Registering a company in Togo - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Togo


Togo is an independent country located in West Africa. It is one of the smallest states in the African continent.

If you want to register a company in Togo and open a Togolese bank account, then pay attention to the following:

  • The official language is French;
  • The capital of the state is Lome;
  • Population: more than 8 million people;
  • The neighboring states: Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso;
  • West African CFA franc (XOF) is the official currency;
  • The country is a member of the following organizations: ACP, African Union, Non-Aligned Movement, WTO and ECOWAS.

The country is not included in the list of countries participating in the automatic exchange of tax information (CRS).

For more information about this jurisdiction, you can request for qualified advice on a company registration procedure in Togo from YB Case specialists.


In order to open your own business in Togo, you can choose one of the following promising solutions:

  • Registering a mining company in Togo (dolomites, kaolin, chromium, gold, aluminum, iron, graphite, chromium, uranium, building materials (marble, limestone, bauxite), as well as table salt);
  • Setting up an export company in Togolese (cotton, coffee, cocoa, phosphate chemicals, food products, textile products);
  • Registering a Togolese service company or opening an IT company in Togo.

Also, it can be profitable to set up a fishing company or opening an agricultural company in Togo.

Business entity types & tax treatment

Those, who want to start a business in Togo and open an account with the African bank, we recommend considering the following legal forms:

  • LLC (SARL);
  • PLC (SA);
  • Branch;
  • RO.

Legal form

Corporate tax



Share capital




20% on dividends and interests remitted abroad

1 800 USD




18 000 USD





YB Case experts recommend you registering an LLC in Togo, as it is the most common legal form.

How to open a company in Togo remotely

If you want to start a business in this country, take a look at the following registration requirements:

  1. Individuals or legal entities of any nationality (at least two directors and shareholders);
  2. No requirements for a registered physical office and a secretary;
  3. The ability of opening a One-Stop-Shop in Togo as a fast business solution.

Terms of registration: 6 weeks.

You have an opportunity to register a Togolese company remotely and open a corporate account with Togolese bank without a personal visit with the help of our experts.

We propose you to consider the following banks:

  • Ecobank;
  • Union Togolaise de Banque;
  • BOA;
  • Orabank;
  • Societe Generale;
  • Banque Atlantique;
  • Coris Bank;
  • Societe interAfricaine De Banque;
  • EBID;
  • Togolese Bank for Trade and Industry;
  • Popular Bank for Savings and Credit.

YB Case team can provide you with qualified individual advice on a business organization process in Togo and on opening an account for a Togolese company.

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