How to set up an investment fund in Luxembourg in 2025

Merits of Luxembourg as a monetary nucleus for speculative repositories

The inauguration of an investment pool in Luxembourg in 2025 signifies a compelling occasion for investors due to various factors, showcasing Luxembourg's strengths as a financial hub. Initially, Luxembourg is renowned for its steadfast economy and political milieu, rendering it a dependable venue for investment endeavors. This constancy, supported by a stringent yet equitable regulatory framework, fosters investor assurance.

Additionally, investment fund activities are well-supported by the country's advanced infrastructure and seasoned financial services. At every point in their lifecycle, funds may rely on the full services offered by competent management organizations, auditors, legal, and tax advising firms. Another major plus is that Luxembourg is home to several very prestigious banks and financial organizations.

Luxembourg also holds appeal from a taxation standpoint. Establishing an investment pool in Luxembourg typically entails advantageous tax provisions, encompassing exemptions from specific tax categories like capital gains tax and income tax. This fosters a conducive atmosphere for fund proliferation and enlargement.

Membership in the European Union and hosting numerous international financial institutions contribute to Luxembourg's illustrious standing globally. This permits the utilization of global trade and tax agreements, gaining entry to worldwide marketplaces, and more.

In essence, founding an investment pool in Luxembourg provides a distinctive amalgamation of dependability, top-notch financial services, and a favorable tax regime, thereby positioning this nation as one of the premier financial hubs for investment pools on the international stage.

Types of investment funds in Luxembourg

Description and features of specialised investment funds (SIFs)

The inception of an esoteric endowment cistern in Luxembourg signifies an extraordinary progression attributable to its idiosyncratic characteristics and benefits. A SIF, as a multifarious endowment contrivance, was inaugurated in Luxembourg in 2007 and expeditiously garnered approbation among international capitalists for its proficiency to incorporate sundry endowment stratagems and asset categories.

When juxtaposed with alternative fiscal conveyances, the SIF distinguishes itself owing to its extraordinary pliability. A broad assortment of capital deployment choices are accessible to the endowment, facilitating it to heterogenize its possessions across clandestine equity, immovable property, conjectural trusts, and more conventional resource categories encompassing debentures and stocks. Consequently, SIF represents a commendable selection for individuals desiring a thoroughly variegated compilation.


The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in Luxembourg is responsible for overseeing SIFs, which deserves to be noted. While SIFs are subject to fewer regulations than other investment funds, they are still obligated to adhere to specific standards and principles, particularly in the realms of transparency and risk management.

Maintaining a registered overseer who guarantees that the fund's strategy and operations adhere to all ordinances and decrees is an indispensable prerequisite for SIFs. A skilled guardian is also compelled for SIFs; this individual is charged with preserving the fund's assets and overseeing its financial performance.

Establishing a Luxembourgish pecuniary conveyance that emulates a SIF also entails specific fiscal advantages. For example, SIFs allure financiers globally as they are typically exempt from principal and revenue levies. Nonetheless, they are obligated to remit a subscription levy equivalent to 0.01% of the quantum of the fund's net possessions.

In essence, enrolling an investment fund in Luxembourg as a SIF presents an appealing choice for those seeking flexibility in investment management and desiring to capitalize on Luxembourg's advantageous tax and regulatory framework.

Comparative analysis of fund types: SICAV and SICAF


SICAV (Investment fund with variable capital)

SICAF (Fixed Income Investment Fund)

Legal structure

A legal entity, often in the form of a JSC.

Can be arranged in a multitude of configurations, comprising limited accountability enterprises and restricted alliances.

Purpose of creation

Allocating the capital of the funds into fluid fiscal instruments, encompassing securities and immovable property.

The enrollment of a SICAF in Luxembourg enables you to engage in investments in securities embodying venture capital.

Smallest capital requisites

There are no rigorous minimal assets prerequisites.

The inaugural funds must amount to €1.25 million, which must be amassed within one year subsequent to obtaining authorization from the CSSF.


Immunity from corporate excise and value-added duty. Conditional upon a subscription toll of 0.05% of net worth (0.01% if enlisted as a SIF).

Analogous to SICAV, immunity from corporation duty, total assets levy, and VAT. Registration levy stands at 0.05% of total assets (0.01% if enlisted as a SIF).

Management and oversight

The appointment of a curator, typically a fiduciary establishment in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the habitation and governance must be situated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for a SICAV to be enlisted in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. With the CSSF maintaining vigilance over matters.

Furthermore demands a guardian, bureau, and governance in Luxembourg. Monitored by CSSF and beholden to audit.

Dispensation and procurement of equities

Can procure and vend equities at their discretion, without necessitating the alteration of the initial documentation.

The issuance and procurement of equities is relatively inflexible; any alterations in capital must be officially recorded and disseminated.

Both species of funds serve disparate yet supplementary purposes in the fiscal realm. For more secure, protracted-term investments in immobile capital, SICAF is the avenue to pursue, whilst SICAV endows greater pliancy when it pertains to administering your pecuniary resources. Ultimately, it hinges on individual predilection when selecting between SICAV and SICAF as an investment.

Review of unregulated investment funds such as RAIF and Soparfis

The establishment of unregulated investment pools in Luxembourg, such as RAIF (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund) and Soparfi (Société de Participations Financières), provides distinct opportunities for investors owing to their adaptability and fiscal benefits.

RAIF is a relatively recent tool that signifies an innovative solution in Luxembourg's investment pool landscape. This variety of fund can encompass various sub-pools with distinct assets and obligations. Each sub-pool can have its own unique investment strategy and framework. RAIF is not under direct oversight by the CSSF and does not necessitate prior CSSF endorsement, but it must designate an authorized external alternative investment overseer (AIFM).

An FCP, SICAV, SARL, or any other constrained accountability enterprise classification is one of several possible juridical shapes that a RAIF might assume. This endowment is aiming at "accredited patrons" who satisfy specific conditions, such as a minimum engagement of €125,000.

The Soparfi Conglomerate, however, is an investment and wealth oversight organization. The capability to exploit dual taxation agreements and, in specific instances, to elude taxes entirely are two additional fiscal benefits of this framework.

Syndicate and capital levy do not pertain to the RAIF or the Soparfi funds. An annual enrollment fee of 0.01% is owed by RAIF.

The inception of unregulated investment pools in Luxembourg thus provides versatility in selecting fund configuration and tax advantages, rendering them appealing to global investors, particularly those pursuing diversification and optimization of tax obligations.

Investment fund registration process

The process of setting up an investment fund in Luxembourg in 2025

The formalization of an investment pool in Luxembourg entails several crucial steps associated with the preparation and submission of the founding papers.

  • Depending on investment goals and preferences, the legal form of the fund may be determined by selecting from several structures such as SICAV, SICAF, SIF, RAIF, etc.
  • Capital stewardship, stockholder obligations, and additional necessities are delineated in the guiding manuscripts, which encompass the charters of incorporation and other indispensable records.
  • A concern ought to be chosen to administer the fund's operations, and its possessions should be retained by a bank or another fiscal entity as a custodian (depositary).
  • To officially enlist the endowment with the Luxembourg mercantile ledger, it is crucial to present the obligatory foundational manuscripts to the pertinent authorities.
  • Acquiring the requisite licenses and permits: CSSF and other regulatory bodies may possess particular prerequisites for certain types of financing.
  • The primary measure in alluring investors involves formulating and disseminating the fund's prospectus. This manuscript delineates the fund's investment ethos, hazards, administration, and configuration, amid other pivotal particulars.

These measures are pivotal to the procedure of enrolling an investment pool in Luxembourg and necessitate meticulous strategizing and collaboration with proficient legal and financial counselors.

Choice of legal form of the fund

Choosing the appropriate legal framework is crucial when establishing an investment pool in Luxembourg since it determines the fund's administration, structure, and fiscal obligations.

Legal form


Minimum capital

Main investors


Société anonyme (SA)

A public limited company, it is suitable for a wide range of shareholders and provides a high level of privacy for investors.

EUR 30,000, of which at least 25 per cent must be paid upon establishment.

Not limited

Under CSSF supervision.

Société à responsabilité limitée (Sàrl)

Luxembourg registered private limited company, characterised by a high degree of flexibility and minimal legal regulations, ideal for a single investor or a joint private investment project.

EUR 12,000, which must be paid in full upon establishment.

Maximum 100 participants

Under CSSF supervision.

Société en commandite par actions (SCA)

An allotment-stock corporate circumscription fellowship that is subjected to the identical rigorous legislative construct as SA; it is characterized by the attendance of both universal and restricted associates.

EUR 30,000, of which at least 25 per cent must be paid upon establishment.

Attracts a wide range of investors

Under CSSF supervision.

Société en commandite spéciale (SCSp)

Encouraged by investment restricted fellowships well-liked in the United Kingdom and the United States, this public-library fellowship lacks the formal position of a restricted liability corporation.

No minimum capital required

Suitable for professional investors

Less regulation, no direct CSSF oversight

The objectives of the investment tactic, the resources and benefactors to be aimed at, the degree of executive discretion desired, and the fiscal outcomes are all aspects that need to be pondered when determining the optimal fund configuration. While SA and SCA are advised for a more adaptable fund configuration, closed-end fund overseers frequently utilize SCS or SCSp.

Requirements for fund managers and administrators

In order to establish an investment reservoir in Luxembourg, all parties implicated must rigorously conform to the regulations that govern their function as fund custodians and overseers. These requisites encompass a broad spectrum, from fiscal steadfastness to adherence with norms for counter-terrorism financing and anti-money laundering.

Any capital reservoir overseer (IPA) aspiring to initiate a scheme must foremost obtain the MIOA's precedent authorization. Furthermore, IPAs are mandated to present attestations to the MIOA periodically; annual proclamations are expected seven cycles subsequent to the fiscal year's conclusion.

In addition to UCITS-governed establishments, unorthodox governance entities, IPAs local branches, self-directed investing corporations, accredited unorthodox investing fund administrators (ANIFAs), and internally directed unorthodox investing conveyances (ANIVs) are some of the many types of IPAs that exist. Various commendations and pragmatic requisites are associated with each of these classifications.

Moreover, IPAs are presently compelled to produce focused AML/CTF declarations subject to third-party inspections owing to recent statutory requisites enacted at the terminus of 2021. These declarations constitute a significant facet of the mechanism for ensuring adherence to regulations and oversight.

To afford a lofty degree of investor safeguarding and financial system steadiness, specific requisites for Luxembourg fund overseers and stewards are crafted. Their dedication to candor, accountability, and proficiency in supervising investment reservoirs mirrors that of the regulators.

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Operation of an investment fund in Luxembourg

Asset protection and the role of the depositary

One of the supremely pivotal strides in constituting an investment reservoir in Luxembourg is appointing a custodian, who will be accountable for the safeguarding and meticulous governance of the assets in the reservoir. Another critical stride is fortifying the assets themselves.

Primary responsibilities of the steward encompass safeguarding UCI holdings, conducting regular asset surveillance, and supervising distinct UCI (Aggregate Investment Entity) operations. The steward is accountable for monitoring dividends, interest, and any other revenue streams. Keep in mind that simply because the steward opts to delegate certain tasks doesn't imply their obligations will diminish. It is crucial for the steward to be promptly informed of any transactions impacting the fund's holdings whenever they collaborate with external entities.

Moreover to supervising an investment repository in Luxembourg, the guardian is accountable for adhering to the reservoir's primordial papers and relevant statutes and ordinances when vending, issuing, reimbursing, or annulling segments of the reservoir; disbursing funds from dealings involving reservoir assets within the habitual timeframes; and utilizing the reservoir's returns in harmony with the papers.

The janitor's duties under Luxembourg law include the necessity of not supervising the hoard's assets. Any pact or stipulation that seeks to exonerate or diminish the janitor's duty to administer the hoards is null and of no potency or efficacy.

According to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), the custodian presently possesses significantly more responsibility for upholding veracity, ensuring the probity of third parties, maintaining archives, and validating ownership. The AIFMD also instituted regulations for self-government, supervised the resolution of clashes of interest, and supervised the surveillance of AIF pecuniary flows.

To afford investor assurance and safeguarding, these facets are pivotal when establishing an investment reservoir in Luxembourg, as they ensure lucidity and asset preservation.

Rules for managing risks and conflicts of interest

Initiating a Luxembourg investment reservoir entails strategizing and executing streamlined protocols to oversee hazards and circumvent clashes of interest. To guarantee probity, dependability, and investor reliance in the fund's governance, these facets are pivotal.

Recognizing and evaluating each conceivable menace to the fund's resources is the principal stride in hazard oversight. Market unpredictability, credit peril, liquidity constraints, and operational challenges are all potential hazards. For each hazard classification, a strategy must be devised to alleviate its consequences. Hedging and portfolio diversification are two tactics that a fund could employ to lessen the impact of market fluctuations.

In addition, methodologies must be implemented to perpetually evaluate and oversee such hazards. Component of this methodology involves vigilantly observing the extrinsic marketplace and scrutinizing the fund's holdings on a routine basis. Hazard oversight frameworks should be capable of adapting and advancing in reaction to novel hazards and altering market conditions.

In the area of discord management, the formation of an investment in Luxembourg requires the exact identification and documentation of any conceivable disagreements of interest. Conceivably at variance here may be the cistern's concerns with those of its supervisors, the supervisor's numerous patrons, or the cistern's service providers.

The reservoir must establish and enforce protocols and procedures to address such antagonisms of interest in an equitable and mutually advantageous manner. Conceivable measures in this direction include forming commissions to oversee any contradictions of interest and making complete and truthful declarations of such contradictions to everyone concerned.

To ensure that regard governance frameworks are pertinent and efficacious, it is pivotal to incorporate them into the broader pecuniary oversight structure and to routinely scrutinize them. Both the pecuniary's intrinsic criteria and the external regulatory requisites imposed by the CSSF Luxembourg must be fulfilled by these frameworks.

In order to furnish constancy, safeguard, and investor conviction, a comprehensive blueprint for hazard and incompatibility of interest oversight is needed for the initiation of an investment reservoir in Luxembourg.

Specifics of setting up alternative investment funds (AIFs)

Regulation of AIF under the AIFM Act

Pursuant to the Law on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM)it is pivotal when instituting a Luxembourg investment basin, notably an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF). The principal regulatory scaffold governing the establishment and activities of AIFsis this statute, which Luxembourg sanctioned in compliance with European directives.

The AIFM Statute is the principal location to ascertain what an AIF overseer needs to be accredited for and what their duties encompass. To ensure these overseers are bona fide, the Financial Sector Supervisory Commission (CSSF) will maintain a vigilant watch over them. Overseers must undergo an assessment of their credentials, dependability, risk oversight capabilities, and adherence with standards and statutes before they can be authorized.

To guarantee clarity and safeguard investors' anxieties, there exist numerous functional and structural prerequisites that must be fulfilled in order to enlist an investment reservoir in Luxembourg. Among them are regulations for surveilling hazards, protocols for managing disputes of interest, and obligations for communication and examining duties. Furthermore, the AIFM Act delineates specific demands for promotional ventures, particularly concerning investment propositions and public relations.


Adherence with regulations governing the Alternative Venture Fund's (AVF) holdings, notably those pertaining to variety and changeability, is also necessary. Furthermore, they are anticipated to provide routine updates on their initiatives, fiscal condition, and the degree of uncertainty associated with the resources entrusted to them by the Commission for the Oversight of the Financial Sector (COSFS).

When instituting an AVF reservoir in Luxembourg, it is crucial to adhere to the measures delineated in the Alternative Venture Fund Custodians (AVFC) Edict to forestall peculation and the financing of nefarious cohorts. To guarantee that the AIF is not employed for disallowed intents, its governance must implement sturdy methodologies and oversight frameworks.

By dint of this, AIFs are subject to rigorous regulation under the AIFM Statute of Luxembourg, which is both intricate and labyrinthine, requiring meticulous oversight of the funds and their stewards. Consequently, investors are more safeguarded and the fiscal marketplace stays steadfast and lucid.

Advantages and features of AIF in Luxembourg

Amidst the globe's foremost investment fund locales, Luxembourg affords investors and managers with a plethora of remarkable advantages and distinctive qualities when establishing an unconventional investment reservoir (AIF).

The proficiency to customize funds to various investment tactics and client requisites is a primary advantage of the adaptable regulatory milieu. Retentive AIFs, particular AIFs, and risk capital investment enterprises are some of the unconventional investment funds that fall within Luxembourg's regulatory structure. All kinds of statutes and adaptable selections are accessible in these configurations, which administrators and investors may employ to their benefit to enhance their managerial processes and investment strategies.

Establishing a distinct investment pool in Luxembourg also unlocks opportunities to a vast global marketplace. Luxembourg offers AIFs and their overseers with a "European passport," enabling promotional initiatives across varied EU nations without the requirement for supplementary permissions in each nation, owing to its status as a leading financial nexus and its association with the European Union.

Venturesome individuals and AI Funds may capitalize on Luxembourg's propitious tax regime as well. Luxembourg AI Funds captivate overseas investors since they are exempt from gains on capital and dividend levies, albeit the precise tax handling of each fund category and configuration might differ.

Another pivotal component is the lofty degree of investor safeguarding and the stringent hazard oversight norms mandated by regulators and Luxembourg law. These directives encompass maintaining the fund's operations under continual examination, fostering transparency, and managing conflicts of interest.

Luxembourg is an excellent locus for investors and administrators seeking a pliable duty constitution, formidable decrees, ingress to intercontinental markets, and an unconventional investment reservoir. Collated, these constituents render Luxembourg a paramount preference for instituting and overseeing investment reservoirs.


In terms of where and how investment money are managed, Luxembourg is still one of the world's top financial centers. The reason for this is the harmonious blend of a welcoming regulatory climate, a competitive tax structure, and stringent safeguards for investors.

The steadfastness, dependability, and lucidity of the juridical and economic structure, alongside its strategic location within the European Union, render enrolling an investment pool in Luxembourg an appealing choice for investors worldwide. Whether via specialized investment pools, corporate investment pools, or alternative investment pools, Luxembourg presents a range of prospects to accommodate the requirements of international investors and managers.

Luxembourg persists in furnishing some of the most appealing circumstances for investment funds in Europe and the globe, thereby affording a robust groundwork for stakeholders pursuing to cultivate and broaden their portfolios in a steady, secure, and commerce-affable milieu.

Our specialists furnish a comprehensive array of consultancy offerings and assistance in the establishment of an investment pool in Luxembourg. To obtain guidance and commence collaboration, kindly select a convenient means of communication from the "Contact Us" segment of our website.

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