Registering a company in Mexico - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Mexico

Enrolling a corporation in Mexico is a favored selection amidst financiers seeking admittance to the Latin American marketplace, with economical running expenditures and ingress to marketplaces in the United States and Canada acting as the principal propellants. Should you harbor an inclination towards conducting commerce in Mexico, this composition might be germane to your needs. It furnishes a pragmatic manual for enrolling an enterprise for non-native entities in this jurisdiction.

Business in Mexico: brief information about the country

Mexicanity be the secant immensity plenitude in Latin America and a continental exchange hub, as attest through the beyond five zero gratuitous trade conventions the soil hath clinched with realms in the Americas, Europe and Asia. The nation be esteemed the seventeenth massive merchant across the globe and possess unique mercantile ingress to the residue of Northern America via its partake in the Conglomeration of United States, Mexico, and Canada Deal (CUMCD). Mexico further serve as a pioneering acolyte of the Pacific Conglomerate, incorporating Chile, Colombia, and Peru.

Mexico possesses substantial harbors that furnish entrance to both the Eastern and Western Aquatic Expanse and ranks as the fourth most substantial petroleum manufacturer within the district. The chief dispatch termini include Canada, China, Deutschland, Nippon, and the United States of America.

Advantages of registering a company in Mexico

  1. According to the latest World Bank Group ranking, Mexico ranked 47th out of 190 countries in the world in terms of ease of doing business.
  2. Access to the US and Canadian markets.
  3. Foreigners can own 100 per cent of a Mexican corporation.
  4. Mexico's legal system and business tax laws make no distinction between foreigners' businesses and Mexican-owned companies.
  5. Mexico has a high literacy rate. Many employees have excellent manufacturing skills because the government subsidises training programmes.
  6. Reasonably low costs to incorporate a company.
  7. Availability of benefits from 50 free trade agreements.

Trade possibilities within Mexico prepared for capital allocation

Monetary methodology (pecuniary mechanics)
Monetary approach in Mexico is advancing at a striking speed. The area has witnessed several momentous transactions amidst fiscal mechanics purveyors and substantial repositories, whereas benefactors have displayed escalating fascination in the realm as fiscal mechanics emerges more extensively employed and a consequential component of financial schemas.
E-commerce. E-commerce in Mexico grew by 23% in 2020
Mexico has the 17th largest e-commerce market in the world. The sector generated revenues of USD 19bn in 2020, with this figure exceeding revenues generated in many European countries. Companies registered in Mexico offer significant business opportunities in cross-border e-commerce.
While tourism may not seem like a major business opportunity in Mexico as the effects of the global pandemic are still being felt around the world, the sector thrived before the health crisis and can be expected to flourish again in the near future. Forecasts suggest that the sector could almost reach USD 17bn by 2025, indicating significant growth.

Firms in Mexico: variables influencing the prosperous functioning of an enterprise

During a trade-welcome milieu and minimal personnel expenses constitute dual meritorious motives for ingress into the marketplace, an individual scheming to commence a corporation in Mexico ought to ponder the ensuing components that may influence commercial triumph:

  • Trade Possibilities: Preceding commencing a trade in Mexico, it is prudent to connect with a seasoned enterprise incorporation virtuoso to facilitate the recognition of trade and capitalization openings.
  • Category of establishment: you ought to ascertain which variety of firm ideally accommodates your commercial requisites prior to embarking on an enterprise within the nation. Please be aware that fiscal encumbrances and sundry corporate stipulations may fluctuate contingent upon the legal structure selected.
  • Chief pecuniary exertion: during enrolling an establishment, it's paramount to ascertain the chief pecuniary exertion. This is not merely a requisition of provincial officials, but furthermore one of the methodologies to reside at the vanguard of your sector.
  • Assignation of a lawful envoy: every enterprises cataloged in Mexico should designate a lawful envoy who shall be accountable for representing the establishment in front of governmental officials and subscribing juridical manuscripts for commerce agreements with associates and patrons. Kindly observe that this individual ought to be an inhabitant of Mexico.

Firm registration for foreigners: available OFPs

Alien corporations infusing in Mexico may employ sundry configurations as investment conveyances for enrollment. In accordance with the 1993 Exotic Capital Act and the North American Unfettered Barter Pact, the majority of economic engagements within the nation are completely accessible to international backers. Specifically, these encompass the foundational and pecuniary amenities domains.

Opportunities for starting a firm in Mexico and doing business are similar to the rest of North America, and include:

  • An open restricted obligation organization or partnership (Anonymous Society or AS);
  • a restricted obligation organization (Limited Responsibility Society or LRS);
  • a single entrepreneur (Physical Person with entrepreneurial activity);
  • expert associations;
  • subsidiary/representational bureau.

Corporation (SA)

Limited Liability Company (SRL)

Professional companies

This is the most common type of business used in Mexico. Ownership of an SA company in Mexico is expressed in shares of capital. The liability of each shareholder is limited to a portion of their own capital investment.

To register a corporation in Mexico, there is a minimum of 2 board members and an unlimited number of shareholders. Shareholders own shares that are freely transferable by approval. Minimum capital requirements are 50,000 pesos (US$2,410), of which 20% is available for prepayment of the incorporation fee and the remainder must be fully subscribed for one year.

Ownership of LLCs in Mexico is not evidenced by negotiable certificates. Equity contributions can only be transferred in special cases under the Mexican General Corporation Law. For tax purposes, an SRL can be treated as a structure very similar to a partnership in other common law countries.

This entity must have at least 2 shareholders, but no more than 50, and 1 director, all can be foreigners. The directors are personally responsible for the prudent management of the company. Minimum capital requirements are 3000 pesos or US$145. 50% of the capital must be paid upon incorporation of the LLC. Once incorporated, annual audited financial statements must be filed.

Trade classification of advisors, interpreters, jurisprudents, or auditors. Absence of a minimal sum of wealth is obligatory.

A branch is not deemed an unyoked lawful existence apart from its maternal corporation, wherein the alien unit bears full accountability for the deeds of the limb. The bough must secure enrolment with the Ledger of Overseas Ventures. Likewise, the enrollment of the bough in Mexico needs to be executed in the Provincial Trade Ledger. The maternal corporation shall proffer its charters of establishment and ordinances to the Provincial Trade Ledger.

Antecedent authorization from the Department of Alien Relations and Prosperity (SECOFI) ought to be procured to execute commerce as a subsidiary. This stride mandates confirmation that the progenitor corporation has been accurately registered in the pertinent archives in the realm of consolidation, and that the Deeds of Establishment and Regulations do not contravene Mexican jurisprudence.

A legate house is inaugurated by establishments desiring to initiate a venture in Mexico down the line, presently necessitating a legate to execute particular undertakings. Legate houses are disallowed from partaking in trading endeavors and generally focus on promotional and investigative duties. Sanction from the pertinent departments is mandated to unveil a legate house in Mexico.

A Mexican export precinct enterprise might further be instituted. Firms may petition for Maquiladora precinct enterprise condition granted they dispatch 500,000 USD or 10% of their yearly transactions. Firms in Mexico may attain Maquiladora enterprise condition via requesting the IMMEX initiative overseen by the Department of Economy. They are then absolved from excise tariffs and VAT. To uphold their condition, firms must submit an annual dossier regarding their dispatch ventures.

How to set up a company in Mexico: 7 key steps

Although Mexico is a competitive country for investment internationally due to its many opportunities, localisation, several international agreements, macroeconomic stability, it can be quite difficult to register a business in the country. The registration process consists of many steps with strict rules. It can be time-consuming if you are not aware of the local rules and policies. Therefore, it is worth enlisting the support of company registration professionals.

The company registration procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of the legal form of organisation.
  2. Approval of the trade name of the company.
  3. Drawing up the Articles of Association and sundry foundational manuscripts. The enactments delineate the intention of your enterprise and in what manner it shall function. Please be mindful that these enactments necessitate authentication by a notary.
  4. Enrolling the corporation with the National Archive of Possessions and Trade + articulating the commercial aspirations and goals.
  5. Procuring a corporation and ratepayer designation numeral within the Tax Directorate Framework (SAT).
  6. Commencing a bank ledger wherein the primary assets of the enterprise shall be placed.
  7. Procuring the essential authorizations and charters to conduct affairs lawfully.

The foremost stride to enrolling a commercial venture in a realm is to elect the corporate sort of establishment. Comprehending the genre of corporate regimen and which functions the enterprise shall partake in can aid in ascertaining what variety of entity is requisite for the envisaged intentions. In the event the ultimate conclusion to enroll a lawful entity (please note that a bough and spokesperson bureau are prolongations of an outlandish firm) has been established, a minimum of 3 appellations must be tendered to the Bureau of Finance for endorsement. This progression may span from a triad of sunrises to a septenary ere the appellation is sanctioned by the Bureau.

In the event that the Mexican enterprise shall boast foreign stockholders, an assortment of manuscripts shall become mandatory for the incorporation's procedural requisites. Several writings necessitate notarization and apostillation or legitimation (hinging upon whether the realm subscribes to the Hague Convention) to gain recognition within Mexico. Should the establishment's enrollment be executed by virtue of Power of Attorney (PoA), it must undergo notarization and apostillation for validation within Mexico.

Each lawful bodies shall possess Charters of Confederation (must become notarized). When the papers are inked and tendered, this concludes the lawful progression of enrollment. The duration for enrollment can fluctuate subject to when the inscribed, notarized or apostilled primary documents are obtained.

A freshly instituted corporation necessitates a fiscal identifier numeral to transact commerce in Mexico. Alien stakeholders ought to heed that a Fiscal Identification Number should exclusively be entreated by a denizen or inhabitant of the realm. Minus a taxpayer identification numeral, all ensuing procedures such as enlisting with the Alien Capital Ledger, petitioning for a financial repository or billing will not be viable. It is pivotal to contemplate that to secure a fiscal ID, a corporation must possess a corporeal bureau in Mexico, which must be validated by an authoritative parchment.

Recently incorporated enterprises necessitate possessing a financial repository in Mexico. This procedure can solely commence once the corporation has already procured a fiscal identification number, and the procedure may endure between 1.5 and 3 lunar cycles.

Mexican tax system

Enrolling a corporation in Mexico can be quite a lucrative business decision, but before you begin the process, it is important to consider the tax rates the business is subject to.

Business gains toll quotient


Personal income tax rates

For residents, 35%, and for non-residents, 30%.

Value added tax rate


Income tax rates (for non-residents)

Dividends are 10%, interest is between 4.9% and 35%, and royalties are between 5% and 35%.

Capital gains tax rates

25%/30%/35% depending on the type of payer and income.

An account in Mexico

Subsequent enrollment within the Federal Ledger of Contributors, one may commence the procedure for inaugurating a financial institution repository. In lieu of this, enterprise enrollment credentials and an authentic attestation of habitation shall be necessitated. The lawful delegate of the establishment ought to exhibit their authoritative ID card, provisional/lasting residence permit, or Mexican passport.

Correspondingly, it is imperative that the corporation possesses an enrollment digit in the Provincial Commerce Ledger. Upon the delivery of the requisite documentation, financial institutions shall examine them within an estimated seven-day period. Throughout the course of initiating a corporate ledger in Mexico, the financial institution will solicit an interrogative form from the petitioner to acquire insight into the business's operations and overarching past. This might encompass the inception of funds and universal insights regarding collaborators. Several enterprises in Mexico favor initiating a United States currency ledger in conjunction with a peso ledger. The primary rationale for this is to expedite transactions with patrons and vendors overseas. A United States currency ledger can be inaugurated one septenary after the peso ledger is set in motion.

The nadir quantum obligatory to commence an account in Mexico fluctuates with individual bank. This also pertains to the nadir mean monthly equilibrium obligatory by banks to perpetuate the account animated.

Records necessitated for inaugurating a financial institution deposit as an exogenous inhabitant

To inaugurate an arrangement as a non-occupant in Mexico, it will be necessary to provide proof of the applicant's identity and proof that the company has the funds to cover the fees. For a basic account, it is required to provide:

  • An exemplification of imagery verification, typically a travel voucher;
  • a correspondence of attestation of inhabitance, like an amenities statement (marked not over the past 3 lunar cycles);
  • substantiation of lawful admittance into Mexico (e.g. habitation license or FMM visa).

All banks tend to have their own individual requirements, so it is always best to consult an experienced professional before opening a bank account in Mexico. List of Mexican banks most favoured by foreign investors:

  1. BBVA Bancomer. The nation's grandest repository, which tenders more than 11 million patrons and boasts the preeminent magnitude of holdings, credits, caches, quantity of offshoots, and cash dispensers. It was crowned Mexico's finest electronic repository in 2019 by the online gazette World Finance.
  2. Banorte. The second grandest repository in Mexico. It possesses an all-encompassing labyrinth of offshoots and cash dispensers across the nation.
  3. Citibanamex. Mexico's third grandest repository, laboring as a component of the U.S. Citigroup. Its customers comprise administrative institutions and minuscule and intermediate-sized enterprises.
  4. Banco Santander. The fourth grandest repository in the nation. As a fragment of a Spanish corporation, they proffer an extensive array of accommodations, from advances and homestead loans to toiling funds and trade finance. They encompass beyond 8,000 cash dispensers in their lattice.
Another suitable option for foreigners is to commence a financial repository with one of the intercontinental credit unions. A few intercontinental credit unions operating in Mexico encompass Santander, HSBC, and Scotiabank.


The Commonwealth of Mexico be the second most sizable thrift in Latin America and the fifteenth most sizable in the cosmos. Exhibiting unfaltering economic blooming in recent epochs, it be a vicinity with colossal promise, and sages prophesy that by 2050 it will stand as the eighth most sizable thrift in the cosmos. The vicinity tenders weighty corporate perks and the administration fosters and spurs alien expenditure.

If you still have questions about how to incorporate a Mexican company or open an account in Mexico, contact the experts at YB Case at the contacts listed on the website.

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