Registering a company in Estonia under a cryptocurrency

Estonia (a full name is the Republic of Estonia) is a progressive state. The stable political and economic situation, as well as a membership in the European Union create excellent conditions for a business development. Many entrepreneurs seek to register a company in Estonia, since in this jurisdiction this type of activity is regulated at the legislative level.

What does the Estonian cryptocurrency exchange license give to a modern entrepreneur?

  • The ability to exchange cryptocurrencies without the participation of third parties.
  • Creating an electronic wallet.
  • New business contacts.
  • A high level of the reputation among partners and customers.

Why you should choose Estonia?

We advise you to choose this Baltic country, because state authorities have officially recognized the following:

  • Bitcoin is an alternative to fiat money and other means of payment.
  • Bitcoin is a means of payment.
  • Token is an ICO financial instrument in Estonia.

Registering a company in Estonia under cryptocurrencies

To set up a company in Estonia under cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to take into account and observe following nuances:

  • A registered capital is from 2,500 euros.
  • The term for obtaining a license in Estonia: one and a half months (if you have the e-resident card).
  • When registering a company and a license, a personal presence is not required.

If you want to obtain a license for a crypto exchanger in Estonia quickly and efficiently, then contact team of our company for the professional help. We will provide accompanying services at each stage of registration.

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What is included in the paperwork?

  • A preparation of articles of association and regulations in accordance with the Estonian law.
  • Full services for obtaining a license in Estonia.
  • Filling out documents and applications for a license.
  • A representation of the company on the basis of a power of attorney before state authorities.
  • The analysis and recommendations for amending the business plan to meet all requirements of the local regulator, which must be submitted to obtain a license.
  • In addition, experienced specialists of our company will be able to help with such additional services like:
  • Registering the e-residence in Estonia (suitable for every businessman, who is not a resident of the Republic of Estonia). This procedure will take approximately 21 days. The state duty is 100 euros.
  • A help with drafting AML.
  • A consulting on all nuances of doing business in Estonia.

How to obtain a cryptocurrency license in Estonia?

If you want to practice ICO in Estonia, you should know how this process looks like:

  1. To get an e-resident card. Fill out the application on the website:, wait 3 weeks.
  2. We submit the information on your receipt of an e-resident card, help in registering a company under an ICO in Estonia for a local resident (in this case, we can open a bank account in Estonia before obtaining a license) and assist in re-registering a company on you, after receiving the e-resident card.

What documents will be needed in order to register a company for a cryptocurrency exchange in Estonia?

  • The information, that you have applied for an e-resident card (if we submit, it is not necessary);
  • A notarized copy of the passport of the beneficiary (beneficiaries);
  • A notarized photocopy of the bank statement;
  • A business plan. This document should include the information, that you plan to conduct crypto activities in Estonia.
  • We can request additional documents from you.
  • After registering the company, we will send an application to obtain a license for crypto exchange in Estonia.

To register a company in Estonia successfully, contact YB Case. The established contacts and many years of experience give us the opportunity to resolve any issue quickly and efficiently.

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