To register a company in Portugal in 2023

Being an EU & OECD member and having an investor-friendly tax system, Portugal is a hotbed of business activity and a magnet for foreign investors. Businessmen, who want to register a company in Portugal or open an account at a Portuguese bank should keep in mind that the 2008 financial crisis took a heavy toll on the country. However, Portugal has managed to get back on its feet and now ranks high on the list of countries with the most favourable business environments.

How did the country manage to make such an economic leap? State authorities correctly identified the development vector, and made every effort to attract foreign investment. That is why registering a Portuguese company is so simple and promising.

Do you want to find out in detail about this, to get professional support in company registration or in opening an account for a company in BPI? - Contact YB Case team.

By contacting our company, you can register a Portuguese company in just 1 day!

Thanks to our experience, extensive network of contacts and On the Spot quick registration system, you can become the owner of a company in the EU in less than an hour! An important condition is a correctly executed and certified package of documents.

A preliminary list of documentation:

  • a business plan;
  • a company description;
  • a company Charter;
  • a registered capital;
  • from each shareholder: a proof of identity, the address of residence, a tax number;
  • other documents individually (our experts will take into account all nuances and prepare all necessary certificates).

In addition, our customers can register a company in Portugal remotely. Dates: from 2 days.

What forms of business can you register in Portugal?

  • an Individual Entrepreneur;
  • a Limited Partnership;
  • a Full Partnership;
  • an Open Joint-Stock Company with a limited liability;
  • a Closed Joint-Stock Company with a limited liability;
  • a company with a sole shareholder;
  • a Cooperative.

What forms of business are the most acceptable and popular?

If you want to register a company in Portugal, most interesting and profitable of the above will be:

  • an Open JSC with a limited liability (S.A.):
  1. min 1 director;
  2. an authorized capital is from 1 euro to 5 thousand €;
  3. min 2 founders;the issue of registered shares is available;
  4. a management is carried out by 1 director.
  • a Closed JSC with a limited liability (Lda):
  1. at least 5 shareholders;
  2. an authorized capital is of 50 thousand € (30% must be paid immediately);
  3. a management is carried out by the Board of Directors;
  4. may issue shares.

Portuguese taxation

The corporate tax rate is 23%. In the future, government agencies plan to reduce rates. Thus, the profitability of the business, for those, who wish to register a company in Portugal, will increase even more.

The first income of small and medium-sized companies (15 thousand €) is taxed at a reduced rate (17%).

A VAT is 23%.

What else is important for an entrepreneur to know about Portugal?

There are 2 free economic zones in the country. The first economic FZ is located on Madera, and the second on the Azores. In these areas, businessmen can enjoy several advantages:

  • simplified customs rules;
  • a simplified import/export of products;
  • various duty exemptions.

How to register a company in Portugal?

By contacting our specialists, you will receive professional consulting services in registering a Portuguese company remotely or with a personal visit to the country (1 day).

In addition, there is an excellent opportunity to open a corporate account in Portugal for both a local and a foreign company.

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