Support of investment activities in Oman

The Sultanate of Oman is swiftly metamorphosing into one of the pivotal investment hubs of the Middle East, due to its advantageous geographical positioning and the proactive governance measures targeted at enticing international investments. Positioned at the nexus of trade routes linking Asia, Africa, and Europe, the country proffers unparalleled advantages to international investors, encompassing access to burgeoning regional markets. Oman is actively bolstering its infrastructure sector, enhancing the investment climate through reforms, and fostering conducive conditions for commercial transactions, thereby metamorphosing the nation into an optimal destination for enduring capital injection.

The Omani government is actively engaged in bolstering crucial economic domains like tourism, transportation, and production industries, offering incentives, tax preferences, and establishing Free Economic Zones (FEZ) to foster additional prospects for foreign investments. These initiatives significantly enhance Oman's investment attractiveness, enticing international firms to participate in numerous commercial endeavors.

YB Case Company offers its clients personalized and comprehensive assistance in investment operations in Oman. Thanks to its solid knowledge of local legislation and economic situation, YB Case is able to provide effective legal support, tax consulting, and strategic planning, which is crucial for the successful implementation of investment projects. Our strategy is aimed at developing unique solutions that help clients maximize their investment potential and minimize risks in Oman's dynamic economic environment.

Oman’s investment climate review

The economic indicators of Oman continue to captivate the attention of the international investment community, showcasing substantial accomplishments conducive to sustained economic growth. In 2022, according to the World Bank data, Oman's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reached approximately 115 billion USD, with a GDP per capita of $25,000 USD, but in 2023, it has increased up to 209 billion USD, with GDP per capita of 44,946 USD, according to the World Economics, manifesting the ongoing wealth and financial expansion of the nation.

In the past year, Oman's economy has demonstrated a growth exceeding 4%, affirming a trend of sustainable development. This has been accompanied by a relatively low level of unemployment, estimated at just 1.5% by the International Labor Organization. Such a metric attests to the effectiveness of current economic policies and investment management in Oman. Additionally, the country's inflation rate remains stable at 2.8%, indicating price stability and favorable conditions for long-term investments.

Particularly noticeable in Duqm is the Omani government's active promotion of investment initiatives, such as the construction of free zones and ports. Here, plans are underway to transform 2,000 square kilometers into a trade zone and logistical hub, promising substantial advantages for capital contributors.

The attractiveness of Oman for foreign capital investments is confirmed by the indicator of foreign direct investment, which reached 4.8% of GDP in 2022. This signifies Oman's enduring appeal as an investment destination. Moreover, the high level of internet penetration, with 96% of the population accessing the internet, provides an ideal foundation for the development of digital business and e-commerce.

A significant stride in bolstering Oman's investment allure was taken with the signing of the Free Trade Agreement in 2009. This accord accorded foreign entities full ownership rights of Omani companies and exempted them from the necessity of local sponsorship when establishing business ventures within the nation. Such measures substantially streamline the provision of investment and legal services, as well as advisory support for investors.

The Omani government actively combats bureaucratic hurdles, aiming to enhance the investment climate. Efforts to streamline business registration processes render the incorporation procedure more accessible and transparent to external investors. These measures expedite the commencement of investment projects and attract additional foreign capital into the country.

Under the auspices of Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, Oman is devising novel incentives to attract foreign investment, encompassing tax breaks, reduction of governmental levies, provision of expanded land tenure opportunities, and amplification of financing access for enterprises meeting specified criteria. Special inducements are earmarked for capital contributors within free zones pursuant to the national development blueprint, "Vision 2040". This initiative is geared towards economic diversification and the advancement of pivotal sectors, aimed at mitigating reliance on the oil industry.

10 reasons to choose Oman for investment

Oman offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive locale for international investors. Here are ten key reasons to consider investing in Oman:

  1. Strategic location. Oman holds a strategically favorable geographical position at the crossroads of global trade routes connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. This provides exclusive prospects for trade and transportation, opening up vast horizons for international commerce.
  2. Political stability. Oman is renowned for its stable political climate in the region, rendering it a secure investment destination.
  3. Economic reforms. The administration in Oman is proactively involved in improving the commercial landscape by enacting economic adjustments focused on simplifying the procedures for registering companies and creating advantageous circumstances to entice foreign investments.
  4. Tax incentives. Oman offers attractive tax conditions for foreign companies. Low corporate taxes are in effect here, along with the absence of value-added tax and revenue tax for foreign employees, thus reducing the overall tax burden.
  5. Free economy zones. Several free zones are currently active in Oman, presenting a compelling value proposal for extending business operations. They boast a suite of attractive incentives, including preferential tax regimes, streamlined customs clearances, and simplified administrative procedures, solidifying their position as prime locations for businesses seeking to scale their operations.
  6. Developing infrastructure. Oman is allocating substantial funds towards the advancement of infrastructure, encompassing ports, roads, and airports, thereby enhancing logistics and accessibility.
  7. Economic diversification. Within the framework of the national strategy "Vision 2040," Oman endeavors to diversify its economy through the advancement of industries like hospitality, fisheries, information technology, and renewable energy.
  8. Growing domestic market. The population of Oman is relatively youthful and rapidly expanding, thereby driving escalating demand for various goods and services.
  9. Protection of foreign investments. Oman provides robust assurances and safeguards for the rights of foreign investors, encompassing protection against expropriation and guarantees for the repatriation of investment capital.
  10. Openness to international cooperation. Oman actively engages in global economic and trade associations, as well as signs bilateral investment protection and promotion pacts, thereby fostering an enhanced environment for international business.

Overview of the key legal framework governing foreign activities in Oman

The legal regime of Oman governing foreign investments encompasses several key legislative enactments that establish a stable and transparent environment for conducting business operations by foreign entrepreneurs and investors. These legislative frameworks foster confidence and predictability in economic transactions, which are critically crucial to entice and maintain global investments.

The Companies Law establishes procedural frameworks for the establishment and governance of various legal entities within the country. This legislative initiative delineates requisite criteria regarding the minimum capital requirements, governance structure, accounting practices, and financial reporting obligations. It occupies a pivotal position in bolstering corporate governance transparency and safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders, fostering a climate of fair and transparent business practices.

The Foreign Capital Investment Law defines the avenues for attracting external capital into Oman. This legislation significantly streamlines administrative protocols linked to the enrollment of international corporations, offering extensive customs and tax incentives to capital contributors from other nations. Particularly noteworthy is the opportunity for foreign investors to own up to 100% of company shares without the necessity of a local partner or sponsor, affording complete control over business projects and conducted operations.

The Free Zones Law establishes the legal framework for business operations within the FEZ of Oman. This legislation grants additional privileges to companies operating within these zones, including exclusive tax and customs preferences. These advantages render free zones particularly attractive to international investors focused on export-oriented and re-export activities, thereby bolstering the economic diversification efforts of the country.

All these legislative measures collectively form a stable and supportive environment for foreign investors, granting them not only market access but also the means to effectively conduct their commercial activities in Oman with comprehensive investment facilitation.

YB Case, leveraging years of experience and understanding of local regulatory practices, offers comprehensive legal support services for investors in Oman, ensuring efficient investment management and advising on all aspects of commercial operations in this jurisdiction.

Oman: investment strategies

Oman offers investors a plethora of attractive investment avenues, each characterized by its unique opportunities and requiring an individualized approach. The country ensures comprehensive support for investment projects, from the initial stage to full operational launch, thereby guaranteeing the stability and success of investments at all levels.

Opening a new company
Starting a new business is still a very attractive financial opportunity in Oman. A vast array of legal structures, including corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, joint ventures, and even branches or representative offices of well-established organizations, are available for formation by potential investors. The minimum permitted capital requirement is dependent on the business form that is selected. YB Case provides comprehensive legal advice, expedites regulatory roadblocks, and provides consultancy and support services for Oman business creation at every level.
Purchasing an existing business
For those investors striving for rapid integration into the Oman market, acquiring an already operational business may prove to be the optimal solution. This method allows circumventing initial developmental stages and immediately engaging in operational activities. YB Case actively assists its clients in business acquisitions, providing meticulous analysis of each company, conducting due diligence checks for legal integrity, and assessing the financial stability of potential acquisitions.
Direct foreign investments
Oman, striving to bolster its economy, openly welcomes foreign financing, emphasizing key sectors such as tourism, healthcare, education, and alternative energy development. To attract foreign capital, the government offers enticing incentives to investors: significant tax breaks and streamlining of customs procedures. YB Case Company serves as a reliable partner, offering a comprehensive range of investment management services in Oman, ranging from project launch support to its full-fledged implementation.
Investments in free zones of Oman
The Sultanate of Oman is actively developing FEZ, creating optimal conditions for global enterprises. These zones, endowed with special legal status, provide businessmen with a conducive environment for conducting commercial operations, including tax exemption and simplification of customs procedures. YB Case Company provides an extensive array of services aimed at bolstering and nurturing businesses within these free zones, assisting entrepreneurs in leveraging all advantages to scale their projects and increase profits.
Venture investing
Striving to stimulate innovation and foster local entrepreneurship, Oman is opening avenues for venture capital aimed at investing in promising startups and technological projects. The government is providing support to innovative companies, creating a conducive environment for the development of high-tech industries. YB Case offers its services to investors interested in financing early-stage business development, including legal assistance and strategic consulting to achieve maximum return on investment.

All these forms of investment underscore Oman's commitment to fostering a sustainable and innovative economic future, providing investors with unique opportunities to deploy capital into a burgeoning economy. However, investments necessitate a profound comprehension of local legislation and market dynamics, a service YB Case stands ready to offer its clients, ensuring reliable and efficient support at every stage of investment activity in Oman.

Oman's investment potential in promising industries

Oman is a desirable location for the inflow of foreign money due to its abundance of investment possibilities in industries that are expected to see substantial growth. As a result of government initiatives to diversify the economy and lessen its dependency on the oil industry, important industries including tourism, renewable energy, healthcare, education, and technology become attractive investment targets.

Tourism sector
The Sultanate of Oman is actively engaged in the advancement of its tourism sector, striving to ascend as a prominent global tourist destination. Substantial governmental investments have been allocated towards the development of tourism infrastructure, encompassing hospitality enterprises and the enhancement of cultural and natural landmarks.
Renewable energy
Oman, leveraging its exceptional capabilities in harnessing solar and wind energy, is actively investing in renewable energy projects. The deployment of solar and wind energy-oriented initiatives facilitates the reduction of dependency on conventional fossil fuels and promotes environmentally sustainable development.
Health and education
Enhancing the caliber of healthcare and education emerges as a fundamental governmental directive in Oman. Investments in the construction of medical facilities, the engagement of international experts, and the incorporation of state-of-the-art medical technologies plays a crucial role in propelling this industry forward. The government also channels efforts towards enhancing access to higher education to augment the skillset of the country's populace.
Technological sphere and innovation
The Sultanate of Oman is striving to invigorate its technology industry, encompassing segments of information technology, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies. Government agencies are actively cultivating the development of tech-based startups and the digital transformation of services across both the public and private spheres.

These spheres present a myriad of prospects for investors keen on exploring and expanding their footprint in the burgeoning market of Oman. YB Case provides comprehensive insights into local conditions and offers qualified assistance and investment management, ensuring utmost transparency and benefit in the investment process within the country.

Incentives and investment zones provided by the Omani government for prospective investors

The Omani government is spearheading numerous initiatives aimed at stimulating economic growth and enhancing the country's attractiveness to investors. This entails simplifying administrative procedures, fostering conducive business environments within FEZ, and offering fiscal incentives.

Simplified administrative procedures for founding companies

In Oman, the company establishment process has been significantly streamlined through reforms aimed at enhancing conditions for commercial operations. Via the online platform "Invest Easy," entrepreneurs can promptly and efficiently register their companies, minimizing bureaucratic delays and paperwork hassle. This portal facilitates all necessary procedures, including application submission, registration, and licensing, thereby substantially reducing the time and effort required to commence entrepreneurial activities in Oman.

Official registration of a company in Oman consists of only 3 stages:

  1. Selecting a legal entity and name for the enterprise.
  2. Preparation of a documentation package.
  3. Registration with the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

From the documentation you will need:

  • Application for establishing a company.
  • Constituent documentation.
  • Passport details of all founders and managers.
  • Documentation certifying the registration of the company's address.
  • Special licenses or permits for certain areas of activity.

YB Case Company provides support for a variety of investment activities in addition to providing a comprehensive range of services to ease the formal formation of firms in Oman. Because our professionals are knowledgeable about the specifics of the regional legal system and business practices, we can handle every part of registering and running your company with efficiency. We provide thorough legal assistance, from assembling the necessary documentation to securing the necessary license authorization.

Free Economy Zones in Oman

There are a number of important free zones operating in Oman, each of which provides special benefits for global investors:

Zone name



Salalah Free Zone (SFZ)

Industry and logistics services

Tax benefits, customs benefits, full foreign ownership, exemption from customs duties

Sohar Free Trade Zone

Industry and metallurgy

Access to regional and global markets

Special Economic Zone Authority of Duqm (SEZAD)

Heavy industry and maritime logistics

Significant benefits, fiscal advantages, simplified registration procedures

Al Mazunah Free Trade Zone

Logistics and trade

Customs and tax incentives, improved access to Asian and African markets

Khazaen Economic City

Light industry and warehousing

Modern infrastructure sector, integrated logistics services

Each free zone was created to stimulate, attract and support investment in key sectors, drawing on Oman's unique economic strengths.

Tax rates and benefits in Oman

In the Sultanate, competitive tax rates are in effect to attract both foreign and domestic investors. The primary corporate tax rate stands at 15%. However, specialized tax provisions apply to companies operating in the oil and gas sector. Additionally, small enterprises with annual revenues less than 100,000 OMR have the opportunity to avail reduced taxes, thereby fostering the development of small businesses.

Special attention in Oman is given to the development of FEZ such as Duqm, Salalah, and Sohar. Significant tax incentives are provided to entrepreneurs in these areas. In particular, companies located in FEZ could potentially qualify for a complete waiver of corporate tax obligations spanning a maximum duration of 30 years. Additionally, they are granted customs duty exemptions on imported and exported goods, substantially slashing operational expenditures and facilitating the advancement of export-oriented businesses.

Thus, Oman actively leverages its economic and fiscal policies to attract investments, aiming to fortify key sectors and accelerate the country's economic development.

Comprehensive support for investment projects in Oman from YB Case

YB Case provides comprehensive project support for investments in Oman. The company's experts offer legal and advisory assistance, facilitating clients throughout the investment cycle, from the planning stage to the resolution of any arising matters.

Consultation: initial assessment and strategy planning
At the initial stage, we provide consultancy investment assistance in Oman, encompassing market assessment, risk assessment, and opportunities evaluation. This enables our clients to make informed decisions and develop strategies for effective entry into the Omani market.
Market entry support: support in initiating a venture
We facilitate investment endeavors by assisting in entity formation, formal establishment of corporate presence, collection and preparation of requisite documentation, and acquisition of licensing permissions. This ensures unimpeded market entry for our clients in Oman.
Legal documentation and compliance: contract drafting and review
Our legal experts specialize in drafting, analyzing, and reviewing all types of commercial contracts and legal documents, ensuring their compliance with local legislation. This constitutes a vital component of facilitating investment activities in Oman and safeguarding the rights of our clients.
Protecting intellectual property: guidelines for protecting patents, trademarks and copyrights
We provide consultancy services on intellectual property matters, assisting clients in registering and safeguarding their patents, trademarks, and copyrights within the framework of Oman, particularly crucial for companies in the innovative and technological sectors.
Dispute resolution: support in judicial and arbitration procedures
We provide legal support in resolving both local and global disputes through judicial or arbitration procedures, ensuring efficient management and protection of our clients' interests.

YB Case's integrated suite of services establishes a robust platform for flourishing business operations in Oman. We provide our clients with unparalleled support and meticulous safeguarding of their interests throughout the entire investment lifecycle.

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