Booming tech potential of Georgia: Register an IT company in a free economic zone
With its pro-business environment, tax incentives, and wealth of talent, Georgia has emerged as a perfect place for the tech industry. As an innovative IT company looking to expand, establishing an IT venture in Georgia’s free economic zone (FEZ) could provide that launching pad you need.

Georgia’s forward-thinking government has gone above and beyond to position the country as an IT hub between East and West. Business registration takes days rather than months, tax rates favour enterprise growth, and special FEZs grant registered tech companies even more advantages.

Registering in a Georgia’s FEZ provides IT companies with a competitive edge in high-growth ecosystem. FEZs feature modern IT infrastructure, prime office spaces, and business facilities tailored for tech companies’ needs. Reduced bureaucracy cuts the red flags for company founders so they can stay focused on building ingenious solutions.

Yet, the biggest pros are the lucrative taxes, customs, and import regulation benefits. Qualified IT companies may be exempt from corporate income tax, property tax, and even VAT obligations. That means more capital freed up for disruptive R&D and talent acquisition. Few countries can compete with the business climate for tech innovators, Georgia and its FEZs have meticulously engineered.

If the launching of an IT start up in Georgia is right for you, let's have a closer look at the specifics of Georgia's economic zones, the algorithm for registering of an IT company and the basic requirements for foreign entrepreneurs.

Types of free zones in Georgia

Georgia’s virtual IT free zones give tech entrepreneurs access to one of the most advantageous business environments. If you’re looking to build the next big thing in IT, registering your startup in a Georgian virtual zone could provide that springboard to success you need.

Unlike traditional FEZs tied to geographic areas, Georgia’s virtual zones have no physical barriers or boundaries. Qualifying IT companies can register for virtual zone benefits from anywhere while retaining flexibility over business operations. It’s an innovative model purpose-built to help IT entrepreneurs thrive.

The perks for registered virtual zone tech companies in Georgia are outstanding:

  • A competitive edge with exemption from VAT, corporate income tax, and other tax obligations. More revenue can directly support your groundbreaking R&D.
  • Minimizing of administrative hassles through streamlined reporting requirements, so you can stay laser-focused on innovation.
  • Leveraging synergies within the zone’s vibrant IT ecosystem. Collaboration opportunities abound with other trailblazing startups and tech enterprises.
  • Organizing flexible, remote work structures without the need to base activities in a physical FEZ. Efficiently allocate resources for maximum impact.
  • Receiving specialized support from government bodies well-versed in the needs of IT innovators.

With privileged access to funding, talent, and technological infrastructure, Georgia’s virtual IT zones empower the builders of the future. Are you ready to unlock your startup’s potential in Georgia? With registration just a few clicks away, the only thing you need to do is order a consultation on registering an IT company in the free zone of Georgia.

Launching an IT start up in Georgia’s FEZ: A step-by-step guide

Registering your startup in a Georgian FEZ unlocks invaluable advantages, but the process can seem daunting without guidance. Here’s your breakdown of each step for smoothly establishing your IT company in Georgia.

Step 1

Choose the legal structure and company name

The foundation of your company begins with choosing:

  • A business structure — most IT startups opt for an LLC in Georgia to combine limited liability with operating flexibility.
  • A unique Georgian company name reflecting your brand. Check availability to avoid future issues.
Step 2

Collect registration documentation

  • You’ll need to gather a standardized set of documents to submit a registration application.With paperwork ready, ensure everything is notarized and translated where required.
Step 3

Submit an application and documents

Applications are handled by dedicated registration authorities who will:

  • Review your company information and support docs.
  • Follow up on any clarification needed.
  • Provide an approval for your startup.

The process averages only a few days, but may vary depending on circumstances.

Step 4

Get tax ID and constituent documents

The final step of registration involves obtaining:

  • A national tax ID number for filing obligations
  • Constituent documents like certificates of incorporation/

With these special zone identifiers secured, you can do business on disruptive R&D and tech development!

To register an IT start up in a Georgian FEZ, follow this route, and obtain access to funding, talent, and infrastructure.

Key documents needed for opening an IT company in Georgia

  1. Founding documents
    1. Articles of association
    2. Company formation agreement
  2. Identification documents
    1. Passport copies of all founders (notarized)
    2. First and registration pages for each founder's passport (notarized)
  3. Proof of address/legality
    1. Certificate of address registration
    2. Office lease agreement in virtual zone (notarized)
    3. Other documents confirming legal compliance of activities (notarized)
  4. Constituent/registration documents
    1. Articles of incorporation (notarized)
    2. Company registration certificate

The critical documents seem to be the notarized copies of passport pages for the founders, notarized lease agreements or address certificates, certified copies of any founding documents or articles of incorporation, and any licenses/permits showing the business complies with legal requirements for the IT industry in Georgia's FEZs.

How to open an IT company bank account in Georgia

You’ve handled the startup legalities, now it’s time to get your fintech infrastructure lined up. Opening a business bank account in Georgia for an IT company paves the way for seamless money management and global commerce. But not all banks provide equal conditions for foreign entrepreneurs.

Choose a bank that focused on serving foreign clients in the IT sector
Prioritize institutions specializing in streamlined virtual banking for tech companies. Perks like easy API integrations, online account controls, and multi-currency features allow unhindered operations.

Be ready to supply key documents

  1. Constituent documents
    1. Charter
    2. Establishment protocol
    3. Other documents confirming legal status
  2. Beneficial owner information
    1. Identifying details of owners
    2. Ownership percentage
    3. Role in company
    4. Related company connections
  3. Business plan
    1. Description of activities
    2. Development strategy
    3. Financial forecasts
    4. Risk assessments
  4. Registration certificate copy
    1. Validates legal company registration
    2. Original or certified copy required

Requirements vary across banks, but well-prepared paperwork speeds the application process. Pro tip: start this step in parallel with finalizing your legal registration.

It is essential that all documents follow precise format requirements set by the specific bank. Directly contacting the bank to verify criteria is highly recommended before submitting the full application package. Ensuring completeness and compliance of this paperwork is crucial for opening a Georgian corporate account smoothly.

Once submitted, applications undergo careful review, including:

  • Documentation verification — check for any missing pieces
  • Founder identification — may require in-person checks
  • Overall application analysis — process can take multiple days

With approval, conclude a services agreement. Your unique banking credentials open the gates to transacting with clients worldwide.

Specialized IT banking also unlocks value-driving perks:

  • Automated financial reporting for insights
  • Multi-currency accounts to centralize operations
  • Robust cybersecurity and fraud protection
  • Optimized connectivity for web services

Opening a tailored IT business account in Georgia lets you start operating activities of your IT company.


In Georgia’s free zones, your IT venture keeps more of what it earns. Minimizing financial obligations allows you to maximize income. That’s why basing operations in a Georgian free zone is a strategic decision.

Georgia slashing taxes to historic lows in its FEZs. Register your IT enterprise in one of these zones, and that income you reinvest into pioneering R&D stays on your balance sheet rather than the government’s.

  • 0% VAT for IT services and products.
  • CIT not charged from IT companies in free zones.
  • 5% dividend tax for virtual zone entities, and exemption for companies in free industrial zones.

In an IT industry, Georgian FEZs hand you the financial freedom. Competitors anchored down by high tax rates in other countries can’t come close.

Benefits of operating an IT company in Georgia's virtual free zone

Location matters, especially when building boundary-pushing IT enterprises. Choosing the right base of operations sets the trajectory for success or failure before you even start. That’s why basing your IT company in Georgia’s virtual FZ is a right decision.

This innovative framework tears down old barriers holding back modern tech innovators. The virtual zone welcomes remote work, fuelling flexible management of global talent. Generous tax perks let you conserve cash for investing into pioneering R&D. And an ecosystem of trailblazing startups and investors helps take bold visions to new heights.

Specifically, the virtual FZ grants:

  • Full corporate income and VAT tax exemption, keeping profits where they matter most: your disruptive tech.
  • The power of remote teams and operations removes geographical limits.
  • Access to funding via Georgia's pro-tech investment arena.
  • Lower bases costs without physical office space requirements.

By leveraging expert accountants, you can adhere to guidelines while claiming the maximum tax benefits available.

Key aspects that make financial reporting distinct for virtual zone registrants include:

  • Tax-exempt status affects how financial statement items are recorded and presented, despite normal formatting being followed.
  • Special responsibility to the tax authorities to validate zero VAT and income tax levels with transparent documentation.
  • Potential reliance on IFRS principles for internationally standardized and comparable reporting.
  • Accommodating operations across currencies and countries under one consolidated picture.

Combining these conditions creates ultimate operating efficiency. In Georgia’s virtual zone, you're unshackled from outdated bureaucratic obstacles and free to scale your business. With privileged access to resources only the virtual FZ provides, your company’s visionary innovation can ascend from Tbilisi to take the world by storm. Plot your breakthrough success right now with YB Case expert support.

Keys to starting an IT business in Georgia

With optimal conditions for technology innovators, Georgia's virtual free zone offers the chance to build disruptive businesses from the ground up.

  • Conduct thorough market research. Get to know the competition, identify specialised niches and analyse the potential for expansion.
  • Assemble a professional team. Georgia boasts rich talent pools, perfect for building A-player teams to match your sky-high ambitions.
  • Improve service levels. Establish processes for reliable 24/7 technical support, flexible customer interactions and continuous quality improvement.
  • Choose legal leaders. Leverage consultants with in-depth knowledge of virtual zone legislation to ensure smooth compliance from the outset.
  • Forge partnerships. Connect with universities, fellow startups, corporate clients and incubators to accelerate growth through collaboration.

Our experts can provide in-depth advice and assistance on setting up an IT business in Georgia. You can always contact us in a way that is convenient for you from the "Contacts" section.

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