Support of investment activities in Brazil

The Brazilian economy hath burgeoned swiftly in latter days and boasteth fine potential for subsequent burgeoning in the days to come. The realm hath a comparably settled governance, rendering it appealing to alien investments. Brazil is famed for its opulent natural endowments, comprising petroleum, gas, ferric ore, lumber, and agrarian commodities. The indigenous governance hath undertaken sundry measures to ameliorate the investment milieu within the realm, rendering business endeavors more facile. The Brazilian economy hath burgeoned swiftly in latter days and boasteth fine potential for subsequent burgeoning in the days to come. The realm hath a comparably settled governance, rendering it appealing for foreign investments. Brazil hath opulent hoards of natural endowments, comprising ferric ore, petroleum, gas, lumber, and agrarian commodities. However, as is the case in any realm, investing hither doth entail certain perils, and it behooveth thee to conduct thine research afore making any determinations regarding investments in Brazil.

Regional capital enactment may appear intricate, but it frequently experiences alterations. It is crucial to solicit the aid of a seasoned juridical and fiscal counselor to assist you in traversing the ordinance and refining your fiscal duties. It is likewise crucial to scrutinize fiscal enactments adeptly to avert unforeseen expenditures. The nation's economic climate can be precarious and susceptible to the sway of a broad array of elements, such as global values for unprocessed substances, inflation, and assorted political occurrences. You ought to assess these hazards meticulously before engaging in investment.

The politico-social milieu herein is also exceedingly capricious. It is imperative to vigilate political occurrences that might impinge upon your investments. Furthermore, conducting commerce in Brazil can prove to be arduous owing to bureaucratic impediments and malfeasance.

However, in general, the Brazilian marketplace presents myriad investment openings, such as equities, debentures, immovable property, investment pools, and direct investment in commerce. Every investment asset ought to be meticulously scrutinized prior to committing to an investment determination.

It is not counseled to vest all your pecuniaries in one investment entity. It is imperative to variegate your investments to diminish hazards. You should also liaise with a proficient counselor who will aid you in eluding hazards and formulating the supremely opportune determination.

Pros of investing in Brazil:

Brazil, a nation with an evolving economy and vast potential, lures numerous financiers, proffering ingress to an expanding marketplace and the potentiality of exorbitant gains.

Advantages latent in investing in Brazil:

Growing market:
  • Brazil possesses the most capacious pecuniary structure in the zone, rendering it a fetching market for alien investors.
  • GDP is anticipated to burgeon at a middling rate of 2.5% annually in the imminent future, surpassing the worldwide norm.
  • The middle kind in Brazil is burgeoning expeditiously, thereby instigating an innate escalation in the requisition for wares and amenities.
High profitability:
  • Interest tariffs are lofty, rendering the realm a commendable preference for investors in quest of exalted yields.
  • Brazilian bourse is among the supremely kinetic globally, furnishing investors with the prospect to attain lofty gains.
  • The governance is lavishing substantially on infrastructure enhancement, thus engendering fresh prospects for investors.
Diversification of the investment portfolio:
  • Venturing into Brazil avails you the opportunity to broaden your investment repertoire and mitigate overarching hazards.
  • Venturing into tangible assets like immovable property or aurum can safeguard your reserves against inflation.
Access to raw materials:

Brazil is acknowledged as one of the supereminent petroleum creators in the cosmos. Substantiated petroleum hoards total approximately 13 billion casks. The realm moreover possesses the secund major hoards of ferric ore in the cosmos, the extraction of which is a paramount export. Moreover, Brazil stands as one of the zenith decadal aurum creators in the cosmos and is likewise a principal shipper of soybeans in the cosmos. This is one of the utmost crucial fronds of husbandry. Furthermore, in addition to these boons, it is estimable to highlight the voluminous tracts of equatorial groves in the cosmos. Grove resources are actively exploited for the fabrication of lumber, parchment, and other commodities.

Venture potentials within the elemental endowments realm are exceedingly elevated. Let us scrutinize more closely:

  • Mining. Foreign enterprises may deploy in the inquiry, yield, and refinement of ores in Brazil. The realm's governance extends sundry tax exemptions and alternative inducements to alien investors.
  • Agriculture. Foreign investors may further deploy in crop cultivation, livestock husbandry, and agrarian refinement in Brazil. Tillage is one of the most dynamically burgeoning sectors of the realm's economy.
  • Forestry. Brazil harbors one of the most expansive equatorial woodlands globally, which proffers noteworthy openings for silvicultural evolution. Worldwide exigency for timber, parchment, and other silvicultural commodities incessantly burgeons, rendering investments in this realm particularly alluring.

The Brazilian polity proffers sundry succor schemes for investors in silviculture, rendering this realm more obtainable. Auspicious domains of investment: fostering swiftly burgeoning arboreal genera like eucalypti and pines for cellulose and timber; erection of ligneous manipulation factories for the fabrication of planks, veneer, furnishings, and other commodities, fostering of ecoexcursions in the equatorial woodlands of Brazil.

Risks to consider:

  • Unlawful sylviculture is a grave quandary in Brazil, which may detrimentally affect investment.
  • Meteorological alterations can precipitate aridity, inundations, and other elemental catastrophes, which may impair arboreal plantations.
  • Valuations for lumber and other arboreal commodities may oscillate contingent upon provision and requisition in the worldwide commercial arena.
Developing real estate market:

Brazilian tangible property marketplace is one of the utmost dynamically burgeoning in the globe. This is of noteworthy interest to alien speculators seeking lofty yields and heterogeneity of their investment folios. The exigency for tangible property is burgeoning swiftly, which conduces to an escalation in rates for flats and domiciles. Investments in this division can fetch lofty yields, primarily in the mercantile tangible property sector. The governance incessantly proffers sundry succor programs for tangible property speculators, which renders this realm more captivating.




Market size

$1.3 trillion

The Brazilian real estate market is the second largest in Latin America.

Annual growth


The market is expected to grow at 5% per annum over the next 5 years.


$20 billion

In 2023, $20 billion was invested in the Brazilian real estate market.

Principal varieties of immovable property

Residential, commercial, industrial

Residential real estate is the most popular market segment.

Real estate prices

Fluctuate contingent upon the locale and genre of domicile

On average, property prices in Brazil increased by 10% in 2023.

Mortgage loans

Mortgage loans available with interest rates starting from 8%

Mortgage penetration in Brazil is relatively low.


Rental demand is high, especially in large cities

Rents in Brazil are up 5% in 2023.

Risk factors

Economic instability, inflation, rising interest rates

The Brazilian economy is subject to volatility, which could negatively impact the real estate market.


The Brazilian real estate market is expected to grow in the medium to long term

Brazil is an attractive country for property investment due to its large and growing population, growing economy and relatively low property prices.

Elements invigorating Brazilian immovables marketplace expansion:

  • Brazil's populace is surpassing 210 million and burgeoning. This culminates in an augmentation in requisition for habitation.
  • The mesocratic populace is burgeoning expeditiously, thereby escalating the procurement puissance of the populace and the requisition for habitation.
  • An escalating number of individuals in Brazil are translocating from agrarian regions to urban locales, which is additionally propelling the requisition for habitation.
  • Interest rates in Brazil are comparatively modest, rendering mortgages more economical.
  • The administration proffers sundry succor programs targeted at fomenting the evolution of the tangible estate market.

Investment occurrences in the Brazilian tangible estate market:

  • Residential Property: Investments in tenements and abodes in principal metropolises in Brazil can yield prodigious returns through leasing or enhancement.
  • Commercial Real Estate: Investments in workplace quarters, emporium complexes and repositories can likewise be lucrative.
  • Logistics Real Estate: Demand for storehouses and other logistic immovable is burgeoning swiftly in Brazil due to the ascendancy of e-trade.
  • Tourist Properties: Investments in hostels, tenements and other traveler estates can be remunerative in esteemed tourist vicinities.

Perils to contemplate when embarking upon investment in Brazilian immovable assets:

Brazil's economy is susceptible to undulations, which could adversely affect the immovable property market. Investors should be primed for potential undulations in immovable property values and interest rates. The inflation rate herein is notably loftier than in developed nations, which may diminish the tangible yield on investment in immovable property.
The Brazilian political organization is volatile, which might adversely impact the investment ambiance in the nation. Moreover, statutes concerning the landed estate market might alter, which could detrimentally affect the concerns of stakeholders.
Administrative methodologies in Brazil can be convoluted and enigmatic, which can engender dilemmas for investors. Malversation is a grave quandary in the nation, which can escalate expenditures and perils for investors.
Delinquency frequencies in certain locales are markedly elevated, which may present a peril to immovable asset speculation. Brazil is situated in a region predisposed to elemental cataclysms like inundations and tempests. This can culminate in estate impairment and pecuniary forfeiture for stakeholders.
Other advantages:
  • Sparse levies: Brazil possesses a parsimonious tribute arrangement for alien financiers.
  • Propitious topographical locale: Brazil is situated in a propitious topographic station, affording ingress to the bazaars of South America and Africa.
  • It harbors a juvenile and adept populace, constituting an asset for commercial progression.

Minuses investing in Brazil:

The Brazilian political apparatus can be precarious. Financiers ought to be primed for potential oscillations in the tangible exchange quotient and interest tariffs. The delinquency tally is considerably lofty, which may also present a peril to investment. Engaging in commerce within the realm can prove arduous owing to bureaucratic impediments and venality. In certain locales, the infrastructure is rather underdeveloped, thereby detrimentally impacting the expense of commerce. In Brazil, there exists significant disparateness between affluent and impoverished, potentially precipitating social upheaval and agitation.

And the thrift is exceedingly reliant on the qualities of produce exports, which renders it susceptible to undulations in global prices for these wares. It must furthermore be reckoned that the expense of subsistence in principal metropolises in Brazil can be exceedingly exorbitant, notably for foreigners. Venturing in any nation invariably encompasses hazards. Prior to venturing in Brazil, one should meticulously contemplate all potential hazards and compensations. It is advised to seek counsel from seasoned professionals who can aid you in rendering the accurate resolution. In supplement to the drawbacks enumerated afore, there subsist other variables to ponder upon when deliberating over deposits in Brazil. On the whole, this is a nation with immense investment openings, yet investors should also be primed for towering hazards.

Main segments of the Brazilian investment market:

Brazilian investment market is one of the prodigious and most kinetically evolving in the cosmos. It proffers a broad spectrum of investment junctures for indigenous and alien investors.





B3 (Brazilian Commodity and Stock Exchange)

Main stock exchange of Brazil.



Brazil's leading stock index tracking the most liquid stocks listed on B3.

Market capitalization

US$2.3 trillion

The total value of all shares listed on B3.

Annual growth


Percentage change in the Ibovespa index over the past year.

P/E ratio


Average price-to-earnings ratio of stocks listed on Ibovespa.

Dividend yield


Average annual dividend yield of stocks listed on Ibovespa.


US$1.8 trillion

Total production of goods and services in Brazil for the year.

GDP per capita


The volume of production of goods and services per capita in Brazil for the year.

Interest rate


Current interest rate on certificates of deposit (CD) in Brazil.


Brazilian real (BRL)

Currency used in Brazil.

Here are some of the primary sections:


The stock market entices the regard of speculators with its lofty burgeon potential and the feasibility of variegating investment folios.

Here are some of the principal rationales why investments in equities of Brazilian corporations may be advantageous:

  • Brazil's thrift is one of the most colossal in the orb and harbors tall growth aptitude. This engenders advantageous states for the burgeon of firms and amplifying their lucre.
  • The Brazilian indigenous market is burgeoning expeditiously, culminating in augmented requisition for commodities and amenities from Brazilian firms.
  • Interest rates are comparably scarce, rendering investments in equities more alluring than consignments in banks.
  • A debilitation of the Brazilian pittance vis-a-vis the US dollar could render Brazilian equities more appealing to alien investors.

Key aspects:

  • The Bovespa bourse is the paramount bourse in Latin America with a capitalization exceeding 3 trillion US dollars. The stock market enumerates equities of over 800 enterprises from sundry sectors.
  • Equities of Brazilian enterprises might exhibit considerable volatility, denoting their prices may fluctuate promptly.
  • Over the extended period, equities of Brazilian enterprises can furnish lofty yields.

It is pivotal to remark that putting resources into any share perpetually implicates hazards. Before investing in Brazilian equities, you should thoroughly contemplate all conceivable hazards and rewards. It is advised to seek counsel from adept professionals who can assist you in making the apt decision. Overall, the Brazilian stock market embodies a fascinating investment prospect, but investors should be primed for elevated hazards.


Placing resources in obligations of Brazilian firms may prove to be an alluring manner to broaden your investment assortment and garner a steadfast revenue.

There exist a pair of classifications for connections:

  • Sovereign obligations are deemed one of the most dependable investment implements in the Brazilian marketplace.
  • Enterprises can furnish superior yields than sovereign obligations, but also accompany augmented jeopardy.

Here are certain of the primary rationales wherefore allocating in bonds of Brazilian enterprises might prove appealing:

  • Securities of Brazilian enterprises proffer loftier yields than securities of developed nations.
  • Certain securities of Brazilian corporations are pegged to inflation, facilitating safeguarding your reserves from devaluation.
  • Securities are deemed a more steadfast investment conveyance than equities.
  • The Brazilian marketplace extends securities of sundry enterprises from disparate realms of the economy, enabling you to broaden your investments.

Nevertheless, it is imperative to consider the hazards concomitant with these ventures:

  • Credit peril: There is a jeopardy that the bond emitter will not be able to fulfill its interest and principal reimbursement obligations.
  • Interest ratio peril: The worth of bonds may diminish when interest ratios ascend.
  • Currency Exchange Hazard: Bonds denominated in reals are prone to the hazard of alterations in the currency exchange ratio between the real and the US dollar.
Mutual investment funds (UIFs)

Variety and proficiency The Brazilian collective investment scheme market proffers an extensive array of investment opportunities for sundry objectives and hazard levels. Investors can elect mutual funds that invest in debentures, equities, raw materials encompassing aureate, petroleum, agrarian wares, etc. Mutual funds are overseen by adept enterprises, which permits investors to diversify their investment assortments and diminish hazards, relocate certain of the governance apprehensions onto the shoulders of adept individuals, and procure admittance to an extensive array of investment implements and exchanges.

Investing in mutual funds, aiming for the Brazilian market, could be an intriguing method to obtain entry to this lively market without having to choose assets personally.

Here are some of the primary rationales why investing in Brazil-focused mutual funds can be captivating:

  • Diversification: Mutual funds permit investors to vary their investments by acquiring shares of myriad disparate enterprises.
  • Professional management: Mutual funds are supervised by adept management firms who possess proficiency in the Brazilian market and can discern assets considering all hazards.
  • Availability: Mutual funds are accessible to investors with assorted income levels.
  • Growth potential: The Brazilian economy harbors lofty expansion potential, which could result in an augmentation in the worth of mutual fund assets.
Real estate

Realty venture in Brazil is feasible in sundry segments such as domiciliary realty, mercantile realty, logistics realty, and excursionist realty. The realty marketplace possesses lofty advancement potential owing to an expanding populace and burgeoning economy.

They can be an enchanting method to diversify your investment portfolio and earn passive revenue. Let's denominate the principal benefits:

  • Growing Market: The Brazilian economy is one of the swiftest burgeoning in the world, culminating in escalated craving for landed estate.
  • Diminutive costs: Real estate values in Brazil are markedly lesser than in industrialized nations, rendering them more economical for speculators.
  • Eminent output: Rents can be exceedingly lofty, furnishing speculators with eminent proceeds.
  • Diversity: The Brazilian landed estate bazaar proffers properties to accommodate every predilection and pecuniary limit, from dwellings and abodes to mercantile estates and terrain.

However, it is requisite to consider the hazards connected with investing in tangible property in Brazil:

  • Market vicissitude: The Brazilian habitation market can be quite vicissitudinous, signifying property prices can alter swiftly.
  • The political state of the nation may adversely impact the economy and the habitation market.
  • Criminality frequencies in some locales of Brazil may be elevated, which may present a hazard to investors.

Brazil is one of the prodigious exporters of agrarian wares in the globe, which renders investing in this domain lucrative. The nation is affluent in minerals such as ferrous metal, aurum, and cupronickel, which is also of intrigue to stakeholders. Investing in produce can be a sanctuary asset during epochs of fiscal ambiguity. This is a commendable modus to safeguard against monetary expansion.

Here are some of the principal rationales why this genre of investment is favored:

  • Protection against inflation: the cost of goods traditionally increases at a rate that outstrips inflation, which makes them an attractive tool for protecting savings from depreciation.
  • Diversification: Investing in commodities can help diversify an investment portfolio and reduce its volatility.
  • Upside Potential: Prices for some goods in Brazil, such as agricultural products and commodities, could rise significantly in the long term.
  • Low barriers to entry: Investing in commodities is relatively simple and requires significant knowledge or experience.

There are a number of risks:

  • Product prices can be quite volatile, meaning they can change quickly.
  • Products need to be stored somewhere, which can be costly and fraught with risks.
  • Goods may deteriorate or be damaged, resulting in losses.
  • Obviously, it needs to be transported and insured, which can be costly and fraught with risks. The government may impose restrictions on the export and import of goods, which may have a negative impact on investment.





Brazil is one of the largest producers and exporters of agricultural products in the world. Investment opportunities in this area include the production of cereals, soybeans, meat, milk, coffee, sugar cane, etc.

Amaggi, SLC Agrícola, JBS, Marfrig

Mining industry

Brazil has rich mineral reserves such as iron ore, niobium, bauxite, manganese, gold, etc. Investment opportunities This area includes mining and processing of minerals.

Vale, CSN, Usiminas, Gerdau

Oil and gas

Brazil has significant oil and gas reserves. Investment opportunities in this area include exploration, production, refining and transportation of oil and gas.

Petrobras, Enauta, Cosan, Raizen


Brazil is one of the largest economies in the world, which results in high demand for construction services. Investment opportunities in this area include the construction of commercial and residential real estate, infrastructure facilities, bridges and roads

MRV Engenharia, Gafisa, Odebrecht, Camargo Corrêa

Financial services

The Brazilian banking sector is one of the largest in Latin America. Investment opportunities in this area include banking, insurance, investments, asset management, etc.

Itaú Unibanco, Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, Santander Brasil


The Brazilian retail market is one of the largest in the world. Investment opportunities in this area include supermarkets, clothing stores, electronics stores, furniture stores, etc.

Pão de Açúcar, Carrefour, Magazine Luiza, Americanas


Brazil is a popular tourist destination. Investment opportunities in this area include the construction and management of hotels, restaurants, resorts, tourist facilities, etc.

AccorHotels, Meliá Hotels International, Azul Linhas Aéreas, CVC Corp

Information Technology

The Brazilian information technology market is developing rapidly. Investment opportunities in this area include software development, IT services, e-commerce, etc.

Totvs, Stone Payments, Mercado Livre, Nubank

Renewable energy

Brazil has rich potential for the development of renewable energy. Investment opportunities in this area include solar, wind, hydropower, bioenergy, etc.

Enel Green Power, Omega Energia, CPFL Energia Renovável, Votorantim Energia

In addition to the segments listed above, the Brazilian investment market also includes other investment instruments such as currencies, cryptocurrencies and derivatives. It is important to note that investing in any financial asset often involves risks. Before investing in a country, you should thoroughly study all the potential benefits and risks.

Investment risks

However, it is necessary to take into account the risks associated with investments in shares:

  • Market volatility: The local market can be quite volatile, meaning prices can change quickly.
  • The political system can be quite unstable, which can negatively affect the stock market and the economy as a whole.
  • Corruption, unfortunately, is a serious problem, and it is a big threat to the smooth operation of local firms.
  • The economy is influenced by world prices for commodities such as oil and iron. Lower prices for these goods could have a negative impact on the profits of Brazilian companies and their shares.
  • Inflation rates in Brazil are higher than in developed countries, which can seriously reduce the real return on investment in stocks.
  • Bureaucratic obstacles can be complex, which sometimes creates some problems for international investors.

Regulations for foreign investors in Brazil

Brazil offers international investors a number of advantages, including:

  • Openness of the economy and low barriers to entry for foreign investors.
  • The economy is one of the most stable in Latin America.
  • The Brazilian market is one of the fastest growing in the world.
  • The local economy is diverse and offers investors many opportunities.
  • Brazil offers foreign investors a number of tax incentives.

However, foreign investors need to take into account some rules and restrictions:

  • Registration: International investors are required to register with the Brazilian Federal Company Registration Service. Company registration is not required to purchase shares.
  • Exchange Controls: Brazil has a system of exchange controls that restrict capital movements.
  • Land Ownership Restrictions: Foreign citizens and companies are limited in their ability to own land in border areas and some other regions.
  • Labor Requirements: Foreign firms are required to hire a certain number of Brazilian citizens.
  • Intellectual Property: International investors must protect their intellectual property rights in accordance with Brazilian law.

Investment protection in Brazil:

Brazil offers many opportunities for foreign investors. Here are some ways to protect your investment in Brazil:

  • Study the market: Before investing, study the market thoroughly and choose reliable partners.
  • Diversify your portfolio: Don't invest all your money in one asset. Invest in a variety of assets in different sectors of the economy.
  • Use legal tools: Enter into contracts with clear terms and use other legal tools to protect your rights.
  • Insure your investments: Insure your own investments against potential risks such as possible natural disasters, political unrest and currency changes.
  • Stay tuned: Stay informed about developing economic and political events that may affect your investments.
  • Seek Professional Help: If necessary, seek the assistance of experienced lawyers, consultants and other professionals to help you protect your investments.

Investment Insurance in Brazil

Investment insurance can be a valuable tool to protect your assets from the various risks associated with investing in Brazil.

Type of insurance




Political risk insurance

Protects investments against losses caused by political events such as expropriation, nationalization, war or civil unrest.

Provides peace of mind to investors and can make raising capital easier.

Can be expensive and difficult to obtain.

War risk insurance

Protects investments against losses caused by war, terrorism or other military events.

May be especially important for investing in countries with high levels of political instability.

Generally does not cover losses due to civil unrest or insurrection.

Currency exchange risk insurance

Protects investments against losses caused by exchange rate fluctuations between the Brazilian real and other currencies.

May be useful for investors who plan to repatriate their profits in foreign currency.

Does not cover losses due to inflation.

Construction and erection all risks insurance

Protects investments against losses caused by damage or destruction of property during construction or installation.

May be especially important for large infrastructure projects.

Typically does not cover losses due to construction delays or cost overruns.

Business interruption insurance

Protects investments against loss of income caused by business interruption due to natural disasters, fires or other force majeure events.

Can help companies maintain their solvency during unexpected events.

Typically does not cover losses related to loss of customers or reputation.

Here are some of the main types of investment insurance available in Brazil:

  • Political risk insurance protects investments against losses caused by political events such as expropriation, war or civil unrest.
  • War and terrorist insurance protects your investment against losses caused by war or terrorist attacks.
  • Business interruption insurance protects a business from financial losses that may result from business interruption caused by natural disasters, fires, strikes or other events.
  • Foreign exchange insurance protects investments against losses caused by currency fluctuations.
  • Nonpayment insurance protects against losses that may arise as a result of nonpayment by your debtors.

In addition to these main types of insurance, there are other specialized insurance products available that may be of interest to investors, such as:

  • Real estate investment insurance protects your real estate investment against losses caused by natural disasters, fires, theft and other incidents.
  • Infrastructure investment insurance protects investments in infrastructure projects against losses caused by construction delays, cost overruns or other problems.
  • Securities investment insurance protects investments in securities against losses caused by falling prices of stocks, bonds or other assets.

The cost and terms of insurance may vary significantly depending on the insurance company, type of insurance and other factors. You need to constantly monitor the market situation and take the necessary measures to protect your assets.

Legislative framework for investment projects in Brazil

Brazilian legislation provides entrepreneurs with a number of attractive options for implementing investment projects. The main laws regulating investment activities in the country:

  • The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil defines the basic principles of investment policy, such as freedom of enterprise, protection of private property and equality before the law.
  • Law No. 6.404/1976 regulates foreign investment in Brazil, establishing rules for registration, repatriation of profits and other requirements.
  • Federal Law No. 11.101/2009 establishes national treatment for foreign companies operating in Brazil, giving them equal rights with Brazilian companies.
  • Law No. 12.527/2011 creates a regime of simple bureaucratic process (REGRAD) to simplify starting and doing business in Brazil.
  • Law No. 14.151/2021 modernizes Brazilian competition law to promote competition and protect consumer rights.
It is important to note that Brazilian legislation changes frequently. And this should be taken into account when making a decision.

Taxation of investments in Brazil

Taxation depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • Type of Investment: Taxes on bonds, stocks, real estate and other investments may vary.
  • Investor status: Brazilian residents and non-residents are taxed at different rates.
  • Source of income: It is known that income received from Brazil may be subject to tax both within the country and in the country of residence of the investor.

Tax type

Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ)


Tax on dividends

not charged, except in cases of agreements in which a certain rate is established

Capital gains tax


Property Tax (IPTU)

Varies depending on municipality

Inheritance and Gift Tax (ITD)


  • IRPJ: The corporate income tax (IRPJ) is levied on the profits of Brazilian companies. Non-resident companies charge IRPJ on profits generated from their activities in Brazil.
  • Dividend tax: Dividend tax is levied on dividends paid by Brazilian companies to their shareholders. The tax is withheld at source and paid by the Brazilian government.
  • Capital gains tax: Capital gains tax is levied on profits acquired from the sale of assets such as shares, real estate and land. The tax is withheld at source and paid by the Brazilian government.
  • IPTU: Property tax (IPTU) is levied on real estate located in Brazil. Tax rates are set by municipalities.
  • ETC: Inheritance and Gift Tax (ITD) is levied on the transfer of property by inheritance or gift. The tax rate is 8% for all beneficiaries, regardless of their residence status.

There are other taxes that may apply to investments in Brazil.

Support of investment activities in Brazil: YB CASE

YB CASE is a consulting company that specializes in support of investment activities of international investors in Brazil. We offer you the most necessary services that will help you at all stages of your project.

Search and analysis of investment prospects:
  • Identification of investment projects that meet your goals and criteria.
  • Conducting an in-depth analysis of the market and competitive environment.
  • Assessment of potential risks and benefits of an investment project.
Legal support:
  • Registration of a legal entity and obtaining the necessary permits.
  • Drawing up and legal examination of contracts and agreements.
  • Representation of your interests in government agencies and courts.
Tax consulting:
  • Development of the optimal tax structure for your investment project.
  • Minimization of tax liabilities in accordance with Brazilian legislation.
  • Supporting tax audits and disputes.
Accounting support:
  • Maintaining accounting records in accordance with Brazilian standards.
  • Preparation of financial statements and tax returns.
  • Providing advice on accounting issues.
Support of mergers and acquisitions:
  • Conducting legal due diligence and assessing the value of assets.
  • Structuring the transaction taking into account tax and legal aspects.
  • Conducting negotiations and preparing documentation.
Intellectual property protection:
  • Registration of patents, trademarks, copyrights.
  • Protection of intellectual property from violations.
  • Representing your interests in legal disputes.
HR consulting:
  • Search and selection of personnel according to your requirements.
  • Preparation of employment contracts and personnel documents.
  • Ensuring adherence with toil statutes.
Support of profit repatriation:
  • Preparation of necessary documents for transferring profits abroad.
  • Minimizing risks in foreign exchange transactions.
  • Ensuring compliance with exchange controls.

Why choose YB CASE:

We have many years of experience working with foreign investors in Brazil. We offer a wide range of services to help you at all stages of your project. We cooperate with reliable partners and guarantee the confidentiality of your information. We develop individual solutions for each client, taking into account his goals and needs.

Contact us at any time convenient for you and get personal advice!

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