Ready-made company in Lithuania

Ready-made company in Lithuania

A ready-made company in Lithuania is considered a sought-after tool for business structures seeking to develop commercial activities within the EU. The acquisition of an already registered legal entity helps to significantly reduce the time and financial costs associated with the creation of a new organization. This approach allows you to immediately start work, eliminate protracted registration processes and avoid possible difficulties in drafting statutory indentures and other related acts.

This is a promising jurisdiction for doing business due to its membership in the EU, stable economy, preferential tax system and transparent statute environment. Its geographical proximity to the main European markets provides convenient ingress to key audiences and business partners. The cinch and predictability of procedures related to founding a venture make this country an optimal choice for those who are considering buying a company in Lithuania in order to successfully strengthen the position of their venture.

Rewards of buying a registered company

Purchasing a pre-registered statute entity significantly reduces the time required to actually enter the target mercantile. Purchasing a company with all the formalities already completed eliminates the need to go through standard registration procedures, agree on constituent indentures and prepare the necessary permits. Thanks to this, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to immediately begin the main commercial activity. In practice, the launch becomes possible in just a few days after the conclusion of the relevant agreement. This approach is especially in demand among non-residents interested in concluding a deal in Lithuania in order to quickly adapt to local conditions and start working.Purchasing a registered business assumes that the entire list of key indentures has already been prepared. These include constituent acts, registration certificates, fiscal identifiers, and other mandatory documentation. This procedure frees the owner from the need to delve deeply into complex legal aspects and reduces the likelihood of making errors when preparing indentures. In addition, purchasing a registered company in Lithuania allows you to make all adjustments, such as replacing participants or changing the size of the authorized capital, more quickly and with less material costs.

Usually, already registered legal entities have active current accounts. Such a situation not only simplifies the start of financial transactions, but also provides an opportunity to use existing business relationships with credit institutions. Some pre-formed companies may have stable credit limits or a confirmed transaction history. This facilitates access to borrowed resources and increases the likelihood of concluding favorable agreements with banks. For those planning to buy a business with a bank account in Lithuania, this approach is especially beneficial, given the lengthy verification procedures when opening new current accounts in the EU.

A legal entity with an established operational history provides significant benefits. For example, registering a company several years before its acquisition can strengthen the level of trust of counterparties and partners. This is especially important in industries where business image and professional experience are considered determining factors. Such an enterprise often has implemented contractual obligations, an established client base, and sometimes the relevant permits required for a specific area of activity. In addition, participation in competitive procedures often presupposes a certain duration of the company's operation. This is why buying a registered enterprise in Lithuania can be a strategically advantageous solution for entrepreneurs seeking to speed up the implementation of their business plans.

Legal aspects of business acquisition in Lithuania

Main forms of companies in Lithuania

UAB (Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė), known as a “closed joint-stock company”, is the most popular form of legal entity in Lithuania. In essence, it is similar to LLC (Limited Liability Company) and is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Due to the simplicity of the structure and ease of management, many investors choose UAB when considering the possibility of buying a company in Lithuania for commercial activities.

The key features of UAB are as follows:

  • Limited liability of founders: participants are liable solely to the amount of the authorized capital they have contributed.
  • Low minimum share capital: the starting capital is only 2,500 euros, making this form accessible to entrepreneurs.
  • Non-public shareholder structure: shareholdings are not placed on the open market, which allows for full control over management activities to be maintained.
  • Flexibility of management procedures: participants have the right to autonomously determine the internal configuration of bodies and the methods of making corporate decisions. Due to these advantages, buying a company in Lithuania is becoming a popular choice among entrepreneurs who value flexibility and reliability.

UAB meets the needs of organizations operating in a wide range of industries, from trade to the IT industry. This form is a rational solution for foreign investors who intend to start operating in Lithuania with the lowest costs. In addition, acquiring a registered company in Lithuania allows foreign investors to quickly start operations, bypassing complex registration procedures.

AB (Akcinė bendrovė), defined as an “open joint-stock company,” is a legal form that is similar in nature to a public corporation. This type of legal entity is optimally suited for large-scale enterprises focused on raising capital through public offering of shares.

The fundamental features of AB include the following provisions:

  • The possibility of a public offering of shares on the stock exchange: this mechanism provides access to a wide range of potential investors.
  • Increased regulatory requirements for the authorized capital: the minimum threshold is set at 25,000 euros.
  • Transparent corporate structure: the organization is required to provide reports and comply with relevant regulatory standards.
  • The need to form a board of directors: this condition increases the level of control and promotes professional management.

AB is seen as a preferred format for large commercial initiatives that require scalability and unhindered access to global financial resources. Given these features, acquiring a company with licenses in Lithuania may be a strategically justified move for those seeking to operate in regulated sectors of the economy.

The procedure for re-registering a company in Lithuania

The procedure for re-registering a company in Lithuania includes several key stages that are important to complete consistently and with due attention to detail.

The first step is to find a suitable company: At this stage, you need to define your business goals and criteria for selection: type of activity, financial condition of the company, history of operations and reputation. To do this, you analyze offers on the market, consult with specialists and compare available options to find the enterprise that best suits your needs.

After selecting a company, it is checked: This stage includes a thorough legal and financial audit to eliminate any potential risks. The absence of debts to counterparties and government agencies, the history of litigation, the legitimacy of all title indentures and the compliance of the company's current activities with Lithuanian legislation are checked. The company's financial indicators are also analyzed to assess its stability and potential.

The next important step is to prepare the indentures for making changes: A full package of necessary documentation is prepared, including the updated company charter, share purchase and sale agreements, minutes of shareholders' or directors' meetings, and applications for state authorities. All indentures must be prepared in accordance with Lithuanian legal norms to avoid possible refusals or delays in the registration process.

After preparing the indentures, the next stage is coordinating the changes with government agencies: The full package of indentures is submitted to the Registration Centre of Lithuania, where the changes are checked for compliance with the requirements and entered into the state register of companies. This stage requires a certain amount of time and may include additional interaction with government agencies if clarifications or modifications are necessary.

The final stage is to receive confirmation of the changes made: After the new data is approved, the company officially comes under the control of the new owner, or the changes related to its structure or activities come into force. At this stage, it is important to make sure that all changes are correctly recorded in the register and the legal procedure is fully completed.

Each of these steps requires a professional approach, careful preparation and attention to detail so that the entire re-registration process takes place promptly and in strict accordance with Lithuanian law.

Due Diligence (Legal and Accounting Audit)

Before concluding an agreement to acquire an already registered legal entity, a potential investor conducts a comprehensive study of its legal status, financial condition and organizational transparency. This multi-level procedure is aimed at ensuring maximum protection of the buyer's interests and allows making informed decisions on the advisability of further cooperation. In this process, special attention is paid to pre- purchase verification of a business in Lithuania, which helps to minimize possible risks and avoid hidden obligations.

At the first stage, a detailed analysis of constituent acts, internal regulations and other title indentures is carried out. Contractual obligations with business partners are studied, the presence of unfinished legal proceedings, administrative investigations or other claims from third parties is checked. Such an approach makes it possible to promptly identify potential sources of threats related to a conflict of rights to assets or instability of business reputation.

An integral part of acquiring a Lithuanian company is a financial audit. It consists of a thorough review of accounting reports, analysis of tax returns and assessment of the correctness of the accounting methods used. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect obligations that are invisible at first glance, correctly determine the tax burden, and also make sure that there are no distortions in the financial statements that could subsequently lead to fiscal claims or administrative penalties.

An additional level of protection is a compliance check. Its task is to ensure that the company's activities comply with the requirements of current legislation. This includes an assessment of compliance with anti-corruption standards, a study of anti-money laundering procedures, and an analysis of the implemented internal control mechanisms. Such an assessment gives the buyer confidence that the business operates within the legal framework, without violating the norms of local and international law. For those considering buying a business in Lithuania, a preliminary audit of legal and financial purity becomes a particularly important tool.

By conducting such a comprehensive due diligence, a potential owner can not only avoid acquiring distressed assets, but also save time, resources, and reputational costs. Making informed decisions at this stage minimizes the likelihood of encountering debt obligations, unresolved claims, or non-compliance with legal requirements, which ultimately ensures a more sustainable development and a reliable operating base for the new owner.

Execution of an agreement on the transfer of property rights

When the legal correctness of the acquired legal entity is fully confirmed, it is time to form and formally approve the agreement on the transfer of ownership rights. This document reflects all the fundamental parameters of the upcoming transaction. It specifies in detail the final cost of the transferred asset, the mechanism for transferring equity instruments (shares or stocks), and clearly establishes the mutual obligations of the parties. For an audience planning to buy a company in Lithuania, special attention is paid to assurances from the seller regarding the actual financial position of the organization, the correctness of tax and accounting reports, as well as compliance with legal norms regulating its activities.

In the territory of the Republic of Lithuania, it is mandatory to have this agreement notarized. This measure creates an additional layer of guarantees. It provides a stable legal basis and helps to strengthen trust between the buyer and the seller. As a result, the transfer of property rights is as transparent and predictable as possible. For non-residents wishing to purchase a company in Lithuania, this process becomes especially important, as it guarantees compliance with all legal norms and minimizes the risk of possible disputes in the future.

Correction of information about founders and constituent provisions in the register

After the formal signing of the agreement on the transfer of ownership rights, the stage of official registration of the changes that have occurred in the State Registration Centre (Registrų centras) follows. At this stage, amendments are made to reflect the change in the composition of the founders, updating information on the management personnel and, if necessary, amending the statutory document. In addition, it is possible to clarify the address of the official location of the company or adjust the size of its authorized capital. These procedures are especially relevant for those planning to buy a registered company in Lithuania, as they help to quickly adapt it to the new realities of the ownership structure and management model.

Peculiarities of the Lithuanian tax system

Lithuania creates a favourable fiscal environment that provides convenient conditions for entrepreneurship and facilitates the effective implementation of commercial projects. Such an environment attracts not only local business entities, but also foreign investors seeking to expand their economic activity in the EU. The transparency of the legal framework applied in the field of taxation simplifies the understanding of regulatory requirements and reduces the risks associated with non-compliance with established standards. For those interested in starting a business by purchasing a ready-made company in Lithuania, such a tax environment becomes an additional advantage, providing a stable basis for successful operations. The key element of this system is the presence of clearly defined tax rates, flexible incentives for small businesses and a reasonable approach to tariffs on goods with special characteristics.

Main parameters of tax rates
An important element determining the attractiveness of a jurisdiction is the CIT rate. In Lithuania, its standard rate is set at 15%. This rate applies to most commercial structures operating under regular conditions. At the same time, for a small category of enterprises that meet certain regulatory criteria, a preferential CIT rate of 5% is possible. Companies that meet certain criteria can count on a preferential rate of 5%. This opportunity is available to businesses whose annual income does not exceed EUR 300,000 and the number of employees does not exceed 10 people. An equally significant element is VAT, represented by a base rate of 21%. This rate applies to a wide range of goods and services. However, for certain categories, reduced rates of 9% and 5% apply. They apply to specialized product groups, as well as certain types of services that have an important socio-economic impact.
Possibility of using double tax treaties
Lithuania has concluded DTTs with more than fifty foreign countries. Among them are many members of the EU, as well as such major economic partners as the United States and Canada. These DTTs are designed to eliminate the situation in which the same income is taxed in two jurisdictions at once. Thanks to this, residents are provided with more flexible conditions related to the payment of taxes on various types of income. Among such income, dividends, interest accruals and royalties stand out. For a person considering the acquisition of an existing company in Lithuania, the benefits associated with the DTT can become one of the key factors in making a decision, as they help reduce the tax burden and simplify international transactions. These benefits can be expressed in the form of a reduced tax rate or a complete exemption from tax, subject to specific provisions of the DTT.

In order to obtain the right to apply such preferences, a business entity operating in Lithuania must confirm its tax resident status. This is usually achieved by providing an official certificate issued by the tax office of the country in which the entity is registered and carries out its actual activities. This document confirms that the person applying for the DTT actually has the status of a resident in the relevant country. Often, additional appendices or certificates may be added to the certificate, indicating the actual tax jurisdiction of the entity. For those planning to acquire a company in Lithuania, obtaining such a certificate in a timely manner is of particular importance, as it allows them to take advantage of the DTT and minimize tax liabilities. The process of obtaining a certificate often involves filing an application with the competent authorities, as well as providing indentures confirming the place of registration and the actual location of the governing body or center of business interests.

The use of DTT in Lithuania is not limited to large corporations. This instrument can also be useful for small and medium-sized businesses engaged in foreign economic activity. Correct use of the DTT benefits increases the predictability of tax costs, reduces potential disputes with foreign tax authorities and simplifies the administration of interstate contracts. When considering the possibility of purchasing an active enterprise in Lithuania, using the DTT benefits can become a significant competitive advantage, ensuring the simplification of international transactions and a reduction in the tax burden. In addition, it facilitates long-term planning and facilitates the conclusion of more favorable agreements with foreign partners.

Precautions and risks when buying a company in Lithuania

Defining requirements and selecting a suitable enterprise

The initial stage of purchasing a ready-made company in Lithuania requires a clear formulation of strategic objectives and a detailed analysis of the buyer's existing needs. Registration of ownership of a company in Lithuania becomes an important step that requires special attention to document preparation and compliance with all legal requirements. It is important to determine all selection criteria in advance, including the desired area of activity, the legal status of the future object and the scope of relevant permits. It is necessary to clarify whether the company has valid contracts with regular customers, reliable suppliers, formalized bank accounts, as well as the necessary licenses or registration certificates. Such preparation helps to form a clear understanding of what parameters the company in question must meet.

In order to find the best option, it is recommended to conduct an in-depth study of the target market. This may require studying the business reputation of various companies, as well as assessing their compliance with current legal regulations. Registering a business purchase in Lithuania is the final stage, which requires taking into account all the nuances identified during the analysis stage. At this stage, it is advisable to contact experienced brokers or specialized consultants specializing in the purchase and sale of ready-made business structures. Such specialists have up-to-date information on available offers and can offer the best options taking into account the interests of the buyer. They assess the transparency of financial statements, analyze legal documentation and check for sanctions or unresolved conflicts. The result is a more accurate selection of suitable companies that meet predetermined requirements and do not have hidden problematic aspects.

It is also useful to study the general investment climate and possible development prospects of the chosen industry in advance. Such an approach helps to predict potential profit growth, as well as assess the stability of demand for goods or services. Starting a business by purchasing a ready-made company in Lithuania can be a strategically advantageous decision, especially if there is a clear assessment of market trends and forecasts. This is especially important if the buyer plans long-term development, infrastructure modernization or attracting external investment. A comprehensive understanding of situational factors allows you to avoid hasty decisions and minimizes the risk of encountering unforeseen circumstances after the completion of the purchase and sale procedure.
The relevance of a comprehensive examination

Before concluding a deal to acquire an already established business entity, it is extremely important to organize a detailed study of all legal and economic aspects of its functioning. Such a comprehensive check allows you to identify hidden problems in advance. Registering an existing business in Lithuania without a preliminary audit may entail significant risks associated with financial or legal obligations. These may include undeclared debt obligations, unfulfilled contract terms, unpaid taxes or protracted litigation. For these purposes, an analysis of all official indentures without exception is carried out. It includes checking contractual acts confirming relations with counterparties, studying financial statements, assessing the correctness of tax returns, as well as checking the reliability of balance sheet data and the real value of available resources.

Insufficient due diligence can have unpleasant consequences. These include the sudden discovery of large financial liabilities, disputed property rights, or unresolved legal conflicts. Buying an operating company in Lithuania without conducting a thorough due diligence can result in significant risks, including the loss of invested funds and a decrease in trust from partners. All of these factors can significantly complicate subsequent activities, lead to unexpected expenses, damage to business reputation, and lengthy litigation. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to careful preparation for the final stage of the transaction. It is important to review every detail, analyze all indicators, and ensure the transparency of business processes. This approach minimizes the likelihood of encountering problems that affect the financial stability and legal purity of the future owner.

Potential threats related to debts and legal shortcomings

The process of acquiring an existing company always involves the risk of discovering unexpected debt claims that were not recorded during the preliminary analysis. These may be outstanding loans to financial institutions, unpaid tax payments or penalties for failure to comply with current regulations of regulatory bodies. Buying a registered company in Lithuania, despite its advantages, requires special attention to financial and legal details in order to avoid such unpleasant surprises. Such obligations often appear after the official transfer of ownership. Their settlement will require additional time, money and effort from the new owner.

No less dangerous are shortcomings in the legal sphere. Carelessly prepared indentures, incorrectly executed registration information or unfinished legal proceedings can negatively affect the normal functioning of the business. Pre- purchase due diligence in Lithuania is becoming a key stage that allows you to identify and eliminate these risks in advance in order to avoid delays in work. This may lead to the suspension of individual operations, the need to re-prepare essential indentures or involve external experts to eliminate identified shortcomings. As a result, insufficient attention to legal nuances can create persistent barriers to the operational management and development of the company.

To avoid such situations, it is recommended to formulate a risk minimization strategy in advance. To do this, it is worthwhile to include special clauses on the seller's guarantees in the contract being concluded. Such provisions oblige the seller to compensate for damages arising from undisclosed obligations or legal errors made before the transfer of the business. In cases related to the purchase of a functioning business in Lithuania, this approach is especially relevant, since it reduces the likelihood of unexpected losses and simplifies the integration of the new owner. In addition, it is useful to consult with competent specialists who can conduct an independent assessment of all legal and financial parameters. This approach allows not only to ensure the safety of investments, but also to create a solid foundation for the further successful development of the company.

Specifics of industry legal regulation

In a number of sectors of the Lithuanian economy, there are increased regulatory requirements related to licensing and unconditional compliance with the established standards. Such regulatory measures are especially relevant for those areas where compliance with strict standards is considered critical. For example, business entities operating in the field of financial services, medical support or trade in alcoholic beverages are required to strictly comply with specialized regulations. Buying a company with licenses in Lithuania is becoming especially popular in such industries, as it allows you to avoid lengthy procedures for obtaining permits from scratch. These standards can cover a wide range of issues, from the availability of special permits to confirmed compliance with sanitary, technical and professional criteria, as well as periodic inspections.

Failure to comply with the approved rules can have significant negative consequences. These include the imposition of financial sanctions, forced payment of fines and, in particularly serious cases, temporary suspension of the enterprise's operations. It is especially important to consider these aspects when purchasing an active enterprise in Lithuania, where compliance with strict standards is a prerequisite for stable operation. In addition, ignoring industry regulations increases the risk of encountering complex legal and administrative restrictions, which can hinder further business development, reduce its reputational attractiveness and complicate relationships with business partners.

Before deciding to purchase a ready-made company, it is necessary to carefully study the current regulatory framework governing a specific market segment. A potential buyer should make sure that the selected object fully complies with all applicable regulatory requirements. Checking before buying a business in Lithuania helps to avoid unforeseen risks associated with possible violations in documentation or licensing. To do this, it is important to analyze the status of the company's existing licenses, make sure that there were no violations when obtaining them, and also check their validity and the possibility of re-registration. It is especially important to understand that the transfer of ownership to a new owner sometimes entails the need for re-validation of permits. In some situations, it will be necessary to contact the competent authorities for additional approvals or licenses confirming the legality and legitimacy of further activities.

To ensure that this process is as efficient as possible and without any unexpected complications, it is advisable to turn to professionals. Consultations with lawyers specializing in industry regulation, as well as interaction with financial consultants and licensing experts will help identify potential vulnerabilities in advance. Legal support for a transaction to acquire a company in Lithuania helps not only to reduce risks, but also to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. This approach allows not only to promptly eliminate possible shortcomings, but also to minimize the risk of costly conflicts with supervisory authorities. A separate point should be noted about the importance of assessing the extent to which a ready-made company is able to adapt to new requirements in the event of changes in legislation or stricter standards.

In general, a comprehensive due diligence and systematic analysis of all aspects related to industry legal regulation form a solid basis for a safe acquisition of a ready-made company. A business purchase transaction in Lithuania, prepared taking into account all legal and economic nuances, becomes more transparent and predictable. This approach minimizes the likelihood of significant risks associated with non-compliance with licenses, failure to comply with mandatory regulations or insufficient legal transparency. The result of such meticulous preparation will be a more predictable development of the acquired business, strengthening its position in the target market and confident long-term advancement in the face of fierce competition.


Thus, the acquisition of a company registered in Lithuania opens the way to rapid entry into European markets, provides access to a favorable investment climate and guarantees a supportive legal environment. Subject to careful preparation, consistent verification of all transaction parameters and thoughtful integration of the new asset into the existing business structure, the investor receives not just a ready-made base for development, but a reliable springboard for long-term and successful growth in a stable and stimulating jurisdiction.

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  • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
  • Uganda+256
  • Ukraine (Україна)+380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
  • United Kingdom+44
  • United States+1
  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
  • Åland Islands+358
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