Registration of a company in the FEZ "Bishkek" Kyrgyzstan

FEZ "Bishkek" Kyrgyzstan

Incorporation of an enterprise within the Bishkek FEZ engenders unparalleled prospects for magnates beneath concessional and streamlined juridical ordinances. The delineated dominion stands as the sole liberated enclave presently operating in its entirety. The predominant trajectory encompasses the textile trade, victual fabrication, and the manufacture of quotidian commodities. It constitutes one of the preeminent fiscal precincts of Kyrgyzstan. Instituted to magnetize extrinsic and indigenous capital, bolster exogenous commerce, and engender avant-garde methodologies. This sui generis dispensation is contrived to cultivate auspicious milieus for mercantile endeavors in pivotal affiliations, facilitating ingress to the emporia of the polities comprising the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the expanse of Central Asia.

In Kyrgyzstan, liberum enclaves furnish propitious stipulations for mercantile undertakings, encompassing dispensation from particular levies and attenuation of bureaucratic formalities. The raison d'être of these benefactions is to engender enticements for extrinsic and indigenous magnates, curtail impediments, and ameliorate discourse with the authoritative apparatus, thereby engendering a more alluring commercial milieu.

Advantages company registration in FEZ "Bishkek"

The unrestricted commerce precinct (FEZ) proffers multitudinous levy advantages to stimulate indigenous and global fiscal imposition, alleviating pecuniary encumbrances. Inhabitants relish juridical abjurations from sundry excises, advantaging enterprises establishing within the FEZ.

Resident owners are exempt from paying income tax, which makes running a business much more profitable. This is especially true for enterprises that need to reinvest profits to expand production and improve technology.

Enterprises registered in the SEZ "Bishkek", do not pay property taxes, which allows them to significantly reduce expenses on capital assets such as buildings, equipment and other tangible assets.

In order to attract investment and stimulate the creation of long-term infrastructure facilities, companies are exempt from paying land tax, which minimizes costs in the territory and promotes business expansion.

There are no excise imposts exacted on the fabrication of commodities within the SEZ, which permits enterprises functioning in the liberated enclave to uphold more advantageous tariffs for their wares and provisions, augmenting their standing in the marketplace.

These fiscal indulgences are codified in the Revenue Codex of the Kyrgyz Republic and are intended to foster propitious circumstances for economic proliferation in the locality.

Features of the customs regime

Upon the establishment of a venture within the Bishkek Free Economic Zone, entities are granted advantageous tariff stipulations, rendering them particularly alluring to organizations partaking in the introduction and refinement of primary resources. Pursuant to the Customs Statute of the Kyrgyz Republic, commodities conveyed into the precincts of the FEZ for utilization in fabrication or subsequent overseas dispatch are absolved from levy obligations. This provision enables SEZ "Bishkek" affiliates to conserve substantial capital on tariff impositions and diminish the expenditure tied to ultimate merchandise. The predominant attributes of the tariff framework encompass:

  • Substances, apparatus, and constituent parts introduced into the Free Economic Zone (FEZ) for manufacturing purposes are exempt from levies, providing fabricators the capacity to curtail fabrication expenditures.
  • Items crafted within the SEZ may be dispatched abroad without limitations, rendering the zone's integration advantageous for enterprises oriented toward overseas commerce. This relaxation of outbound regulations is particularly propitious for establishments functioning within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
  • The prerogative of protracted preservation of introduced commodities without supplementary tariffs or impositions proves accommodating for entities aspiring to establish logistic hubs or dissemination depots.

Investment attractiveness

FEZ "Bishkek" has an advantageous geographical location, passing close to the main transport corridors, connecting Kyrgyzstan with other options of the EAEU and Central Asia. Thanks to the Eurasian Union, FEZ residents gain access to a huge single market, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia. This means that the products released enterprises registered in the Bishkek FEZ, can be sold on the territory of the EAEU member countries without paying customs duties and additional taxes.

Frizona also pursues a strategy of being well positioned to export products to China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The possibility of easy access to the international market makes the Bishkek FEZ the optimal choice for export-oriented companies and allows them to reduce costs associated with transportation and logistics.

Reduced production costs and shorter payback periods for projects

Owing to fiscal and tariff advantages, enterprises enrolled in the Bishkek FEZ can markedly curtail manufacturing expenditures, which yields a favorable impact on the aggregate lucrativeness of ventures and diminishes their amortization period. The lack of levies on earnings, assets, and terrain permits stakeholders to reallocate pecuniary assets for the advancement and expansion of production; the nonexistence of duties on foreign merchandise lessens the price of procuring requisite materials.

Such conditions are especially important for enterprises that require significant large investments, since benefits help to quickly overcome the break-even point and begin to receive a stable income. The quick payback of projects abroad is declining, long-term investments are being made, and local companies are seeking to enter new markets and increase production volumes.

Developed infrastructure

The Bishkek Unrestricted Commercial Enclave (UCE) bestows enterprises with ingress to sophisticated infrastructure, encompassing thoroughfares, transit nodes, power provisions, and telecommunication grids. The enclave management endeavors to ensure unwavering electric power provision, superior aqua purification, and swift internet, mitigating the duration and expenses correlated with initiating entrepreneurial endeavors.

Bishkek and contiguous territories possess a constrained human capital reservoir with an emphasis on fabrication, information technology, and distribution. To augment its labor force and render more proficient laborers attainable to Special Economic Zone enterprises, Kyrgyzstan is cultivating technological initiatives and vocational curricula.

Process company registration in FEZ "Bishkek"

General information

The procedure is governed by the Directorate of the Bishkek FEZ. Enrollment is executed at the municipal echelon of Bishkek and is of a provincial character, hence the protocol pertains solely to juridical persons aspiring to function within this SEZ.

The principal stakeholders in the protocol are mercantile establishments—juridical persons keen on commercial expansion under a distinctive juridical framework. It is pertinent to observe that the registration of enterprises within SEZ "Bishkek" permits them to capitalize on an array of fiscal inducements and privileges intended to allure capital influx and bolster enterprising ventures.

Upon the presentation of all requisite dossiers and the completion of the authentication of conformity with prescribed stipulations, the establishment is granted a charter of registration. This charter is a formal instrument affirming the designation of the entity as a constituent of the Bishkek FEZ. It is notable to underscore that this charter endures in perpetuity, obviating the necessity for enterprises to undergo re-registration or perpetuate their licenses henceforth.

An enterprise may enroll in the FEZ "Bishkek" subsequent to finalizing juridical person formalities, enabling it to commence undertakings within the SEZ with fiscal and customs prerogatives, to the advantage of establishments concentrated on exporting and manufacturing, fostering expansion and economizing.

Receipt process registration as a subject of FEZ "Bishkek"

It is needed for streamlining and regulating the activities of companies operating in special economic conditions. This process provides legal entities with the opportunity to enjoy economic benefits and privileges within the zone.

Grounds for registration

The process commences with presenting a petition to the General Directorate. The petition is presented to acquire the designation of a SEZ entity. To accomplish this, the juridical person must furnish comprehensive particulars regarding the envisaged operations and technical data, inclusive of capital outlays for the inaugural annum from the moment of executing the accord.

Also The following documents must be attached:

  • Diploma of governmental inscription of the juridical person (duplicate).
  • Fiscal forms (duplicate).
  • Foundational instruments of the corporation (duplicate).
  • An exhaustive entrepreneurial scheme delineating the suggested venture.
Stages of consideration of the petition

Subsequent to tendering a comprehensive dossier of records, the administration peruses them and renders a resolution within 5 laborious days.

Registration of a company in FEZ "Bishkek" and issuing a certificate

Subsequent to an affirmative resolution and the execution of the pact, the corporation is inscribed into the ledger. From this juncture forth, the juridical person is ceremoniously acknowledged as a participant of the SEZ. The Directorate promulgates the pertinent attestation within a trinity of laborious diurnals.

Documents for company registration in FEZ "Bishkek"

To procure the requisite standing, a juridical person must submit a specific assemblage of writs. This phase is a pivotal segment of the enrollment procedure and is imperative to formalize a pact with the governance of the FEZ.

Main document - application

It is tendered straightaway to the overarching administration of the Bishkek FEZ by a corporate emissary. The petition must enclose particulars regarding the intended undertaking.

All parchments must be presented individually by the petitioner or an accredited proxy of the corporation. The petition and ancillary documents must be handed in in the unaltered form. Proper and exhaustive formulation of all manuscripts is a sine qua non for prosperous deliberation of a solicitation for incorporation in the roster of FEZ affiliates.

Dates registration of the enterprise in the SEZ "Bishkek"

Pursuant to the statute, the Chief Administration of the Bishkek FEZ is compelled to deliberate upon the presented petition and the complete ancillary dossier of records within five business days from the juncture of their acquisition. Throughout this interval, the administration must render one of two resolutions: either enter into a covenant for executing operations in the FEZ and inscribe the entity into the registry, or reject registration, specifying the justifications.

Taxation in FEZ “Bishkek”»

The fiscal imposition on denizens of the Bishkek FEZ constitutes an apparatus of pre-established privileges and exemptions, conceived to foster a propitious investment milieu and draw in extrinsic capital. The legal framework bestows denizens of the precinct with substantial concessions, permitting them to attenuate the fiscal encumbrance and ameliorate pecuniary efficacy. The extant fiscal strategy within the SEZ is governed in conjunction with stipulations, encompassing the Fiscal Codex of the Kyrgyz Republic and Statute No. 79 “On Transitory Economic Precincts,” which delineate standard privileges for enterprises within the locality.

Income tax

Entities enrolled in the Bishkek FEZ are absolved from remitting revenue levy, which stands as one of the paramount boons of engaging in commerce within the precinct. As per the Fiscal Codex of the Kyrgyz Commonwealth, the conventional income duty is 10%, yet, for denizens of FEZs, a total reprieve from this surcharge is effectuated, enabling entities to appropriate the conserved capital for augmenting and evolving their enterprise. This is particularly advantageous for export-focussed ventures and firms with elevated lucrativeness.

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Value added tax

Inhabitants of the Bishkek FEZ are likewise absolved from remitting VAT for transactions conducted within the precinct and during the exportation of merchandise. The levy rate in Kyrgyzstan is 12%, yet it is not imposed on denizens of FEZ when consigning commodities, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of wares in international markets. For local retail of goods beyond the SEZ, VAT is similarly not assessed, which incites indigenous capital infusion and consumption.

Exemption from VAT constitutes a distinct boon for enterprises exporting commodities and services to the EAEU realms, as the diminishment in the expenditure of the ultimate product bestows a fiscal edge in an emerging marketplace.

Property tax

FEZ residents are also exempt from it, which reduces their expenses. Typically, taxes are paid on all registered real estate and movable property, including equipment, warehouses and production premises. However for companies operating in the Bishkek FEZ, this requirement is absent. The exemption reduces the cost of maintaining the economy and improves financial stability.

Land tax

Pursuant to the stipulations regarding the exclusion of commercial precincts, entities inscribed in the Bishkek FEZ are absolved from remitting territorial levies. The exoneration permits establishments not merely to conserve on lease, but likewise to allocate resources towards fostering labor engagement and augmenting manufacturing potential.

Features of dividends and profit repatriation

FEZ residents have the right to repatriate profits without restrictions, and are also exempt from the use of dividends generated by founders and shareholders. This aspect is especially important for an external stop, as it allows for the smooth withdrawal of funds from Kyrgyzstan. In most jurisdictions, tax dividends reach 10-15%, but in the Bishkek SEZ, such an exemption allows companies to return profits, which makes investment in the SEZ more attractive.

Preferential customs conditions and exemption from duties

The FEZ "Bishkek" bestows upon denizens advantages regarding the discharge of imposts when bringing in unrefined substances, apparatus, and supplies intended for the fabrication of goods for exportation. This abatement of duties permits enterprises, post-registration within the Bishkek FEZ, to lessen procurement and importation expenditures, while concurrently diminishing manufacturing outlays. The importation of commodities and apparatus for local utilization is similarly liable to advantageous dispatches or is wholly absolved from tariffs, a prerogative enshrined within the Customs Codex of the Kyrgyz Republic.

International aspects and treaties

The Kyrgyz Republic acceded to the Eurasian Economic Union (TEAEU) on the 8th of May, 2015, guaranteeing unrestricted commerce in commodities, currency, and manpower among its constituent nations. This affiliation eradicates trade impediments and furnishes entrée to a universal marketplace for upwards of 180 million denizens, encompassing the denizens of FEZ "Bishkek."

The main advantages of the EAEU for residents of the Bishkek FEZ include:

  • Exemption from customs encumbrances for merchandise. Commodities manufactured within the EAEU and complying with its stipulations may be transshipped to constituent states unencumbered by tariffs, thereby augmenting the competitive stature of Kyrgyz wares.
  • Streamlined ingress to global criterion. Kyrgyzstan, as a signatory to the EAEU, is compelled to reconcile its statutory frameworks with the protocols of the European Union, thereby fostering enterprises functioning within the Bishkek Free Economic Zone, and the security and excellence prerequisites in the proximate marketplace.

Moreover, Kyrgyzstan is a constituent of the Commonwealth of Autonomous States (CAS) Unencumbered Commerce Pact, which unlocks novel marketplaces for commodities fabricated in the Bishkek Unrestricted Economic Enclave (UEE). Enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe that specialize in exports are poised to reap the greatest benefits from this accord's diminished trade hindrances and enhanced conditions for fiscal collaboration.

Bilateral agreement for the avoidance of double taxation

To create conditions conducive to attracting foreign investment, Kyrgyzstan has adopted a number of bilateral agreements on the exclusion of double taxation with countries such as Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Germany, France and others.

Benefits for external investment

The government provides foreign investors with significant tax preferences, which allows them to avoid double taxation on income received in Kyrgyzstan. This applies to dividends, interest and income, which are paid at reduced rates or are completely exempt from taxes if they increase taxation in the investor's country. For example, dividends received by foreign investors may be taxed at a reduced rate if provided for in the relevant treaty.

Key benefits of agreements for companies registered in the Bishkek FEZ on bilateral agreements to avoid double taxation options include:

  • Reducing the tax burden on multinational companies. Investors can additionally take into account their income in the country of residence, which increases the net profit from investments in Kyrgyzstan.
  • Simplification of tax accounting in the country. Treaties complete the accounting process for companies as the tax burden becomes more accessible, which allows you to more accurately plan financial activities.

This agreement is aimed at developing business ties and further applying Kyrgyz jurisdiction for international business. The presence of a DTT makes the Kyrgyz Republic an advantageous choice for foreign companies in the Bishkek FEZ, planning to diversify its markets and optimize tax obligations.

International investment arbitration

Captivating wealth to the Bishkek Free Economic Enclave (FEE) hinges upon Kyrgyzstan's enterprising metamorphosis into a global capital arbitration framework that safeguards the entitlements of alien individuals. Overseas financiers are presently empowered to pursue adjudication to resolve contentions, within specified boundaries, owing to the administration's endorsement and endorsement of the ICSID Accord.

Corporations from foreign nations frequently employ arbitration as a method to settle disagreements; this is particularly accurate in the Bishkek Free Economic Zone (FEZ) and throughout Kyrgyzstan. The administration is compelled to adhere to adjudicatory decrees and preserve entitlements that exhibit the dependability of the Kyrgyz legal system as a foundation for global economic expansion and the creation of enduring business affiliations.

Potential risks and limitations for investment

One of the risks for residents of the Bishkek FEZ is potential changes in legislation regulating working conditions in the industry. The legal system of Kyrgyzstan is in the process of adaptation and reform, which is due to the need to comply with international agreements and agreements before changing the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and other international organizations.

Changes in legislation may concern:

  • Tightening requirements for minimum investment volume. For residents in FEZ "Bishkek", especially for those focused on long-term projects, increasing the amount of capital required to maintain resident status can lead to difficulties.
  • Revision of rules on taxation or customs benefits. Legislatures may make changes that affect tax preferences, which could increase residents' tax liability and limit the terms of preferential treatment.

To minimize such risk, it is important to monitor changes in legislation and maintain contact with legal advisers, maintaining a thorough understanding of legislative regulations and law enforcement practices in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Risks associated with lack of qualified personnel

The labor market in Kyrgyzstan is encountering tribulations due to a dearth of proficient personnel, particularly in avant-garde and value-laden sectors. This may hinder project execution, augment instructional expenses, and diminish corporate efficacy. Entities with a Bishkek Free Economic Zone enrollment ought to encompass pedagogical and expatriate specialist hiring expenditures, especially for administrative and technical virtuosos.

Currency and tax risks

Kyrgyzstan's financial policies regarding foreign exchange controls and conversion may also be subject to change, creating risks for companies operating in the Bishkek FEZ. The law regulates foreign exchange transactions within the country, including rules for transferring capital abroad and conducting settlements in foreign currency. However, in the event of economic instability or sudden changes in the foreign exchange market, the government may impose additional restrictions on foreign exchange transactions, including possible restrictions on the withdrawal of funds.

Such changes could lead to lower foreign policy gains and make it more difficult to repatriate profits, especially in a flexible exchange rate environment or when foreign exchange reserve limits remain in place. Investors are advised to utilize exchange rate exposure and cover currency exposure through hedging or other financial instruments to protect their assets.

Restrictions and risks regarding domestic sales in Kyrgyzstan

Laboring denizens of the Bishkek FEZ are liable to customary levies and duties and are encumbered by an array of constraints when vending wares on the extramural commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic. All internal transactions of FEZ-fabricated commodities are liable to duties at the conventional percentages delineated in the Tax Codex. This could influence domestic trade rivalry and erode the profit thresholds of establishments focusing on indigenous production.

In addition, denizens opine that Kyrgyzstan's indigenous commerce is not as vast as the EAEU nations, which could hinder sales expansion and, per specialists, impair the corporation's net earnings. Prior to settling on a dissemination plan, financiers ought to scrutinize the requisition in global marketplaces and contemplate any constraints on internal incorporations.

Political and internal factors

Capital placements in the Bishkek Special Economic Zone are more perilous owing to the absence of political and fiscal equilibrium in Kyrgyzstan. Whenever there is a shift in governance within the Kyrgyz Republic, it may impact financial strategies and the nation's capital inflow milieu. The autonomous economic zone's activities, such as the conceivable modification of tax concessions and customs immunities for zone denizens, could be influenced by alterations in the administration's configuration, objectives, and extrinsic economic doctrines.

Among the risks for companies registered in the Bishkek FEZ:

  • Political tumult could engender legislative modifications that may exacerbate the commercial milieu, especially regarding forex stipulations and circumstances.
  • Kyrgyzstan's pivotal positioning enables it to sway adjacent states and international bodies, affecting mercantile circumstances and dealings with Occidental and Kazakh entities, rendering it essential to account for these variables in forthcoming capital allocations.

Investors should also consider factors such as inflation and changes in local currency exchange rates, which may affect financial results companies operating in the Bishkek FEZ.


By enrolling and functioning within the Bishkek Free Economic Enclave (FEE), the enterprise might capitalize on an array of propitious fiscal conditions, encompassing a simplified customs protocol, a strategic locational advantage, and entry to markets in Central Asia and the EAEU. Light manufacturing, alimentary provisions, and commodified wares are bound to witness amplified capital infusion owing to these advantages, which are certain to allure both indigenous and foreign stakeholders.

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