Registering a company in Sierra Leone - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone (Salone) is a small independent country located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Southern Africa.

When planning to register a company in Sierra Leone and open an account with an African bank, please pay attention to the following:

  • Sierra Leone is a member of the ECOWAS, MRU, AU, ADB and OIC;
  • A capital is Freetown;
  • The largest city is Bo;
  • A state language is English;
  • It borders with 2 countries: Guinea and Liberia;
  • A currency is leone (SLL);
  • Country has a large number of trade agreements with other states and duty-free access to larger markets of USA and Europe;
  • Government grants for investments in tourism sector.

In order to learn more about this jurisdiction, you can ask for individual advice on business organization process in Sierra Leone from YB Case experts.

MAIN BUSINESS DIRECTIONS for a Sierra Leone company

If you want to establish a company in Sierra Leone, then we propose you to consider these promising options:

  1. Setting up a mining company in Sierra Leone (diamonds, large deposits of gold, rutile, bauxite and titanium);
  2. Registering an agricultural company in Sierra Leone (rice);
  3. Opening a Sierra Leone transport company.

Legal forms and tax treatment

In order to set up a company in Sierra Leone and open a Sierra Leone bank account, take a closer look at the following business entity types:

  • LLC;
  • PLC;
  • SEZ company;
  • Mining company;
  • Tourism company;
  • Branch;
  • RO.

Legal form

Corporate tax

Sales tax

Share capital







11 300 USD

SEZ company

0% for 3 years, 30% thereafter


Mining company



Tourism company

0% for 5 years, 30% thereafter





Registration requirements

If you decide to open a business in Sierra Leone, then you will need to fulfill these conditions:

  1. Two shareholders and directors of any nationality;
  2. A local physical office;
  3. Annual financial statements.

There are no requirements for audit and local secretary. In addition, you have an opportunity to set up a company in Sierra Leone remotely and open an account for a Sierra Leone company without a personal visit.

How to start a business in Sierra Leone

In order to register a Sierra Leone company, we propose you to take a closer look at the following banks:

  • Standard Chartered Bank;
  • Zenith Bank;
  • AccessBank;
  • ProCredit bank;
  • Rokel Commercial Bank
  • Sierra Leone Commercial Bank.

For more information, you can request for qualified assistance in a company registration procedure in Sierra Leone from YB Case experts.

Also, we can provide you with a professional advice on the account opening and the registration of a local office in Sierra Leone.

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