Sport Legal Relations in Great Britain

Brand Protection

When it comes to protecting brand identity, registering TMs in Great Britain takes on particular importance. Therefore, sporting organizations can obtain copyright protection in Great Britain for literary works, movies, blogs, articles, etc.

The two other forms of brand protection include sponsorship & registering domain names in Great Britain.


Cybersquatting is an illegal activity that involves registering, using & offering for sale a domain name owned by another person.

Combating cybersquatting in Great Britain involves identifying owners of disputed domains by searching online databases. If a dispute arises, cybersquatted individuals may file a lawsuit to contest the registration of a domain name.

Negative Comments in the Media

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations ensures the most effective protection against negative coverage in the media. Organizations should also raise their employees’ awareness of the necessity to avoid engaging in actions capable of damaging their oranizations’ reputation. Authorized representatives of the organizations can also provide legal advice on regulation of sports in Great Britain.

Other tools include:
  • signing confidentiality agreements;
  • including confidentiality clauses in contracts;
  • quickly responding to publication of sensitive information in the media;
  • regularly monitoring online & offline publications;
  • contesting & removing defamatory material.

Broadcasting Regulations

Compliance with broadcasting regulation in Great Britain is currently overseen by Ofcom, an organization charged with enforcing various rules & regulations. It determines which events should be available on free channels and which can be shown exclusively on Pay TV. Ofcom also has the right to impose financial penalties for failure to comply with broadcasting & credit obligations in Great Britain.

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Organization of Events

Great Britain has many health & safety requirements that organizers of sports events must comply with. Organizers should also keep in mind NGB requirements, such as venue arrangements & facilities for media.

Sale & Resale of Tickets

There are no restrictions on the resale of tickets; however, due to growing public discontent, the government has introduced additional consumer protection measures. Those include requirements for selling or reselling tickets, which prevent tampering with automated ticket selling systems.

Termination of Contractual Obligations

There’s no statutory mechanism envisaging formal termination of employment contracts in Great Britain. However, a termination clause whereby a contract can be terminated upon payment of a previously agreed upon amount can be included in a contract


Eligibility of national teams is determined by NGB rules. If determining eligibility requires resolving a dispute between clubs & players in Great Britain, most organizations prefer to turn to CAS as a final appellate body.


Uncertainty over Brexit remains a major concern for sporting organizations in Great Britain. It is yet unclear which requirements will be in place after Great Britain fully withdraws from the EU. Therefore, hiring an experienced advisor capable of providing advice on various legal issues in British sports law makes a lot of sense. YB Case can meet all your legal needs in this respect. Our legal assistants will be happy to give you a hand with any issue you’re facing in this regard.

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