its own is a rather complicated and lengthy process. We advise you to turn to specialized experts, who have experience and established contacts, and can help you quickly open an account for risky activities.

Our company will provide you with the most prompt assistance in opening an account in the payment system under high risk. Our experts will assist you in collecting a package of documents and provide qualified support in opening an account.

What categories of business belong to the concept of «risky activity»?

Most often, conducting a high-risk business includes the following main activities:

  • operations with cryptocurrencies;
  • a brokerage activity;
  • electronic financial exchanges;
  • electronic wallets;
  • Forex activity;
  • gambling.

A company is considered highly risky, if:

  • its business without history;
  • a low credit rating;
  • a company carries out operations with high-risk countries;
  • a company provides goods or services of dubious origin;
  • misleading or inaccurate information was provided by the owners of the enterprise;
  • the company’s activities do not meet the stated criteria;
  • a high level of refund;
  • a company had financial difficulties.

Where to open an account for a high-risk business?

An alternative to banks is opening an account for risky activities in the payment system. Today, there are many options for payment systems. The entrepreneur himself decides, in which payment system to open an account for a business with risky activities.

Through payment systems it is possible to carry out such operations:

  • currency exchange;
  • SWIFT transfers;
  • issuing payment cards;
  • getting an IBAN number.

Payment systems are distinguished by such advantages as efficiency and a high level of data confidentiality.

How to open an account in the payment system for high-risk activities: advantages and disadvantages

The main disadvantage of opening an account for risky activities in the payment system, as a rule, are high tariffs. Also, disadvantages include:

  • it is mandatory to obtain a license for high-risk activities;
  • some systems offer SEPA and SWIFT payments in only one currency.

The main advantages of opening an account under high risk in the payment system are:

  • A high speed of opening an account;
  • The ability to conduct operations in different currencies;
  • An opportunity to keep the account in working order;
  • Fast international payments and transfers;
  • A business expansion.

How to open an account under high risk in a payment system?

If your activity is highly risky, you still have opportunities through the payment system to simplify the conduct of your business.

To open an account for a high-risk business in the payment system, you should carefully study the market segment, that is right for your type of business, as well as determine the risks, that are real to your business.

Qualified experts of our company provide support in opening an account under high risk in the payment system. Our professional team will also assist you in choosing the best payment system for your business.

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