Registering a company in Peru - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Peru


Peru is located in South America. Doing business in Peru and the Pacific Alliance allows entrepreneurs to enter the level of cooperation with countries such as Chile, Colombia and Mexico.

According to the laws of Peru, you can open A COMPANY in Peru in one of the forms:

  • Limited Liability Company;
  • A branch;
  • A Representative Office;

If you want to register a corporation in Peru, there are these types of Peruvian corporations:

  • a Private Corporation: capital contributions are represented by shares, and liability is limited to the amount of the contribution. A Private Corporation should include a board of directors, that reports to the CEO.
  • a Closed Joint-Stock Company: no more than twenty shareholders are allowed. The board of directors is optional, but the corporation must have a CEO.
  • an Open Joint Stock Company: this type of corporation can charge 750 company members. All shares must be listed on the Stock Exchange. The board of directors and the CEO are mandatory.

To open a joint stock company in Peru, then the company must have at least 2 shareholders and less than 3 founders, while there are no requirements for the residence of company participants.

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You can register a firm in Peru as a limited liability company. This type of company is the most common form of doing business in Peru. The minimum number of founders is 1, but at least 2 shareholders.

The total rate of NSD in the state of Peru is 18%. But Peruvian legislation levies a tax of 0,75% of the annual gross production for the first two years. This rate is valid if the annual turnover of the company does not exceed the amount of 465 thousand PEN (117 thousand EUR).

In order to register a commercial firm in Peru, an entrepreneur must:

  • Register the company trade name in the Peruvian public registry.
  • Submit an application to the Public Register of Peru to receive notarization of a certificate of registration of the company.
  • In order to open a business in Peru, you need to get a Certificate of Registration and Tax Identification Number (IEN). These documents are not subject to state collection, that is, they are issued free of charge.
  • Accounting at a notary office in Peru. This procedure will cost from 50 USD.
  • Obtain a Peruvian license from the City Council of Peru.

YB Case competent experts will provide assistance in registering a company in Southern America.

Also, if you want to open a bank account in Peru, it should be noted, that some banks and financial companies usually request a minimum amount of PEN 1,000 (307 USD) for opening a bank account.

Contact YB Case experts, if you need advice in registering a business in Peru.

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