Starting a business in Malta in 2024

If you are considering an option of opening a business abroad, then registering a company in Malta will be a good choice.

An information about jurisdiction:

  • Malta is a member of the EU.
  • An official language is English.
  • A capital is Valletta.
  • A country has a convenient territorial location, which provides favorable conditions for both private and corporate individuals.
  • It is a signatory to numerous double tax treaties.
  • Entrepreneurs, who decide to register a company in Malta, can gain access to attractive EU subsidies.
  • Malta is friendly to foreign investors. There are centers, operating on the principle of “single window”, that offer businessmen attractive conditions.
  • A loyal tax system.
  • Registering a company in Malta without a personal visit is possible.

What is required to establish a Maltese company:

  • to choose a unique name (it should not be offensive or already used);
  • to choose a type of activity;
  • no residency requirements for a director/secretary;
  • a director can be an individual or legal entity;
  • a secretary can be only an individual;
  • to register a local office;
  • to make a payment of one-time registration fee of €245, the annual fee of €100;
  • indicate a place of residence of each of the subscribers to a MOA;
  • to indicate a number of directors, to provide details of each of them;
  • to open a corporate account in Maltese bank.

Registering an enterprise in Malta usually takes 2-3 business days.

Maltese tax system

Legal entities are taxed at an expanded corporate rate of 35% of income, but the beneficial owners of non-residents are entitled to a tax refund on dividends.

Tax refunds

Non-resident shareholders, receiving dividends, can qualify for a tax refund on dividends. A tax refund occurs within 45 days from the date of distribution of dividends from taxable sources.

  • 6/7 tax on income from trading activities. Paid no more than 5% of the initial tax;
  • 5/7 tax on income from royalties and deposits. No more than 10% of the initial tax is paid;
  • 2/3 of the corporate income tax, when using tax benefits for double taxation.
  • 100% tax refund on income from participation in the holding company.

Businessmen can register in Malta:

  • LLC;
  • LP

Positive aspects of opening a business in Malta:

  • an income tax is 5% - the lowest tax in the EU, it attracts those, who want to register a company in Malta;
  • a free movement within the territory of the European Union and the Schengen Union;
  • deciding to register a company in Malta, you can engage in activities, that are related to ICOs, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. If you want to obtain an ICO license in Malta, then our lawyers will tell you details;
  • Maltese licenses are recognized in the EU;
  • costs of licensing are much lower than in the EU;
  • a state provides the EU passport to persons, engaged in entrepreneurial activities related to online games, sea and air transportation or activities of investment funds;
  • favorable conditions for the issue and placement of securities;
  • if a director of the company is a person, who does not have EU citizenship, it will be necessary to undergo an additional due diligence procedure (providing letters of recommendation from lawyers or auditors, a copy of an identity document, utility bills or other evidence of a place residence).

Due diligence, providing by YB Case experts, will allow an enterprise to gain a competitive advantage in the market, increase the commercial attractiveness of its own business, learn a reliable information about risks of acquiring another company.

  • if you have registered a company in Malta, you can open an account with any bank in EU;
  • residence permits (for non-residents of the European Union):
  • a state is interested in attracting qualified international residents, providing various opportunities, including obtaining a permit for permanent residence or Maltese citizenship + passport;
  • citizens of the EU can easily obtain a residency in connection with the right to free movement in the European Union;
  • persons, who do not have EU citizenship, are allowed to obtain a temporary residence, which after several years may lead to a permanent residence permit.

How to register a Maltese company remotely?

To register an LLC or LP in Malta, ask for services of a competent YB Case experts. Contact us by phones, that are available on our online resource, and we will provide you with support services in registering a Maltese enterprise, in opening an account in European banks.

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