A Manual for Entrepreneurs on Starting Business in China - YB Case 2024
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A Manual for Entrepreneurs on Starting Business in China


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You can register a company in China either by visiting our office in person or remotely through the internet.

Features of jurisdiction

China is not only one of the major economic powerhouses, but also a competitive and alluring country on the global stage from an investment standpoint. China boasts a rapidly growing economy and considerable global influence, along with strong ties to influential financial centers. As a stable jurisdiction both economically and politically, China presents a wide array of appealing opportunities for foreign investors. Each year, the number of overseas investors looking to enter the Chinese market and realize profits continues to rise. Among the most desirable cities in China for establishing a foreign company are Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Xi'an, and Shanghai.

  • In-Demand Business Sectors

    Due to economic and regulatory factors, some of the most sought-after business sectors in China include logistics, the automobile industry, tourism, the food, and garment industries, IT, and medicine.

  • Remote Registration Option

    Remote company registration in China is permitted and feasible.

  • Corporate Taxes

    The Corporate Income Tax ("CIT") rate for legal entities in China is set at 25%. However, this tax rate can potentially be reduced to 15% for qualified enterprises engaged in industries encouraged by the Chinese government.

  • Openness to Foreign Investment

    China welcomes foreign investments, positioning it as a desirable country for foreign entrepreneurs to establish their businesses. The preferred type of company for foreign investors is the Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise ("WFOE").

  • Banking Institutions

    ICBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of East Asia, HSBC, and OCBC.

  • Legal System

    China's legal system is rooted in the continental legal tradition, akin to that of European countries.

Business support in Chinese cities

Company Registration Process in China

Registering a Chinese company typically takes around 10 days and encompasses the following steps:
Initial Consultation
(Engaging with YB Case representatives at their Chinese office in Shenzhen to clarify client details and requirements. Initiating the company incorporation process in China (initial consultation can also be conducted remotely).
Name Reservation
The chosen company name must be unique and reserved with the authorized regulator, the Administration of Industry and Commerce (AIC).
Submission of Company Registration Application in China
The applicant prepares the company's articles of incorporation for notarization, pays the government fee, completes registration documents, and submits them to the regulator, the AIC. Additionally, for many types of activities, obtaining specialized business licenses is also a requirement.
Review by Regulatory Authorities of Company Registration Application in China
Once all necessary documents are received, the regulator reviews the application and renders a decision regarding the company's incorporation in China.
Issuance of Certificate of Incorporation
Following a successful company registration in China, founders are issued a certificate of incorporation containing the company's registration number. Subsequently, the company must proceed to register for tax purposes.

Primary prerequisites

  • Minimum authorized capital varies based on the company's type.
  • At least one business owner is mandatory.
  • A registered local address is required (company documentation must be maintained at a registered office).
  • The number of directors is contingent upon specific conditions.
  • Submission of financial statements is an annual obligation.
  • An annual business owner meeting.
A Manual for Entrepreneurs on Starting Business in China

A Manual for Entrepreneurs on Starting Business in China

China offers a favorable environment for foreign business ventures due to its dynamic economy, which brings forth several key advantages. These benefits encompass a vast consumer base, cost-effective production opportunities, and a well-established infrastructure. The Chinese government is actively promoting collaboration with international investors across emerging sectors, with particular prominence on e-commerce. China has solidified its global leadership in this arena and continues to amplify its influence.

Although the prospects within the Chinese economy are appealing to foreign enterprises, it's imperative for non-resident entrepreneurs to conduct comprehensive research and seek expert guidance. This cautious approach is crucial to successfully navigating potential challenges. Despite the considerable opportunities, thorough preparation is vital to sidestep pitfalls and ensure a seamless entry into the Chinese market.

Organizational and legal forms of companies with foreign capital in China

Before deciding on a legal structure for your new business, it's important to consider the options available for setting up a company in China. The country offers various organizational and legal forms for enterprises, catering to both non-resident individuals and legal entities interested in establishing a business. These legal frameworks define key aspects such as structure, liability, ownership, and operations. Here are some commonly encountered types of business entities in China:

Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE):
Chinese law allows for the establishment of a WFOE as a limited liability company with 100% foreign capital, granting foreign investors full control and ownership of their business. Notably, entrepreneurs opting for a WFOE structure aren't required to deposit a minimum authorized capital. As a result, this legal structure is often favored by foreign investors seeking greater control over their business activities, profit objectives, and income.
Joint Venture Registration (JV) in China:
This organizational and legal format entails a partnership between a foreign investor and a Chinese company, with the latter holding a controlling stake. Registering a JV in China provides foreign entrepreneurs access to industries that might be restricted for other forms of non-resident companies.
Registration of a Representative Office in China (RO):
A representative office, while limited in business activities, serves as a platform for marketing research, promotional efforts, and coordination in China. It's important to note that an RO isn't a distinct legal entity and doesn't engage in commercial transactions.
Registration of a Branch in China:
International businesses can establish their presence in the PRC through branches, subject to compliance with Chinese operational regulations as well as rules and regulations set by the parent company. The company's name and activities remain unchanged, and the branch can serve as an extension of the existing company, regardless of its country of origin.
Registration of a Partnership in China:
This form of company registration involves the creation of a limited liability partnership (LP) and is well-suited for entrepreneurs or small-scale operations. Opening an LP in China is feasible for entrepreneurs from around the world, as the state doesn't impose excessive financial obligations.
Registration of a Private Entrepreneur in China (Sole Proprietorship):
Sole Proprietorship is a straightforward business model where one individual owns and manages the enterprise. It offers the flexibility to hire local or foreign workers, arrange work visas, and assume full responsibility for all aspects of the business.

Differences of some forms of company organizations

Legal form





Determined by profit

  • 100% control over the company.
  • Profits can be repatriated back to the foreign investor's home country without significant restrictions.

Some industries are subject to specific regulations and restrictions that may impact the establishment of a WFOE.


Determined by costs

  • Lower Initial Costs.
  • The registration is quicker compared to other structures.
  • ROs cannot generate revenue directly; all funds must come from the parent company.


Determined by profit

  • Access to local market knowledge, resources, and distribution channels.
  • Risks and costs are shared between partners.
  • Profits are shared.

Difficulties in Establishing a Company in China for Non-Residents

While China offers diverse business opportunities to non-residents, it's essential to be mindful of potential challenges that might emerge during the initial stages of business setup.

  1. Complex Regulatory Landscape: Grasping Chinese laws, navigating administrative procedures, and understanding documentation requirements, especially concerning foreign investment, can appear overwhelming. Seeking guidance from legal experts and consultants might be crucial to fulfilling legal obligations.
  2. Language and Cultural Hurdles: Interacting with government officials, partners, and local service providers could be hindered by language and cultural differences.
  3. Local Competition and Market Insight: A profound comprehension of the local competitive landscape and consumer preferences is pivotal for business success. Insufficient market understanding could impede the formulation of effective go-to-market strategies.
  4. Safeguarding Intellectual Property: Preserving intellectual property rights can be demanding due to variations in enforcement and potential risks of infringement.
  5. Building Local Relationships and Networks: Establishing a robust local network is essential for effective networking and fostering trust with local partners, suppliers, and authorities. This process might require a considerable amount of time.
  6. Challenges of Remote Management: If an entrepreneur is not physically present in China, managing day-to-day operations, communication, and decision-making remotely can pose challenges.

Before initiating the company registration process in China, seeking professional counsel from legal, financial, and business experts experienced in the country becomes imperative. Thorough research, due diligence, and the establishment of local partnerships are essential steps to undertake.

Algorithm for Starting a Business in Chinese Jurisdiction

A prospective entrepreneur should consider that the registration process can vary in duration based on the specific type of company structure (such as WFOE, JV, RO) and may also be subject to periodic adjustments in accordance with regulatory guidelines. The registration procedure itself is influenced by a multitude of factors and could take up to 26 weeks.

  • Selection of Company Name and Business Scope:

Choosing an appropriate company name and defining the scope of business activities.

  • Determination and Contribution of Authorized Capital:

Deciding on the amount of authorized capital, which can differ based on industry and location.

  • Obtaining Initial Company Name Approval:

Getting initial approval for the chosen company name from the local Authority for Industry and Commerce (AIC) or the relevant governing body.

  • Document Preparation:

Compiling necessary documents, such as a business plan, articles of association, office lease agreement, legal ownership details, and more.

  • Submission of Applications:

Submitting applications to the local AIC or the relevant authority for company registration.

  • Approval and Business License Issuance:

Receiving approval and obtaining a business license (also known as a certificate of enterprise registration), which establishes the company's status and authorized business activities.

  • Government Approvals and Field-Specific Compliance:

Securing any required government approvals and adhering to specific regulations related to the chosen industry.

  • Tax Registration:

Completing tax registration procedures to ensure compliance with tax regulations.

  • Foreign Currency Registration:

Registering with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) for handling foreign currency transactions, including currency conversion and fund transfers.

  • Corporate Bank Account Opening:

Opening a corporate bank account to facilitate financial transactions.

  • Post-Registration Obligations:

Fulfilling post-registration requirements such as annual reporting, auditing, tax filing, and other necessary obligations.

Business Registration: Preparing Information for Chinese Regulators

The registration process begins with the preparation and submission of a certain list of documents:

  • Identity documents (copies of documents) of all founders participating in the company.
  • Proof of residential address (e.g., utility bills or leases)
  • Detailed business plan outlining business activities, goals, market analysis, and operational strategies.
  • Articles of association outlines the internal rules and regulations governing the company's management and operations.
  • Office lease agreements include a copy of the lease agreement or property title deeds for the company's registered office address.
  • Ownership documentation includes documentation verifying ownership of any assets or intellectual property associated with the business.
  • Equity review report from a certified public accountant or registered capital review agency confirming equity contributions from shareholders.
  • Name reservation certificate provides evidence of pre-approval from the local Office of Industry and Commerce (AIC).
  • Trademark Registration (if applicable).
  • Corporate bank account information.
  • Additional Industry-Specific Documents include any other necessary information specific to the industry.


China offers an enticing prospect for foreign entrepreneurs, thanks to its expansive and swiftly expanding consumer base, formidable manufacturing capacities, and evolving business ecosystem. Yet, delving into the intricacies of the Chinese business realm demands a perceptive grasp of regional regulations, cultural subtleties, and market trends.

We specialize in meticulous preparation, adept adjustment, and a methodical strategy for establishing your company in China. By following this approach, your ventures within China are poised to flourish significantly, paving the way for substantial growth and triumph.

Frequently Asked Questions
What key information should an entrepreneur provide to the Chinese authorities?
  • Company Name Reservation Document.
  • Proof of Legal Address.
  • Identity Card of Legal Representative.
  • ID of Company Head.
  • Shareholders and Directors Information.
  • Charter and Memorandum of Association.
    Confirmation of Capital Deposit.
  • Business Plan.
Is it possible for a non-Chinese individual to establish a company in China?
Indeed, Non-Chinese individuals have the ability to register a company in China.
How much time and money will it take?
The process usually takes about 10 days. For detailed information, you can get a consultation on registering a Chinese company.
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