Registering a company in Niue

If you are looking for a profitable investment project or are interested in expanding your existing business, then registering a company in Niue, as well as opening an account with a bank in Niue, will be a great idea.

Niue is located in Polynesia in the South Pacific. A nearest jurisdictions are: American Samoa, Cook Islands and Tonga.

Leading sectors are: services (banking, insurance, legal services), a tourism, an agriculture, a fishery.

The capital and the largest city is Alofi. National languages are: Niue and English. The national currency is the New Zealand Dollar (NZD).

Niue is a member of WHO, UNESCO, the Pacific Islands Forum and other international and regional organizations.

Niue business environment

The economy of the jurisdiction is directly dependent on foreign investment and most of its sectors are underdeveloped. If you intend to open a company in Niue, then the following business advantages await you:

  • A strong socio-political situation;
  • A high quality of life;
  • A good ecology (due to the complete lack of industrial production);
  • A smooth economic growth;
  • Available labor resources;
  • A focus on attracting foreign investment;
  • The availability of 12 DTA agreements;
  • Comfortable conditions for the development of any type of business;
  • A registration is relatively quick and easy;

Wishing to register a firm in Niue, we recommend you to study carefully a following list of popular ideas for startups: hotel and restaurant business, a gambling, ICO business, IT sphere, a transport, a service sector.

Choosing a legal form

If you want to open a company in Niue remotely, then the first thing you will need to choose the appropriate form of business activity from those, proposed by the state. It is possible to register companies with 100% foreign capital (IBC) on the island of Niue. It can act as a Joint Stock Company, a Limited Liability Company or a Corporation.

If you intend to set up a commercial firm in Niue, we recommend you to opt for a Limited Liability Company as the simplest and most convenient form of business to manage.

Read also:

Registration terms

We recommend you to study carefully this list of requirements of the local Regulator:

  • A unique name (at the end it is obligatory to indicate a form: Corp./Inc./Ltd/SA);
  • At least 1 director (an individual/legal entity, may acts as a shareholder);
  • The number of shareholders is from 1 or more (a resident/non-resident);
  • The presence of the Charter and the provision of the Constituent Memorandum;
  • The minimum authorized capital is 10 thousand USD (for SA);
  • Obtaining a business license for the provision of insurance, reinsurance services, trust and banking services in Niue;
  • A local office and an agent are required;
  • Providing annual reporting.

Niue tax regime

Companies, registered in this jurisdiction, are exempted from a corporate tax, a capital gains tax, a VAT and other taxes. Also, in Niue there is no exchange control.

A registration fee of approximately 150 USD is paid annually.

How to start an entrepreneurship in Niue?

If you decide to register a company in Niue remotely, YB Case team of specialists is ready to complete the task as soon as possible and offer a wide range of legal services, in particular: experts will assist in opening a corporate account in Niue, provide support in obtaining a business license and recommendations on how to complete all related documentation.

The term for registering a business is up to 2 days.

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