Registering a company in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a European country with a stable economy, which is becoming an increasingly popular jurisdiction for registering companies.

Lawyers of our company offer full legal assistance in registering companies in the Netherlands, including the most popular form - B.V. or Dutch Private Limited Company.

Highlights you need to learn, when registering a BV in the Netherlands

  • Dutch B.V. - this is a legal entity with a registered capital. The minimum number of shares is one.
  • Shares (along with the right to vote) must be issued to an individual or legal entity.
  • Non-resident individuals or legal entities can be appointed as a director or a shareholder, which makes Dutch B.V. a very flexible entity.
  • Shareholders of the Dutch B.V. are not personally liable for losses of the company in excess of the amount to be paid in shares.
  • The minimum authorized capital is 1 Euro. Recommended - 100 Euro.
  • If the company is registered for one individual or legal entity, the beneficiary data will be available in the commercial register, but, if you register BV in the Netherlands for 2 or more beneficiaries, the data does not fall into the Commercial register.

Setting up a B.V. company in the Netherlands is as an excellent solution, which will be used as a holding company or a “sandwich” company, because of the flexible rules, regarding holding companies in the Netherlands.

Read also:

Differences between B.V. in Holland:

  • To register a B.V. in the Netherlands, you can be a non-resident director.
  • When establishing an enterprise in the Netherlands, you receive a local social security number.
  • A state fee is only 50 Euro.
  • You will need a legal address with a phone number in Holland. We provide this service.
  • You will also need services of a local accountant for such mandatory actions for the company:
  • A preparation and filing of the first VAT questionnaire from Dutch tax authorities (of course, keep in mind, we will need your data);
  • A preparation and submission of 4 VAT refunds (a full book year);
  • The preparation and submission of the annual report (shortened accounts);
  • A filing a tax return.
  • If you are ready to register a Dutch BV, be aware, that an audit is not required.

A taxation in the Netherlands

  • a corporate tax is 20% (since 2019, it was planned to reduce it to 16%).
  • a dividend tax is 15% (since 2019, it was planned to reduce it to 0%). If dividends are paid to the owner of the company (at least 5%), then a tax is not levied.
  • If the activity is not carried out in the Netherlands, the payment of taxes can be minimized.

Registration dates

  • A company registration is from 1 day;
  • Receiving VAT numbers is 1-3 weeks;
  • Opening a bank account in the Netherlands is from 1 week.

Our experts also provide professional advice on registering an ICO in the Netherlands.

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