Business immigration programs to Luxembourg in 2024


Luxemburg, situated in the core of Europe, is a captivating stop for investors and entrepreneurs owing to its advantageous tax circumstances and steady economy. Lately, commercial migration initiatives to Luxemburg are gaining favor, offering numerous prospects for those who desire to invest and acquire residency permissions and subsequently nationality of this thriving state.

One of the principal reasons for its allure Luxembourg for corporate migration is its sophisticated fiscal framework and advantageous investment milieu. According to the most recent statistics, the minimum investment sumThe expenditure of procuring an investor visa is €500,000, which stands as one of the most competitive tariffs in Europe. These investments can be allocated to both extant undertakings and novel enterprises, unveiling a broad spectrum of business prospects.

Luxembourg moreover presents a diversity of tax exemptions and advantages for alien capitalists. For instance, the corporate tax ratio in Luxembourg is 24.94% - this is the EU norm. Additionally, capitalists can capitalize on the myriad double tax pacts that Luxembourg has finalized with over 80 nations.

Nevertheless commerce emigration to Luxembourg in 2024 engages not only pecuniary investments, but also the fulfillment of a number of prerequisites. Applicants must provide evidence of the lawful genesis of their funds, possess valid health coverage and demonstrate the availability of appropriate habitation in Luxembourg. These measures are aimed at guaranteeing steadiness and safeguard for both the investor and the country’s economy as a whole.

Investor visa

Investor visa in Luxembourg is one of the most gainful programs for alien proprietors who desire not only to extend their enterprise in this realm, but also to gain a residency permission, and subsequently nationality. This program proposes a diversity of investment paths, rendering it attainable to a broad spectrum of proprietors and investors.

Basic requirements for applicants

To solicit for an investor visa in Luxembourg, you must satisfy a multitude of stringent criteria:

  • Age: The applicant must be over 18 years of senectitude.
  • Criminal past: You must provide a police lustration certificate from your country of residence.
  • Living conditions: Please confirm the availability of a suitable habitation in Luxembourg, whether renting or buying real estate.
  • Lawfulness of the provenance of pecuniaries: etc. One must demonstrate the lawfulness of the provenance of pecuniaries, for instance, furnish an employment compact or bank reports.
  • Therapeutic indemnity: nIt is indispensable to possess valid therapeutic indemnity encompassing all plausible hazards for the applicant and his family members.
  • Unbroken inhabitation: V During the period of deliberation of the petition, the applicant must not depart Luxembourg for a period exceeding six months consecutively.

Investment options

Financier visa scheme in Luxembourg furnishes various kinds of investments, each of which possesses its individual stipulations:

Business investments
For commencing a fresh enterprise or backing an existing endeavor in Luxembourg A minimum of €500,000 is necessary. These funds ought to be utilized to cultivate economic activity within the nation.
Financial and management structures
Here the slightest investment sum is €3 megabucks. Funds can be steered to sundry investment pools, familial wealth, adventure capital or private fortune funds. An pivotal stipulation is the presence of a dependable stewardship system and accurate reckoning reporting.
Bank deposit
It is requisite to deposit €20 million in one of the banks in Luxembourg, and the funds must endure in the account for at least five years.

Advantages and prospects

Luxembourg Investor Visa affords substantial advantages to applicants and their families. The initial stride is to secure a transient abode authorization, which subsequently can be protracted to a lasting one. Following five cycles of dwelling in Luxembourg and accomplishment of supplementary prerequisites such as attending the program "Life in Luxembourg" and passing a linguistic evaluation, you may solicit citizenship.

The program additionally allows for the option of incorporating a spouse and offspring under 21 years of age in the petition. They obtain a provisional residency license and may later seek naturalization if all prerequisites are fulfilled. Holders of a provisional residency license in Luxembourg can freely relocate throughout all Schengen nations.

Luxemburg proffers alluring tax incentives and numerous dual levy treaties, which are advantageous for investors seeking to diminish their tax obligation. The nation is renowned for its economic constancy, elevated standard of livelihood, superior health maintenance, and schooling.

Thanks to its elaborated infrastructure, encompassing financial establishments, enterprise hatcheries and technological enclaves, Luxembourg fosters propitious circumstances for business expansion and luring investment.

Luxembourg Investor Visa Program 2024 uncovers extensive opportunities for global entrepreneurs and investors seeking to cultivate their enterprise in a steadfast and advantageous economic milieu.

Procedure for obtaining residency

The procedure of acquiring domicile in Luxembourg through investment schemes entails executing specific phases: assembling and filing papers, acquiring a provisional residence license, and subsequently permanent residence and nationality. Each of these phases demands rigorous adherence to established criteria and observance of deadlines.

Preparation and submission of application

The foremost stride to avenues to domicile in Luxembourg is the gathering and tender of the requisite manuscripts to the pertinent authorities. This stride is pivotal as blunders or oversights can culminate in postponements or nonfulfillment.

Collection of documents

For petitioning for abode in Luxembourg, The ensuing papers must be readied:

  • Visa examination: with a finalized document with intricate personal details of the applicant.
  • Global passport: about original and duplicates of all pages confirming the identity and nationality of the applicant.
  • Attestation of criminal record: document issued by the competent authorities of the country of domicile confirming that the applicant has no criminal record.
  • Manifestation of the lawfulness of the provenance of funds: tax filings, bank chronicles, occupation contracts or alternative papers verifying the lawfulness of the assets.
  • Validation of dwelling availability: papers verifying the leasing or acquisition of property in Luxembourg.
  • Health coverage: policy encompassing all potential hazards for the petitioner and their family.
  • Investment scheme: comprehensive depiction of the objectives, tactics, and anticipated outcomes of the investment.

Prudent preparation of all these papers is requisite, as any lapses or exclusions may hinder the processing of the submission or result in denial.

Pre-screening and evaluation of application

Once all chronicles have been tendered, the pre-sorting and assessment juncture of the petition commences. This progression comprises specific pivotal stages:

Step 1

Submission of documents

The petitioner furnishes all requisite papers in conformity with the criteria investment schemes in Luxembourg.

Step 2

Preliminary verification of documents

The Department of Economy or the Treasury of Luxembourg performs a thorough examination of all submitted documents, analyzing their conformity with the program prerequisites.

Step 3

Evaluating the investment plan

Experts scrutinize the proffered investment scheme, evaluate its soundness and conformity with Luxembourgian legal requisites. It is crucial that investments are directed towards fostering the nation’s economy and engendering employment.

Step 4

Checking the legality of the origin of funds

The legality of the provenance of funds invested in the investment endeavor is scrutinized. The petitioner must furnish exhaustive evidence of the legitimacy of the capital.

Step 5

Interview with the applicant

In certain instances, the candidate may be summoned to an interview to elucidate the particulars of the venture proposal and verify the conformity of all information supplied.

Once all inspections are finished, the aspirant receives preliminary acceptance, enabling him to proceed to the subsequent phase of the residency procedure.

Registration of temporary residence

Having obtained antecedent approval, the financier may commence the procedure to acquire a transient abode license in Luxembourg.

Steps after approval

After obtaining consent, the financier must allocate the capital in conformity with the sanctioned blueprint. This could involve acquiring immovable property, financing a venture, or depositing funds into a bank ledger.

Afterward, you must furnish documents validating the satisfaction of all stipulations of the preliminary accord. A petition for transient habitation is subsequently tendered to the municipal administration or to the Emigration Bureau of the Ministry of External Affairs of Luxembourg.

Medical examination and registration

After presenting a petition for a transient habitation license, it is essential to fulfill a series of obligatory processes, such as undergoing a medicinal inspection and enrolling at the domicile.

Upon advent in Luxembourg, the petitioner has three days to undergo a medicinal scrutiny at one of the indigenous medicinal establishments. This scrutiny includes examining your overall vigor and the nonexistence of contagious ailments.

After reaching Luxembourg, the petitioner has three days to enroll with the local commune. To accomplish this, you must furnish documents attesting to the leasing or acquisition of immovable property, along with a provisional residency authorization.

Having accomplished these procedures, the petitioner obtains a transient abode sanction, valid for up to triennium, with the prospect of prolongation if all stipulations are fulfilled.

Registration of permanent residence permit and citizenship

After receiving a transient habitation license, the financier can commence the procedure of acquiring enduring habitation license and Luxembourg nationality.

Requirements for permanent residence

For acquiring an enduring abode permit in Luxembourg, the petitioner must fulfill the ensuing prerequisites:

  • Domicile in Luxembourg for at least five years, without prolonged sojourns (no more than half a year consecutively).
  • Adherence to all Luxembourgish laws and regulations, including fiscal duties and residency prerequisites.
  • Engagement in the communal and mercantile existence of the nation, for instance, conducting commerce and discharging levies.
  • Fundamental acquaintance with one of the endorsed dialects of Luxembourg (Luxembourgish, French or German).

The process of acquiring citizenship after a five-year stay

After accomplishing quinquennial continuous domicile in Luxembourg, the aspirant can petition for naturalization.

To begin with, the petition is submitted to the Luxembourg Department of Justice, to which are affixed all the necessary documents confirming conformity with the prerequisites for acquiring citizenship.

Secondly, the petitioner is obliged to undertake a curriculum that encompasses exploration of the antiquity, ethos, governmental structure and jurisprudence of Luxembourg. The curriculum is administered in one of the sanctioned dialects of the nation.

You must also successfully pass an examination of erudition of the Luxembourgish tongue, which is conducted at one of the endorsed linguistics centers.

Ultimately, the Department of Justice examines all submitted papers and assesses the applicant's conformity with all stipulations. This phase can span from half a year to a year. Following the successful finalization of all formalities, the applicant attains Luxembourg nationality, which grants access to all the entitlements and prerogatives of the country's inhabitants.

Hence, process of acquiring domicile and nationality in Luxembourg through investment schemes necessitates meticulous preparation and fulfillment of all stipulated prerequisites. Nevertheless, it confers notable benefits and prospects for investors desiring to reside and labor in one of the most steadfast and affluent nations in Europe.

Additional aspects and related programs

Procedure for acquiring abode in Luxembourg through investment programs is not confined solely to the petitioner. It also encompasses supplementary facets that pertain to the investor's kin, openings for innovators and nascent enterprises, along with fiscal encouragements and commercial framework. These facets play a pivotal role in forging a propitious milieu for investors and their kin, and also foster the advancement of commerce and novelty in the nation.

Options for Investor Family Members

Investment schemes of Luxembourg furnish opportunities not solely for the investor himself, but also for his family. This encompasses spouses and dependent offspring, who are likewise accorded certain privileges and advantages.

Conditions for including family members

To add spouses and children to your residency application, certain requirements must be met:

  • Official documents confirming family ties, such as marriage certificates and birth certificates of children, must be provided.
  • Spouses and children must meet the same requirements as the main applicant. This includes having a police clearance certificate, valid health insurance and documents confirming the availability of suitable housing. “Dependent children” means persons under 18 years of age, as well as students under 21 years of age who are dependent on their parents.

It is important that spouses and children live together with the main applicant in Luxembourg, which guarantees family unity and joint management of the household.

Benefits and rights for family members

Spouses and children included in the residency petition acquire many significant privileges and rights:

Resident card
Pallowing on residence and employment in Luxembourg. This gives spouses and children the opportunity to fully settle in the country, with access to high-quality education and health care.
Visa-free travel
INthe possibility of unhindered movement within the countries of the Schengen area, which opens up additional prospects for travel and business visits.
Claim for citizenship
The right to apply for citizenship after five years of continuous residence in Luxembourg, subject to successful completion of the Life in Luxembourg course and passing the language exam. Citizenship provides access to all rights and privileges of Luxembourg citizens, including participation in elections and a wide range of social benefits.

Opportunities for entrepreneurs and startups

Luxembourg actively supports entrepreneurs and start-ups, offering a variety of programs and grants for business development and innovation. These initiatives are aimed at attracting talented entrepreneurs and stimulating economic growth in the country.

Special programs and grants

There are several special programs and grants aimed at supporting startups and entrepreneurs. Firstly, Fit 4 Start program offers grants of up to €150,000 for IT and biotech start-ups. The program includes mentoring support, access to office space and participation in trainings and seminars.

Secondly, the Luxinnovation program provides financial support and advisory services to startups and companies engaged in innovative activities. Luxinnovation offers grants for research and development in Luxembourg, patenting assistance and access to international markets.

Thirdly, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) also offer financial support to start-ups and small businesses in Luxembourg. This includes concessional loans, guarantees and equity investments.

Support for start-ups and innovative businesses

Luxembourg provides ample opportunities to support start-ups and innovative businesses. This includes developed infrastructure, access to finance and professional networks. The country has numerous business incubators and accelerators, such as Technoport and Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT), which offer office space, mentoring support and access to investors.

Luxembourg also actively cooperates with international organizations and universities, which contributes to the development of innovative projects and the attraction of talented specialists. An important element of supporting startups is Digital Luxembourg program, aimed at developing the digital economy and creating favorable conditions for IT companies.

Tax incentives and business infrastructure

Luxembourg offers favorable tax conditions and a developed business infrastructure, making it attractive to foreign investors and entrepreneurs. This includes low tax rates, double tax treaties and access to a wide range of professional services.

Key Tax Benefits for Investors

The corporate tax rate in Luxembourg is amounting to 24.94%, which is the EU average.

In addition, Luxembourg has concluded double tax treaties with more than 80 countries, which allows investors to avoid double taxation of income and minimize tax risks. This is especially important for international companies and investors with assets and income in multiple jurisdictions.

Investors can also take advantage of various tax breaks and deductions in Luxembourg, such as research and development incentives, tax credits for investment in innovation projects and capital gains incentives. These measures are aimed at stimulating investment and development of high-tech industries.

Review of business incubators and co-working spaces

Luxembourg offers a developed business infrastructure, including numerous business incubators and co-working spaces. These facilities provide startups and entrepreneurs with access to office space, mentoring support and a network of professional contacts.

Is one of the largest business incubators in Luxembourg, offering office space, laboratories and meeting rooms for technology and innovation startups. Technoport also provides mentoring support, patenting assistance and access to funding.
Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT)
Specializes in supporting startups and financial technology companies. LHoFT offers office space, mentoring support and access to a network of professional contacts in the financial sector. In addition, LHoFT organizes numerous events and conferences aimed at developing financial technologies and attracting investors.
Silicon Luxembourg
Is one of the leading co-working spaces in the country, offering office space, meeting rooms and access to a network of professional contacts. Silicon Luxembourg actively supports start-ups and entrepreneurs by providing mentoring support, organizing events and access to funding.

Thus, Luxembourg provides ample opportunities for investors, start-ups and entrepreneurs, offering favorable tax conditions, developed business infrastructure and a variety of support programs. These aspects make the country an attractive place to do business and invest, promoting economic development and innovation.


Luxembourg Business Immigration Program 2024 opens the door to global entrepreneurs and investors seeking not only to strengthen their businesses in one of the most stable and dynamic parts of Europe, but also to obtain a residence permit and then citizenship.

Luxembourg offers a variety of investment opportunities, from business and management investments to large deposits in financial institutions. The program offers significant tax benefits, access to first-class business infrastructure and a high standard of living.

Family advantages also make Luxembourg particularly attractive. Members of the investor's family can receive a residence permit, access to quality education and medical care, as well as the possibility of visa-free travel within the Schengen area. Additional programs to support startups and innovative businesses, including grants and business incubators, help develop new technologies and attract talented entrepreneurs.

As a result, the choice Luxembourg for business immigration in 2024 represents a strategically advantageous solution. Luxembourg continues to be one of the most attractive jurisdictions for business immigration, providing investors with favorable business conditions and a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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