Legal support of startup projects
Price for consultation
500 EUR
Commencing a nascent enterprise endeavor within a renowned jurisdiction is a prevalent approach to inaugurate a commercial enterprise. To ensure the endeavor attains prosperity, one must possess not solely a meticulously devised commercial tactic but also proficient legal guidance for the nascent enterprise venture to engage efficiently with clientele, financiers, and subcontractors.

Amidst the expeditious advancement of all commercial domains, the IT services sector has emerged as a primary segment of the economy. Simultaneously, the establishment of an IT enterprise within a dependable jurisdiction and its prosperous functioning necessitate legal safeguards for its offerings. Legal assistance for technological startups proves essential across all phases of the venture's existence, yet guidance during the enterprise's genesis phase shall preempt numerous complications stemming from ineffectively organized procedures.

The investment procedure in the commencement of a technological startup overseas varies contingent upon the jurisdiction, nevertheless, irrespective of the manner in which the agreement is reached, the objective invariably remains constant - to foster the growth of the startup through the capital acquired. Although numerous entrepreneurs contemplate established international financial hubs like Hong Kong or Singapore for inaugurating their enterprise, far-flung nations with unique attributes regarding startup authorizations, licenses, indigenous fiscal bookkeeping, and scrutiny can be intriguing and distinctive.

Registration of a technology company abroad

Establishing technological enterprises in renowned territories stands as one of the most auspicious realms of endeavor in the contemporary era. These corporate frameworks possess the potential to expand across the globe, concurrently engendering employment opportunities. The primary phases of enlisting a commencement project within an alien jurisdiction encompass the ensuing facets:

  • Selecting the country of incorporation.
    • The whereabouts of your forthcoming enterprise constitutes a principal verdict, delineating the fiscal encumbrance, juridical prerequisites for your initiative, and the avenues for eventual advancement and enlargement.
  • Market research.
    • This serves as an efficacious approach for amassing data regarding prospective patrons, financiers, and rivals within your designated domain.
  • Soliciting a patent for a technological innovation when commencing a commencement before it garners widespread recognition.
  • Compiling a commercial strategy grounded on the appraisal of market rivalry and fiscal prerequisites. This forms the bedrock for instigating an overseas investment endeavor.
  • Picking methods to fund the initiative. Concluding an operational pact when launching a commencement undertaking, should it be funded by governmental entities.
  • Securing funding for a technology inception within a dependable jurisdiction.
For a business to attain prosperity, it is imperative to factor in all pivotal facets, ranging from strategy formulation to its actualization. In this instance, adept legal aid for a technology commencement project will assume a pivotal function. Consequently, it is prudent to engage proficient experts who will extend guidance throughout every juncture of the project commencement.

Funding for startup projects

While enrolling a commencement initiative within a prominent jurisdiction, broadening the array of financing origins will not only enhance the management of latent perils but also heighten the likelihood of securing suitable capital to satisfy distinct corporate requisites. Broadly speaking, the accessible approaches for procuring funds comprise:

  1. Celestial financing. Commercial cherubs are commonly individuals who allocate resources to nascent enterprises or incipient-stage firms in return for an equity interest. Celestial investment when initializing an investment endeavor in a dependable legal district will become accessible subsequently:
    • evaluating market prospects and potential for expansion
    • examining a commercial scheme
    • acquainting oneself with the technique or intellectual possessions;
    • an apt estimation with a sensible timetable (business celestial beings invest at a nascent juncture when peril is most pronounced, thus necessitating a lower evaluation to make amends);
    • appraising the feasibility of securing supplementary commencement funding if headway is attained.
  2. Crowdfunding. "Crowdfunding"involves amassing financial support from numerous benefactors, frequently via well-frequented collective patronage platforms. Backing an inaugural enterprise endeavor via collective patronage provides budding businesspersons the occasion to endorse their commodities or amenities.
    • Compensations-grounded crowdsourcing is an especially enticing alternative for initiating a fledgling enterprise abroad, as you are not surrendering equity or partial proprietorship in your corporation, merely presenting certain of your wares or amenities or a concession on them.
  3. Equity crowdfinance when initiating a commencement in a prevalent jurisdiction is a procedure wherein you vend equity or some alternative equity in your enterprise in exchange for currency. Demands stringent conformity with national securities decrees, and you'll necessitate juridical counsel for your inception overseas.
  4. Enterprise Capital. Inceptions in quest of financing frequently resort to enterprise capital enterprises. Enrolling an enterprise capital pool is compelling for opulent individuals, substantial conglomerates, and governmental agencies. This genre of financing can provide capital, tactical counsel, and more. Acquiring enterprise capital backing for an inception is not straightforward. Enterprise capitalists typically covet to sink resources into undertakings that are pursuing grandiose opportunities with lofty expansion potential and have previously displayed some affirmative impetus. It is imperative to apprehend that enterprise capitalists focalize their investment endeavors on one or more of the ensuing criteria:
    • Particular sectors (software, electronic content, biotechnology, etc.).
    • Stage of company development (start-up stage or stage at which company has attained substantial income and support).
    • Geographic coverage.

Principal stipulations and provisions of a venture capital financial accord encompass:

  • The assessment of the enterprise's worth.
  • The quantum of the capital infusion.
  • Mode of investment (typically via convertible preferred shares).
  • Privilege concerning the dissolution of equity stakes (preemptive claim on the sale of the enterprise or dissolution).
  • Composition of the council of overseers and any prerogatives of an observer on the council.
  • Sanction or "disallowance" prerogatives of financiers on subjects like forthcoming equity capitalization, disposition of the enterprise, or modifications to the articles of incorporation.
  • The entitlement to partake in future equity capitalization ("preemptive prerogative").
  • The entitlement to receive periodic financial summaries and other data.
  • Stipulations for the vesting of any equity capital.
  • Investment safeguard in the event of subsequent funding rounds transpiring at an undervalued rate.
  • Reclamation prerogatives (if any).
  • Initial right of acquisition or rights of concurrent sale of any founder stakes.
  • Pull prerogatives (bestowing the enterprise the authority to compel all stockholders to ballot in favor of an enterprise disposition if it has been sanctioned by a specific percentage of stockholders).
  • Registration prerogatives (granting an investor the authority to request the enterprise to register its shares as part of a public proposal).
Small Business Loans
Small business startup registration receives loans from a large number of traditional and alternative lenders. These types of loans can help a business grow, fund new research and development, expand into new markets, increase sales and marketing efforts, and allow for the hiring of new employees. Several types of small business loans are available when starting an investment project overseas:

A small business line of credit

Under a line of credit, a business can access funds from a lender on an as-needed basis. There will be a limit to the amount of funds available, but a line of credit is useful for managing a company's cash flow and unexpected expenses.

Accounts Receivable (AR) Financing

An AR line allows you to receive cash immediately based on your accounts receivable level, and the interest rate can vary. The AR line is paid as customers pay their receivables.

Working Capital Loans

This is a debt borrowing mechanism used by a company to finance its day-to-day operations.

ImportantSmall Business Term Loans

Term loans when registering a small business in a popular jurisdiction are usually for a specific amount and are used for business operations, capital expenditure or expansion.

Equipment Loans

During the enrollment of a technological embryonic enterprise, it is plausible to procure apparatus via an apparatus advance. This usually entails an initial disbursement of the acquisition cost of the apparatus, and the advance is protected by the apparatus itself.

Corporate brood chambers generally emphasize the funding of inception enterprises in sophisticated technological realms, providing assistance to nascent businesses at sundry phases of progression. Normally, the incubation interval can extend for a span of up to two years. After the commodity attains readiness, the enterprise departs from the incubator locale to progress to the industrial production phase and sustains itself independently.

Official pecuniary patronage

Public offices extend financing when initiating technological embryonic enterprises, such as endowments and subventions. Acquiring endowments can prove arduous. There may be robust contention, and the prerequisites for bestowing them are frequently stringent. Generally, to secure public endowments, you will necessitate furnishing:

  • An elaborate exposition of the enterprise.
  • Rationale concerning the advantages of the undertaking.
  • Thorough labor schedule with comprehensive expenditure estimates.
  • Particulars concerning pertinent expertise and the historical milieu of principal overseers.
  • Duly accomplished solicitation documents if necessitated.

During the phases of crafting and commencing an investment inception, a jurisconsult bears a pivotal obligation to contemplate upon all the organizational facets of the enterprise, encompassing the juridical configuration of the juridical person and the methodologies for accomplishing the objectives, including the techniques for luring investments). It is of significance to ascertain not solely the monetary prerequisites but also the suitable monetary stratagem. Our experts extend counsel on petitioning for involvement in state funding initiatives.

Bank loans are the most commonly used source of financing when registering SMEs in popular jurisdictions. Consider the fact that all banks offer different benefits, be it personalised service or personalised repayment. Start-up loans usually require a personal guarantee from entrepreneurs.

Legal support of startup projects

Advising clients wishing to establish a startup project in a foreign jurisdiction includes such matters:

  • which corporate form of business organisation is best to choose for launching a startup project abroad (e.g., representative office, partnership);
  • support at all stages of business registration abroad;
  • counselling on the development of corporate documentation;
  • answers to various legal questions arising in the course of a startup's activities;
  • advising on the protection of intellectual property rights (in particular, support in registering a trade mark);
  • how to formalise property rights to custom-made IP rights (registration of copyrights, agreements on the transfer of exclusive property rights, registration of patents for technical inventions);
  • support in settling disputes related to launching a startup project.

Legal support for startups includes assessment of possible financing options. In this regard, consultations are provided in such areas as:

  • how to create a business plan;
  • how to raise funds for project implementation and establish relations with investors (forming authorised capital, issuing financial instruments, raising loans, conducting an ICO abroad or obtaining funding through crowdfunding).

Support of startup projects by type of activity

Juridical succor for fintech undertakings

Legal bolstering of fintech endeavors encompasses counseling patrons in diverse realms, encompassing STO, ICO, and IEO, to advising within the sphere of digital asset tokenization. As an element of legal bolstering for fintech undertakings, our connoisseurs dispense an assortment of such amenities:

  1. Juridical counsel concerning Initial Coin Offering (ICO) directive in assorted nations, as well as Security Token Offering (STO) and Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), encompassing exhaustive juridical configuration of STO, ICO, and IEO initiatives.
  2. Counsel regarding the selection of the most apropos jurisdiction for instigating an STO, ICO, and IEO enterprise.
  3. Aid and counsel concerning business paradigm, stratagems, and conceptions.
  4. Counsel encompassing all Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures.
  5. Counsel concerning inaugurating blockchain-empowered platforms provisioning Financial Technology (FinTech) amenities.
  6. Guidance on the juridical prerequisites for acquiring an EMI (Electronic Money Institution) charter for a specific business blueprint.
  7. Assistance throughout the entire progression of procuring an EMI charter.
  8. Counsel on blockchain undertakings. Appraisal of the initiative in juxtaposition to juridical prerequisites, counsel, and actions obligatory to accomplish regulatory compliance. Prudent inquiry into business paradigms and conceptions.
  9. Aid in enrolling a financial technology establishment, especially aiding in enrolling a cryptographic exchange in a prevalent jurisdiction and counsel on cryptographic exchange operations. Facilitating in the establishment of a corporation from inception (drafting corporate manuscripts, coordinating formalities with banks, notaries, and financial establishments, submitting the application, and conducting the progression before the registrar). Counsel on selecting the most fitting jurisdiction for your corporation.
  10. Aid in ushering corporations to Initial Public Offering (IPO) markets in diverse jurisdictions.

Legal support of IPO projects

The determination to inaugurate an Initial Public Offering (IPO) in a renowned jurisdiction represents a pivotal stride demanding meticulous strategizing and proficient counsel to ascertain a thriving public tender. Accomplished experts furnish an array of services encompassing the subsequent to buttress IPO initiatives:

  1. Advice on the choice of jurisdiction for IPO registration.
  2. Assisting you in launching an IPO in a foreign jurisdiction, namely listing your company's shares on a stock exchange, which significantly improves its access to capital and raises its profile.
  3. Advising on the process of listing on international stock exchanges, including the Listing Rules, and assisting with preparatory work to ensure the company meets the listing conditions, conducting pre-IPO due diligence, reviewing the necessary underwriting documents.
  4. Advising on the roadshow process.
  5. Advising financial institutions and investors on the content of prospectuses and AIM admission documents.
  6. Preparing and advising on the corporate documents required to commence listing on an international securities exchange.
  7. Advising on risk mitigation measures for start-up IPOs.
  8. Advising on IPO dispute resolution.

Legal support for mining start-ups

Launching an investment project in the mining sector is a popular solution for many companies wishing to enter major international markets. Experts advise on all aspects of transactions in the mining sector, including the following services:

  1. assistance in selecting a jurisdiction for launching a natural resources exploration project;
  2. assistance in selecting the appropriate legal form for launching a mining investment project in Europe, Asia, USA, Africa;
  3. support in registering a mining company in Africa, USA or Europe;
  4. advising on all aspects of the life cycle of a mining project;
  5. support in M&A transactions in the mineral resources industry, including acquisitions through a subsidiary;
  6. advising on project financing;
  7. support in obtaining exploration licences for natural resources in various jurisdictions;
  8. advising on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues;
  9. analysing investment activities, assessing future prospects after the launch of a start-up project in the natural resources industry in the US, Europe and Africa.

Legal support for start-ups in the farming sector

  1. Support in the registration of agribusinesses.
  2. Advising on financing start-ups in the agricultural sector.
  3. Advising on the purchase of ready-made companies in the agribusiness sector.
  4. Legal outsourcing of agribusiness.
  5. Advising on land dispute resolution.

Legal support of start-up projects in the industry

The manufacturing and production sector is one of the largest sectors of every growing economy, employing the majority of the labour force and contributing significantly to a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and foreign exchange earnings. Legal support for startups in the industrial sector covers almost all areas of industrial manufacturing and includes the following services:

  1. Assistance in choosing the appropriate jurisdiction and legal form for registration of an industrial company.
  2. Advice on industrial outsourcing.
  3. Advice on industrial property protection.
  4. Support in mergers and acquisitions in the industrial sector.
  5. Advising on business financing in the industrial sector.
  6. Support in the settlement of industrial disputes.

Legal support for IT fledglings

Juridical succor for nascent enterprises in the Information Technology sector encompasses the subsequent amenities:

  1. Counseling on investments in Information Technology startups (comprising of scrupulous examination of an IT firm at diverse phases of project inception).
  2. Counseling on the procurement of a pre-fabricated Information Technology corporation in Europe, Asia, and the United States.
  3. Preservation of data and safeguarding of intelligence.
  4. Counseling on the conveyance of intellectual property rights for software generated by workers, freelance professionals, and subcontractors in manifold legal domains.
  5. Aid in the development of efficient Information Technology subcontracting and business models for risk mitigation.
  6. Backing in the adjudication of disputes in the cutting-edge technology and software industries.
  7. Rendering legal support concerning intricate venditions of software wares and Information Technology corporations.
  8. Supplying legal support to web-based enterprises.
  9. Linked intellectual property technology matters.
  10. Assistance in the licensing of Information Technology corporations in various nations.


YB Case specialists provide necessary legal support to existing small, medium and large businesses, Start Up clients in matters of business compliance with the legal regulations of the jurisdiction of their choice.

Our legal support services for startup projects include, among others:

  1. Advice on selecting a country and corporate structure of a company for investment.
  2. Support in registering a legal entity abroad.
  3. Assistance in drafting corporate documentation.
  4. Analysing current legislation regulating investment activities in various countries.
  5. Support in coordinating a startup project with local regulators.
  6. Conducting due diligence of a startup.
  7. Advising on drafting contracts.
  8. Support in resolving a dispute related to investing in a startup.
  9. Follow-up support of foreign startup projects.
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