How to start an ICO activity in Estonia

Estonia is another European country, where you can start a business in the field of cryptocurrencies. State authorities create comfortable conditions for entrepreneurship in this area, as they strive to bring Estonia to a new level and make it one of the leaders of the EU countries. Request for personal advice on registering an ICO company in Estonia and obtaining a license for an ICO in Estonia from experienced and highly qualified YB Case experts.

Benefits of doing crypto business in Estonia:

  • an adoption of technological progress;
  • a preferential taxation;
  • the transparency of operations in the field of electronic currencies;
  • a simple company registration procedure.

Crypto activities in Estonia under the money laundering law

Currently, Estonia considers a digital currency to be a financial instrument and a monetary instrument within the framework of country's laws on payment systems and payment services.

In order for the country's legislation to comply with international standards regarding tax transparency, Estonian authorities have made amendments to laws against money laundering in transactions with electronic currencies. Now, every businessman, who decided to register a company in Estonia and to obtain a license for a cryptocurrency exchange in Estonia, is recognized as a financial institution under the AML law.

If you, also, want to obtain a license for the crypto exchange in Estonia, then you will have to act in accordance with the transparency requirements, that apply to the financial institution.

Read also:

How to obtain a license for cryptocurrency exchange in Estonia?

To set up an Estonian commercial firm, to obtain a license for crypto activity in Estonia or to open a corporate account under ICO, you should use services of professionals. Turning to our company, you will receive professional support in registering firms and opening accounts in Estonia, which includes:

  • the analysis of your future business;
  • assistance in the preparation of necessary documents;
  • professional assistance in setting up a company in Estonia;
  • qualified advice on opening an account for an Estonian company;
  • support services in obtaining a license for cryptocurrency;
  • qualified assistance in filing all documents to relevant state bodies;
  • advice on paying state fees.

In order to get clarifications on the nuances of cryptocurrency entrepreneurship in Estonia or in other countries, contact YB Case team, using numbers, indicated on the website.

Tags: ICO Estonia
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