Regulation of investment funds in Jersey

Regulation of investment funds in Jersey


Regulating investment funds in Jersey in 2024 plays a pivotal role in maintaining the island's status as an international financial center. Investment funds significantly contribute to Jersey's economic development by attracting capital, creating jobs, and advancing financial services.

Firstly, Jersey is home to over 1,300 collective investment funds, underscoring its significance as an asset management hub. In 2023, total assets under management reached approximately USD 450 billion, demonstrating sustained growth and prestige for international capital investors. Regulation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024 continues to support this growth, ensuring rigorous oversight and transparency that fosters investor trust and market stability.

Secondly, investment funds in Jersey contribute to diversifying the island's economy, reducing dependence on traditional revenue sources such as tourism and offshore banking services. For instance, Jersey Private Funds offer flexibility and a streamlined establishment process, attracting both institutional and private investors. By the end of 2023, the number of registered private funds exceeded 645, reflecting growing interest and confidence in this structure.

Thirdly, the regulation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024 involves the implementation of new technologies such as Regtech to enhance efficiency and mitigate potential losses. This supports maintaining high levels of transparency and compliance with international standards, such as the EU Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD). These measures help Jersey remain competitive in the global currency market and attract new investors.

Thus, investment funds play an undisputed role in the economy of Jersey, fostering sustainable economic growth, diversification, and innovation adoption, bolstering Jersey's position as a leading global currency center.

Regulation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024

In 2024, the regulation of investment funds in Jersey is based on several key legislative acts and regulatory documents that ensure robust management, investor protection, and compliance with international standards.

Basic laws and regulations

Law on Collective Investment Funds

The 1988 Legislation on Collective Investment Funds in Jersey serves as the fundamental framework governing fund operations in the jurisdiction. This legislation mandates that funds aggregate capital from numerous investors for joint investment in a variety of assets. Compliance involves securing licenses and adhering to rigorous standards for reporting and auditing, ensuring transparency and safeguarding investor interests.

Regulations on control over borrowings

The Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958 establishes regulations for borrowing and issuance of securities within Jersey jurisdiction. This legislation plays a pivotal role in overseeing financial activities, including those of investment funds. All funds are required to obtain permissions for borrowing and issuing securities, thereby aiding in managing financial risks and preventing abuses.

Regulation of alternative investment funds

The Alternative Investment Funds (Jersey) Regulations 2012 encompass structures such as hedge funds, private investment funds, and direct investment funds. Adapted to the EU Directive on AIFMD, these regulations require all Jersey funds to adhere to rigorous standards in reporting, risk management, and transparency. Funds are obliged to regularly submit detailed reports to the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC), including data on asset structure, leverage levels, and risk management.

Role of JFSC

JFSC acts as an autonomous protector of fiscal stability within the island, supervising pooled investment funds, banking operations, insurance, and trusts to guarantee adherence to regulatory norms. JFSC's primary mission is to maintain market stability and integrity, protect investor interests, and enhance Jersey's reputation as a reliable financial center. JFSC develops standards for all types of investment funds and conducts regular inspections and audits to guarantee adherence to established requirements. In cases of non-compliance, JFSC is empowered to take enforcement actions such as imposing fines and revoking licenses.

Latest changes in legislation

Regulation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024 incorporates several key updates aimed at enhancing risk management, increasing clarity, and aligning with international standards.

Outsourcing policy

Since January 1, 2024, the updated JFSC outsourcing policy has come into effect, requiring all funds to obtain JFSC consent for any significant outsourcing arrangements. These changes apply for all funds certified under the Alternative Investment Funds Regulations 2012 and encompass stricter requirements concerning IT and cloud services.

Impact of AIFMD changes

The AIFMD has implications for Jersey, introducing fresh obligations concerning the assignment of responsibilities, monitoring of liquidity, submission of reports, and the delivery of depository and custodial services. These modifications necessitate more comprehensive disclosures and reporting by fund managers in Jersey, improving transparency and managing risks effectively.

Access to beneficial ownership information

Since December 2023, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man have commenced expanding access to beneficial ownership information for domestic financial entities and other obligated entities conducting proper client due diligence. These changes are slated for full implementation by the end of 2024, aimed at enhancing transparency and combating financial crimes.

As a consequence, the legal framework governing investment entities in Jersey for 2024 includes a wide array of regulatory laws and updates designed to guarantee stability, transparency, and safeguarding of investors. Key legislations such as the Collective Investment Funds Act 1988, the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958, and the Directives on Alternative Investment Funds 2012, along with the proactive role of the JFSC and recent legislative amendments, establish a robust basis for managing investment funds and maintaining their esteemed global reputation.

Types of investment funds in Jersey

Fund type


Requirements for investors

Regulatory requirements


Jersey private funds

They are created for a limited circle of investors with simplified registration.

Professional or qualified investors, minimum $250,000.

Consent required under the Borrowing Control Regulations 1958.

Easy registration, flexible structure, low regulatory barriers.

Unregulated funds

They are aimed at experienced investors and are not subject to strict control.

Minimum investment $1,000,000 or professional investor status.

There are no requirements for public reporting or regular audits.

High degree of flexibility in management, absence of strict regulatory restrictions.

Regulated funds

Includes Expert Funds and Listed Funds, which are subject to strict supervision.

Qualified or institutional investors.

Licensing and regular inspections by JFSC are required.

Transparency, high confidence of international investors, strict supervision.

Procedures for registration and licensing of investment funds in Jersey in 2024

Jersey's 2024 investment fund opening and licensing procedure is a well thought-out system that guarantees a high degree of investor protection and adherence to global norms. JFSC plays a key role in regulating and overseeing fund activities.

Submitting the necessary paperwork and applications

The initial phase of the procedure entails the filing of an initial offering document. View this as participation in a competition, where your submission must contain all essential data concerning the vehicle, including its configuration, investment mandate, targeted holdings, and projected hazards. Additionally, data regarding the fund's key personnel, such as managers, administrators, and auditors, must be provided.

After receiving preliminary approval, the main stage begins - submission of the final application, which includes the following documents:

  • Memorandum and charter of the foundation: documents defining the goals and structure of the foundation.
  • Investment memorandum: a guide to the fund's investment strategy.
  • Fund management agreement: a contract defining the responsibilities of the fund manager.
  • Service agreements: agreements with administrators and auditors.
  • Business Plan: A detailed plan with financial projections and risk management strategies.
  • Compliance documents: confirmation of compliance with AML and CFT requirements.

All documents must be submitted in English and comply with JFSC standards. Translations can be attached if necessary.

Conditions for obtaining a license and JFSC approval

To obtain a license in Jersey, you must meet a number of conditions set by the JFSC:

  • Reputation and experience: fund managers and administrators must have an impeccable reputation and significant experience in asset management. JFSC carefully checks their backgrounds and professional experience.
  • Financial strength: the fund must demonstrate that it has sufficient financial resources for its activities, including the capital required to cover start-up and operating expenses.
  • Risk management: the fund must have a clear risk management system, including risk assessment and control procedures. JFSC emphasizes that contingency plans are in place.
  • Openness and Reporting: the fund is expected to submit financial statements and audit findings to the JFSC on a quarterly basis. Every report needs to be compliant with global guidelines.

The JFSC grants the fund a license so that it can start operations if all of these requirements are satisfied. Usually, the application evaluation procedure takes four to eight weeks.

Duties and responsibilities of fund administrators

In Jersey, fund managers bear heavy responsibility for safeguarding investor interests and ensuring the fund complies with regulatory standards.

  • Fiduciary responsibilities: managers must act in the best interests of investors by making decisions to achieve the best results for the fund.
  • Risk management: managers develop and implement risk management strategies, regularly assess risks, and develop contingency plans.
  • Managers must adhere to all legal obligations, including those pertaining to AML and CFT, and submit frequent reports to the JFSC.
  • Transparency and communication: managers are required to provide investors with full information about the fund's activities, strategy and results.
  • Control and supervision: managers monitor the activities of all service providers by conducting regular audits and audits.

Because of this, the licensing and structuring of investment funds in Jersey in 2024 will follow a multi-step, strictly controlled procedure that guarantees the funds' dependability and transparency. Maintaining investor interests and adhering to regulatory requirements are critical functions of fund managers, which help to sustain a high degree of confidence in Jersey's financial system.

Compliance with Codes and Standards in Jersey 2024

Regulation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024 aims to rigorously control compliance with norms and standards, ensuring transparency, reporting, and combating financial crime. These requirements are based on local legislation and international standards, maintaining a high level of trust and stability in Jersey's financial market.

Transparency and reporting requirements

Investment funds in Jersey are required to adhere to the highest standards of transparency and reporting. The Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law 1988 mandates all registered funds to regularly submit detailed and accurate reports of their activities to the JFSC. These reports must include financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards or other recognized standards, and undergo independent audit to verify their accuracy.

Funds are encumbered with the systematic submission of thorough reports to the JFSC, depicting their asset makeup, substantial investments, and portfolio adjustments. Should breaches be detected, the JFSC might demand the fund to undertake corrective measures, such as altering investment strategies or substituting managers.

Investment funds domiciled in Jersey are also required to inform investors about their activities, providing regular reports and notifications of material changes. Investors must receive complete and accurate information regarding the fund's performance, investment strategy, and associated risks.

AML/CFT policies

Investment funds registered in Jersey are required to adhere to strict AML and CFT policies to prevent the financial system from being exploited for criminal purposes. These requirements are based on international standards established by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and incorporated into local legislation such as the Proceeds of Crime Law 1999.

Funds are required to develop and implement systems and measures for detecting and addressing negative impacts related to money laundering and the financing of organized crime. Fund managers are responsible for developing these systems and procedures, as well as ensuring their effectiveness. Funds must conduct thorough customer due diligence to verify the legality of the source of funds and the identity of investors. In the event of detecting suspicious activities, funds must report this to the relevant authorities, including the JFSC and the police.

Training programs for employees are also mandatory to ensure awareness of the risks associated with money laundering and financing of organized crime, and methods of their prevention. These programs must include regular training sessions and updates.

Impact of global standards

International organizations like FATF establish the rules of the game, and Jersey adheres to them rigorously. These standards form the basis for combating financial crimes, mandatory for all FATF members, including Jersey.

Jersey swiftly implemented a broad range of measures to combat financial crimes, based on FATF recommendations. These measures include stringent client identification procedures, round-the-clock transaction monitoring, and mandatory reporting of suspicious activities. Entities wishing to establish an investment fund in Jersey are required to continually assess risks and develop strategies for their mitigation.

The island closely collaborates with international organizations and FATF member countries, establishing a network for information exchange and joint prevention of financial crimes. This cooperation includes participation in global forums and seminars, conducting joint investigations, and sharing best practices in AML/CFT combating.

In 2024, Jersey's investment fund regulations will be governed by standards and norms that represent more than just a formality; they will involve proactive measures to ensure financial crime prevention, transparency, and reporting.

Taxation of investment funds in Jersey in 2024

In order to maintain tax neutrality, reduce tax obligations, and take advantage of several tax benefits, Jersey's investment fund taxation structure in 2024 is planned to attract foreign investors.

Benefits of Jersey tax neutrality

Jersey offers tax-neutral status, which is one of the key benefits of setting up an investment fund there. Local revenue is not subject to corporate income tax. Jersey does not have a dividend or capital gains tax, in contrast to other countries, therefore money can be reinvested without incurring taxes.

The main benefits of tax neutrality include:

  • No corporation tax: funds do not pay corporation tax on profits, making Jersey attractive for a variety of funds.
  • No capital gains tax: proceeds from the sale of assets within the fund are tax-free, increasing investor returns.
  • No tax on dividends: paid to investors are not subject to tax at the fund level.
  • VAT exemption: fund services such as asset management and administration are not subject to value added tax.

These tax advantages make Jersey a competitive jurisdiction for international investment funds, attracting significant capital.

Tax benefits and exemptions

A number of tax breaks and exclusions are available to Jersey investment funds, which can lower tax obligations and increase investor profits. Among these advantages are:

  • Exemption from corporate income tax: this shield covers dividends, capital gains, and investment income among other forms of fund revenue.
  • Funds are free from paying taxes on capital gains that are generated when they sell assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate.
  • Dividend tax exemption: investors get tax-free dividend payments at the fund level, which raises net returns.
  • VAT exemption: this lowers fund running expenses by eliminating the need for VAT on services like asset management and administration.

Depending on the operations and the fund's structure, more tax benefits could be offered. For example, monies invested in real estate may be excluded from property taxes, and funds invested in infrastructure projects may qualify for government incentives.

One of the most alluring countries for creating and overseeing investment funds is Jersey thanks to these tax benefits. The advantages of tax neutrality, exemption from dividend and capital gains taxes, and VAT exemption on services rendered by funds all support increased profitability and draw in foreign money.


Jersey established strict guidelines for investment funds in 2024, with a focus on openness, reporting, and eliminating financial misconduct. These strict guidelines support the stability of the island's financial system while also instilling trust in investors. Due to its tax neutrality, which exempts investors from VAT, capital gains tax, and corporation tax, Jersey attracts more international money and optimizes investment returns.

Managers must scrupulously follow all regulatory criteria in order to comply with Jersey's rigorously specified registration and licensing processes for funds. Managers are responsible for making sure their funds follow regulations, protecting the interests of investors, and providing the JFSC with regular reports. This guarantees a high degree of dependability and openness in fund operations.

The development and operation of investment funds are made easier by Jersey's tax policy, tax neutrality, and strict regulatory standards. Because of these features, Jersey is among the most alluring jurisdictions for foreign investors looking to minimize their taxes and manage their capital effectively.

Our specialists will provide you with comprehensive information on the regulation of investment funds in Jersey. Contact us through any convenient method listed in the "Contacts" section.

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