Registering a company in Bolivia - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Bolivia


The registration of the entrepreneurship in Bolivia is a good choices for investors, wishing to conquer new markets. This jurisdiction is known for the development of a control ownership.

It is a part of the WTO. In connection with the above data, the establishment of firms in Bolivia is becoming a more attractive and profitable solution. Trade occupies a significant part of the business. Bolivia has entered into double taxation avoidance agreements with the USA, Great Britain, Germany, some states of South America.

To open a Bolivian entrepreneurship

Setting up Bolivian enterprises takes two and a half months. A minimum capital is only 1 USD. The office is required. To establish a Bolivian commercial company, you need to open an account with a Bolivian bank.

LEGALForms of companies:Forms of companies:

  • LLC: 1 director, 2 sharers, a capital is 1 USD. The presence of a secretary is not mandatory, but his presence is desirableYou can also start the entrepreneurial activity in Bolivia remotely.
  • A State Corporation: this type is typical for small/medium firms, requires 3 directors (one is a resident), 3 shareholders (residency does not matter). To register a Bolivian state corporation, you should appoint a resident secretary, enter into an agreement with a local agent, and determine the position of auditor.
  • A Limited Partnership: 2 sharers, 2 headmasters are required (residency does not matter). Depending on initial deposits, a responsibility of investors is distributed. Share transfers are not taxed.
  • A subsidiary: you must have at your disposal an office rented in this jurisdiction.
  • A representation: aimed at market research, promotion of the parent enterprise.

A legal assistance

You can start a Bolivian business activity easily and without extra time, with YB Case experts. Our company provides personal legal advice on registering a business in Bolivia remotely. Request legal support services in any convenient way, using contacts on the site.

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