Registering an IT company in Moldova in 2024

Registering an IT business in Moldova provides investors with favorable conditions for starting this activity.

Moldova IT Park is a new solution for registering an IT company in Moldova. This structure was created in 2018. It makes Moldova one of the best jurisdictions for registering IT businesses. A goal of this structure is providing a range of services to help new IT companies to ensure their activities, including legal advice on development of innovative knowledge both at the national and international levels. IT Park is well-established among entrepreneurs. To open a company in IT Park of Moldova is a profitable solution for your business.

Advantages of this jurisdiction for entrepreneurs, who would like to register a company in Moldova, will be shown by YB Case specialists. In this jurisdiction, the single tax is 7%; it is calculated on the profit from sales. A tax replaces corporate and income taxes, payroll taxes, real estate taxes, fees when using Moldovan roads, as well as municipal fees and payments for medical/social insurance.

An IT Park is also characterized by a simplified reporting system. You can also register a Moldovan company with foreign capital in the IT Park.

Who can register a company in IT Park Moldova?

Legal entities and individuals can become the residents of IT Park, if they:

  • incorporated in Moldova as a business entity, but has been operating for not more than 1 year from the date of registration;
  • conduct business, that is regulated by the Moldovan legislation regarding the IT Park.

You can open an IT enterprise in Moldova for such activities:

  • A software release and related activities;
  • IT services;
  • Services, that are provided by information services.

To register a company in IT Park Moldova you need to go through the registration process in accordance with all norms and requirements of the legislation of Moldova. Further, a separate registration is required, which is administered by the authorities of Moldova Park. Finally, when the agreement will be concluded, you can get a certificate of registration.

Registering an IT enterprise in Moldova include:

  • Establishing a firm in compliance with all norms and requirements of the Moldovan legislation.
  • An additional procedure for registering a company in IT Park as a legal entity:
  • A Park administration is studying the submitted documentation.
  • The administration sends an approval or rejection letter.
  • If the administration makes a positive decision, a test agreement is sent with a letter, and the date/time of signing the agreement is indicated. An information is sent to your e-mail.
  • After all these procedures, you will receive a Certificate of Registration.
  • The deadline for consideration of the application can be extended by 5 days, if not all requested documents were submitted, or the application for registration was filled out incorrectly.
  • After official approval by the administration, the company has 30 days to agree and sign a contract. After this period, you can again submit all necessary documents for registering a company in IT Park Moldova.

Terms of registering an IT company in Moldova

An approximate time of a registration + opening an account with a bank of Moldova takes about 14 days.

The establishment of a company in IT Park Moldova takes approximately 7 business days.

A cost of establishing an enterprise in IT Park

Opening a company in IT Park Moldova entails only a mandatory annual contribution of a park resident, the amount of which is calculated by a formula:

An annual fee = An annual budget of IT Park/An estimated income of all residents multiply by a projected income of a resident company

Contact YB Case team for more details. We are ready to provide you with recommendations on registering an IT company in Moldova and other European countries.

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