Company registration in Astana Hub

Company registration in Astana Hub

Currently, many investors, especially from CIS countries, are considering registering a startup in Kazakhstan. This is a country in Central Asia, which is the region's leader in all indicators relating to high-tech development. In this article, we will take a closer look at what opportunities are offered by registering a company in Astana Hub.

Commencing an Initiation in Kazakhstan: Regarding Astana Hub Universal IT Initiation Technopark

Metropolis Centre, initiated in 2018, constitutes the grandest knowledge garden for informatics initiators in Inner Eurasia. It was contrived particularly to nourish inception tradition within the state and bolster advanced craft schemes to fortify Kazakhstan's wealth.

With various divisions, Astana Hub is a corporate business incubator aimed at developing IT projects. Astana Hub has 2 startup development programmes:

  • Acceleration Programme - aimed at accelerated development of startups at an early stage.
  • Incubation Programme - a comprehensive incubation programme for young IT projects.
In general, Astana Hub is a platform for crowdsourcing ideas. The Technopark provides multifaceted support to startups through funding programmes, training programmes for IT specialists, and cooperation with major domestic and foreign Big Tech companies. Astana Hub furthermore collaborates with global entities, encompassing Rutec Ventures and Unbound Innovations in the UK. Entrepreneurs looking for burgeoning bazaars amidst a groundbreaking approach entrepreneurial ecosystem can look out for opportunities to register a company in Kazakhstan at Astana Hub Technopark.

Advantages of Astana Hub

Kazakhstan is the leader in Central Asia in terms of foreign capital attracted into the economy. 70% of all foreign investment in the Central Asian region is directed to this country. If you decide to register your company with Astana Hub, first familiarise yourself with the benefits that will be available after registration:

  1. The Technopark proffers alien speculators an array of chances to institute, burgeon, and extend their enterprises to foster ameliorate the pecuniary accommodations and technologic sectors in the vicinity.
  2. Duty advantages are on hand in Astana Hub, specifically absolution from GST, corporate and singular revenue levies, societal assessment (regarding earnings of non-domiciled staff), levies on royalities, earnings, and stockpile winnings.
  3. Economical and present-day workplace area, encompassing collaborative working sites, communication places, Fab facilities.
  4. Scientific collective. Periodic web-based and offline happenings tailored at enriching the scientific collective.

How to commence an informatics firm within the Astana Hub?

Each inhabitants and non-citizens of the Commonwealth of Kazakhstan who obtain earnings from the execution of paramount undertakings may emerge as Astana Hub entrants. Such an individual must secure an appropriate credential. There exist duo approaches to enlist a lawful corporation within Kazakhstan (further intricacies within the tabulation beneath).

Stages and methods of registration

Assignment of IIN to the founder.

Obtaining the founder's digital signature.

Registration in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Registration under Common Law at the International Financial Centre in Astana (AIFC).

Opening an account in a bank in Kazakhstan.

Obtaining a residence permit.

What does the company registration procedure in Astana Hub consist of?

In behalf of individuals who intend to establish a computer technology inception in Astana Hub, it shall be of utility to recognize that to qualify for the entitlements endowed upon Astana Hub, businesses necessitate to meet specific stipulations and become partakers by dispatching a digital supplication. Upon ratification, an accreditation of engagement shall be dispensed.

Lone juridical bodies (Kazakhstani or overseas) whose undertakings align with a singular Astana Hub's emphases (for instance, software contriving, contriving, and effectuation of informatics frameworks, etc.) could partake. Statute stipulates particular curtailments, as an illustration, a contender cannot be a entity of a distinct economic precinct. Contenders disburse levies and tolls in consonance with the compact with Astana Hub.

Broadly, the enrollment procedure within Astana Hub unfolds thusly:

  1. Filing of e-petition + parcel of records through Astana Hub gateway.
  2. Deliberation of the solicitation by the Astana Hub council with ensuing communication of its consent/denial.
  3. Ink of the covenant on engagement in Astana Hub.
  4. Granting of a attestation affirming the enrollment of the enterprise in Astana Hub.
Enrollment span in Astana Hub typically requires around 21 fortnights. We desire to reiterate that a contender of Astana Hub Global Technopark possesses the privilege to attain earnings solely through the execution of foremost endeavors in the Informatics and Communications Technology realm in accordance with the ratified inventory.

After launching a startup in Astana Hub, an investor (in addition to tax incentives) can enjoy additional benefits, namely:

  1. Streamlined visa regimen (visas for non-native laborers of X3 classification are attainable for a duration of as much as quintuple years).
  2. Entry to informatics adeptness and a congregation exceeding 600 informatics corporations.

What documents do I need to submit to register a company in Astana Hub?

  1. Recognition credentials of the individual sanctioned to operate in lieu of the corporation.
  2. Entrepreneurial scheme connected to the foremost sectors of engagement (in conformity with the ratified inventory).
  3. A proclamation of nonexistence of liabilities.
  4. Confirmation of domicile in this land, for instance, tenancy pact.
  5. Facts regarding the tally of foreigners and inhabitants to be engaged in the endeavor.
All documents must be in Kazakh/Russian or English with a certified translation.

Astana Hub tax regime

An Astana Hub participant is subject to taxation at the following rates.

Taxes (benefits apply until 1 January 2029)


0% in respect of priority IT activities.



Tax on royalties of a legal entity


Tax on dividends

Ordinarily, payouts disbursed to foreigners are absolved from Kazakhstan levies subsequent to triennium of stockholding (contingent upon specific exemptions). This decree similarly pertains to foreigners maintaining equities in Astana Hub contributors, albeit a constraint exists regarding individuals diminishing levy on earnings by a full centesimal.

Distributions disbursed by an Astana Hub contributor to an outlander stakeholder incur a toll of 5% (the customary toll rate amounts to 15%).

Social tax for foreign workers


Capital gains tax

Income enhancement duty concerning the transaction of stakes in an Astana Hub participant is immune from taxation for domestic vendors.

Income enhancement duty concerning the transaction of Astana Hub affiliate stakes is levied at 5% for alien peddlers (the customary tariff is 15%).


Technology has become an integral part of the modern world. The governments of most countries are trying to help startups by creating an attractive investment environment and providing expert support. According to the state digitalisation programme, the government of Kazakhstan promotes the development of the IT sector, and the opening of the Astana Hub technopark is one example. The technopark aims to attract innovative IT projects and qualified IT specialists from all over the world. If you are interested in launching an IT startup in Astana Hub, contact our company specialists directly and we will provide support at every stage of company registration.
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