A company registration in England or in the USA

If you plan to register a company in the United States or to establish a company in England, but, have not made a final decision, have doubts and are looking for advantages in favor of this or that jurisdiction, we suggest, that you familiarize yourself with our new article.

It should immediately be taken into account, that, since the choice of a country, in the final analysis, is always based on the type and specificity of the planned business, the article is not comparative, and is aimed only at highlighting advantages and features of both jurisdictions.

The material is presented in tabular form, the cells per category contain the most relevant information, characterizing jurisdictions from certain sides and describing their distinguishing features.

Benefits of registering a company in the USA and in England



The access to a rich market with a huge number of consumers of products and services

An advanced infrastructure, the access to a highly skilled workforce and a rich market for goods and services - EU

The access to modern infrastructure, communications, production tools, skilled labor

A wide range of legal forms for a company registration

The access to large material (financial, etc.) resources

The positive image and the authority of England favorably affects the company's reputation

The ability to choose one of the states as a “home", and then open branches and representative offices in other states and countries

A sufficient confidentiality - the information about beneficiaries is not transferred to open registries

The ability to flexibly optimize taxes through competent tax planning in the company, and the right choice of "home" staff

An advanced tax planning tools maximize taxes

A thoughtful legislation, the economic stability, a strong intellectual property protection

A strong and stable economy, cooperation and maintaining relations with former colonies

Registering a company in the USA and England is particularly attractive in that a company, registered in these jurisdictions, gets opportunities to enter large exchanges, and, accordingly, has more chances to attract investors and investments

Features of a company registration



It should be noted right away, that the opportunity of registering a company in the USA remotely is possible. Some states, such as Delaware or Florida, register companies without a personal visit by the future owner.

Sometimes England, thanks to a flexible system of taxation and a tax planning, is called a “tax haven”.

In general, the procedure for registering a commercial firm in the USA comes down to choosing a state, choosing a company name, collecting a package of documents, submitting documents, obtaining an EIN. Of course, the company will also need to open a corporate bank account in the United States.

Nuances of the procedure for registering a commercial firm in England depend on the choice of legal form, but in general, it is similar to the registration of a company in the United States: you need to select a name, to collect documents, to register on the Registration Board and to conduct a tax setup of the company.

To set up an enterprise in the USA, as a rule, use one of two legal forms of the LLC or a Corporation:

  • an LLC is a very common legal form, if you plan to conduct international business, and profit from foreign sources. In this case, the company may become a virtually tax-free.
  • a Corporation is registered, when it is required to have a status company, operating both in the United States and internationally. The option of registering a corporation in the USA to a non-resident is also possible.

As already mentioned, many legal forms are available in England, but the main ones are: LTD, LLP and LP.

Registering an LLP in England is most preferable, if partners are non-residents, and a profit is planned abroad. In this case, LLP can help reduce taxes as much as possible, that is, a tax will only need to be paid on profits made domestically.

Read also:

Necessary documents for the establishment of an enterprise

Below is a preliminary list of documents, required to open a commercial organization in the United States and in England. The final list * may depend on various variables, such as the choice of staff, the choice of legal form, a type and characteristics of the business, the structure of the future company, etc., and is specified by YB Case specialists in the process of working with the client.



3-5 options for the name of the future company

Foreign passports of founders

Foreign passports and contacts of all founders

A document or a certificate, confirming the address of residence

Opening a corporate account in the USA or in England



The USA is considered the world economic and banking center. Some of the largest banks in the world were created here, and that is why many entrepreneurs seek to open a corporate account in an American bank.

In England there are a significant number of rather old banks with influence and authority in the banking environment. This is one of the reason, why they place high demands on their customers, and opening an account with an English bank is rather difficult.

Opening a corporate account in the USA for a non-resident at the moment is considered quite a feasible task, if you contact qualified specialists.

Nevertheless, advantages, offered by English banks, more than outweigh all difficulties of opening an account: for example, the wide possibilities of Internet banking, or services of personal managers.

It is worth consideringб that opening a corporate account in American banks often requires a personal visit.

For the most harmonious procedure for opening an account, it is necessary to collect a certain list of documents in advance. As in the case of company registration, it can vary, depending on characteristics of the business or rules of a particular bank. Moreover, each bank reserves the right to require additional documents, that may not be on the initial list.

Final words

It should be emphasized, that licenses for certain types of business, issued in the USA and in England, due to the status of jurisdictions, are quoted in many, including leading, countries of the world. Thus, both England and the United States - by default, offer conditions, conducive to conducting successful business on a global level.

If you have any questions, regarding the subject of the article, we draw your attention to the fact, that YB Case experts are ready to conduct an exhaustive consultation on registering a company in the USA or England, provide full professional support on opening an American and English corporate bank accounts, as well as provide another, related service. For detailed reference information, please, contact the following contacts.

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