Registering a company in Burundi - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Burundi


Burundi is an independent state located in Eastern Africa. It borders on Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Registering a company in Burundi will be a good idea for those who want to expand the business or launch a startup in the African country.

The country is a member of the Group of 77, African Union, international organization of ACP countries and African Development Bank. Export relations have been established with the EU countries for the supply of coffee, tea, cotton and leather products.

The official languages are: French and one of the Bantu languages – Kirundi. The state currency is Burundian Franc (BIF).

You can receive individual advice on a business registration procedure in Burundi and the account opening with the African bank by contacting YB Case experts.

Business benefits

If you are interested in opening a business in this jurisdiction, we propose you to consider the following options:

  • Setting up a gold mining company in Burundi. Also, it can be profitable to register a company in Burundi for oil and platinum mining;
  • Opening a Burundian pharmaceutical company. Medicine is the issue of priority importance, but you should take into account the low solvency of the population.
  • Registering a tourism company in Burundi.
  • Setting up an export company in Burundi (for coffee exports).

Legal forms and a tax regime

The republic is not an offshore, but in free trade zones there is a zero tax on profits received from non-residents. If you want to open a Free Trade Zone LLC in Burundi, note that there are tax holidays for 10 years, after that you will be subject to corporate rate of 15%.

Commercial activity is carried out through air transportation, since there is no access to the sea or a sufficient road network in the country. The trade route through Tanganyika to Tanzania is also popular.

Those, who are intended to register a company in Burundi remotely and open an account for a Burundian company, should consider the following available business entity types and tax rates.

Legal forms

Corporate tax rate

VAT rate

Minimum Share Capital

SARL (tax resident LLC)




SARL in the Free Trade Zone







100 000 USD









To learn more, we recommend you receiving qualified advice on a company registration procedure in Burundi and a selection of the legal form for your business from YB Case specialists.

Registration requirements

In order to set up a Burundian company, you must meet the following requirements:

  • The director and shareholders can be of any nationality (at least 2 persons);
  • If you want to establish a company in Burundi, you must submit documents with translations into French certified by a notary;
  • You must publish a short article about the registered company in a local business newspaper.

You have an opportunity to open a corporate account with FinBank, BCB, Ecobank, Diamond Trust Bank or Interbank.

For more information, please ask for personal advice on a company registration process in Burundi from YB Case experts. Also, our specialists can provide you with qualified support services in opening an account with Burundian banks.

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