
A mediation is one of the technologies for the peaceful resolution of disputes.

In fact, this is the next step to be taken by the conflicting parties, if the negotiating process has proved ineffective or insufficient.

What is a mediation?

The mediation is an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method, that is applied to individuals and legal entities in the event of financial conflicts.

A key feature of mediation is the presence of neutral parties, who are called to peacefully resolve the dispute through consultations/coordination/collaboration between parties of the conflict in the process of conducting business negotiations.

YB Case specialists are ready to provide you with professional assistance in resolving disputes through mediation, as one of the options for the fastest and most effective resolution of financial conflicts.

A peaceful dispute resolution process

Mediation is a consistent process, designed to resolve complex financial disputes, in which qualified professionals participate.

The dispute resolution through mediation does not require an active participation from a third party. The mediator's main task is to create conditions for building a constructive dialogue, and the subsequent peaceful settlement of differences by reaching a mutually beneficial compromise.

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To order mediator services means the following:

  • A complete confidentiality of the dispute resolution process;
  • A negotiating in an informal setting;
  • No pressure in the decision-making process;
  • The in-depth consideration of interests of conflicting parties.

Key differences between national and international mediation

Dispute resolution through mediation can be carried out both at the national and international levels. The difference between these concepts is that in some countries the process of conflict resolution through mediation is voluntary, while in others it is mandatory.

A mediation is widespread in many European and Asian countries, including the UK, USA, China, Japan, Germany and the Netherlands.

However, it is worth noting, that each jurisdiction has its own rules for alternative dispute resolution. In particular, in some countries they tend to resolve disagreements through arbitration, while in other countries they prefer free negotiations.

YB Case specialists are active participants in the World Forum of Mediation Centers, and are well acquainted with all intricacies of the process of national and international mediation. By ordering a support of a specialized expert in the peaceful settlement of disputes through mediation, you will not only eliminate the language barrier, but also achieve mutual understanding of the parties, taking into account intercultural differences.

We are ready to provide professional assistance in resolving the dispute peacefully in Hong Kong, India, Austria and many other jurisdictions.

For more detailed information, ask for personal advice on conflict resolution through mediation with YB Case experts.

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