Registering a company in San Marino - YB Case 2024

Company registration in San Marino

San Marino

The Republic of San Marino is one of the oldest and smallest states in the world. However, it is a very interesting territory for doing business.

San Marino has highly developed manufacturing industry, insurance and banking sector, to a lesser extent the trade, construction and tourism industries. The Federico Fellini Airport, which serves San Marino is located in the Italian city of Rimini.

There are no custom duties for the import-export of goods between San Marino and the EU countries, because prices are 20% -70% lower than in neighboring Italy. For this reason, San Marino is one of the most visited countries in Europe.

Registering a company in San Marino will be a good idea for starting a lucrative business in Southern Europe.

Account opening

If you are planning to register a San Marino company and to open a corporate account in San Marino in several currencies, then in some banks you may lose up to 10% due to conversion.

Please, ask for qualified advice on choosing the most appropriate banks for opening an account for a company in San Marino from YB Case specialists. For example, we propose support in opening an account with Banca di San Marino.

Important notes

If you decide to set up a company in San Marino remotely, then you can establish business processes for financial and trade transactions carried out using IT technologies. The state is stable in the financial sector. The official currency is EUR.

Also, it will be profitable to open a company in San Marino for insurance and financial activities.

In the field of agriculture, it will be a good idea to invest in wine and cheese production.

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In the secondary sector, it will be profitable to set up a San Marino company producing ceramics, as well as collection stamps and coins. San Marino is called a “souvenir paradise”, so it will be useful to take a look at the crafts and tourism industry.

Also, you can benefit from duty-free trade.

Legal forms

There are 3 the most common business entity types in San Marino:

  • SRL (LLC). To open a SRL in San Marino you will need a minimum paid up capital of 12 500 EUR;
  • SPA (PLC). To register a SPA in San Marino you will need the share capital of 77 000 EUR and also, at least 1 shareholder;
  • IBC. If you want to register an International Business Company in Europe, you will need 255 000 EUR. It will be enough to have 1 shareholder and 1 director.

The corporate tax rate is 17%.

How to open a San Marino company?

In order to register a company in San Marino remotely and open a bank account in San Marino, please request for an appointment with YB Case expert.
We will provide you with all the necessary information by the phone numbers listed on the site.

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