Setting up a business in Lucerne in Switzerland

If you decide to start a business in Switzerland, we advise you to register a company in the canton of Lucerne. It is here that the lowest Income Taxation of Legal Persons.

Low taxation in the Canton of Lucerne

It is only 12.32%. In addition, this tax is even lower than in countries with low taxation in Europe, for example, in Liechtenstein. Now non-residents can register a company in the most low-tax canton in Switzerland and get the maximum benefit from this.

Registering a company in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland is now more profitable than registering a company in the Republic of Ireland, which is known for its entire favorable tax climate. Here the rate was 12.5% ​​on profit.

This success of the canton of Lucerne is due to the defeat of the leftist political forces that advocated raising taxes. After three years ago the last left socialist lost his place in the cantonal government of Lucerne - the right, first of all, reduced the tax rate on the profit of legal entities. Such a policy has yielded tangible results, since with the advent of foreign taxpayers the budget of the canton of Lucerne has grown.

The situation in other cantons in Swiszerland

Deciding to register a non-resident company in Lucerne, you will receive undeniable advantages, because the rest of the cantons tax rate is higher than in the canton of Lucerne. Therefore, in the canton of Zug - the rate is now 14.51%.

Low taxation is observed in the canton of Lucerne, the canton of Zug and the canton of Fribourg.

The diametrically opposite situation with corporate rates is observed in Geneva - 24.16%, Basel-Stadt - 22.18%, Valais / Wallis - 21.74% and Berne - 21.64%. In these cantons, the leftist political forces exert the influence. Experts of our company advice registering a non-resident company in the most low-tax canton. In such case, our clients can choose Lucerne or Zug. We provide accompanying services and help at all stages of registration a new company.

For comparison, in other European countries, taxes are significantly higher.

  • in the Netherlands - 25%;
  • in Germany - 30%;
  • in France - 33%.

Electronic documentation

As you can see, Lucerne is a progressive canton that conducts an interesting tax policy. If you want to issue a non-resident company in the canton of Lucerne - this will have a good effect on your income and on business as a whole. In addition, the Parliament of the canton of Lucerne decided to put an end to the paper routine and completely translate the documentation into digital form. Changes will come into force already. This will save tens of thousands of francs a year and will simplify all procedures.

Canton of Lucerne will be the first in Switzerland who will translate the documentation into digital format.

Our specialists will assist you in starting up a business in Lucerne or in any other jurisdiction, as well as in opening a bank account for a non-resident company.

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