Company registration in Djibouti


Located on the Horn of Africa (between Somalia and Ethiopia), the Republic of Djibouti is one of the most important ports in Africa. There is also an international airport and a free economic zone, so opening a business in Djibouti provides one with multiple opportunities.

Djibouti has some of the world’s friendliest business regulations. Please note that you can set up a company in Djibouti regardless of your place of residence. Registering a company in Djibouti and opening a bank account in Djibouti take no more than 2-3 weeks.

Interested in starting a business in Djibouti? Need advice on company registration in Djibouti? Looking to open a bank account in Djibouti? Please consider contacting YB Case experts.


Those seeking to start a business in Djibouti can choose one of the following legal forms:

  • Single-Member Limited Liability Company (EURL);
  • Limited Liability company (LLC);
  • Joint-Stock company (SA);
  • Subsidiary.

Please note that most investors prefer to set up an LLC, EURL or a subsidiary in Djibouti.

If you decide to register a Djibouti company or open a bank account in Djibouti, your best bet would be to do it in a Free Zone (DFZ), which has been operating since October 2004.

Please note that the Free Zone is not just a regional logistics, trade and marketing center; it also has close ties with Eastern European countries.

Procedure for opening a Djibouti company remotely is very simple and hassle-free. Thanks to that, you can obtain a business license in Djibouti within only 1 day. Please note that non-residents are required to get a license if their activities are not included in the list of the tax code exceptions. Also, individus or legal entities engaged in import operations are required to obtain an import license in Djibouti.

If you are intend to start a business in the free zone of Djibouti by opening a branch or incorporating a new company (FZE/FZC), you will have to:

  • Fill out an application form;
  • Get an approval for your project;
  • Submit the required documentation in order to register a company in Djibouti remotely.


If you want to set up a Djibouti company, you will have to comply with the following requirements:

  • Having no less than 1 and no more than 100 shareholders;
  • Founders can be both individuals or legal entities;
  • Having an initial capital of $6000 (for EURLs and LLCs) or $70 000 (for a company in a free zone);
  • Paying a one-time registration fee of $4 000.

Those interested in setting up a company in Djibouti should keep in mind that foreign investors in Djibouti are not required to have a local partner. The list of necessary legal documents is standard.

For more information, please consider contacting YB Case experts. They will be happy to provide you professional advice on all matters of interest to you.


The advantages of opening a company in Djibouti remotely include:

  • 100% foreign ownership;
  • Repatriation of capital and profits;
  • Exemption from corporate tax for companies in Free Zones;
  • Exemption from income tax;
  • Ability to work in the local market;
  • No currency restrictions.


Any organization, including DFZ companies, with a turnover of $281342 or more must pay VAT.

VAT is paid on profits received by individuals or enterprises engaged in commercial or industrial activities.

VAT is 10%. The corporate tax is 25%. Sales tax is 1%.


One of the important stages of registering a company in Djibouti is opening a corporate account with an African bank.

Today, there are 12 banks in the country, including Islamic banks, as well as the National Development Fund, that extends loans to local investors for implementation of small-scale projects. Banks in Djibouti extend long-term loans to both legal entities and investors.

Need advice on registering a company in Djibouti? Looking for professional assistance in obtaining a license in Djibouti? Considering opening an account for a Djibouti company? Why not contact YB Case?

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