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Czech Republic

How to start a company in the Czech Republic


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Features of jurisdiction

In today's world, the opportunity to open a company abroad is becoming increasingly popular and profitable. Today, we are travelling to the Czech Republic, a country of promising entrepreneurial potential where foreigners can start their businesses. In today's article, we will look at all the benefits of this step and tell you in detail about the requirements to simplify the registration process. So let's find out how to open the door to new opportunities and take the first step towards a successful business in the Czech Republic.

  • In-demand business areas

    Due to its territorial location and domestic policy, we consider the most popular areas of business activity in the Czech Republic: IT, tourism, and financial services.

  • Possibility of remote registration

    Remote registration of a company in the Czech Republic is allowed and possible.

  • Corporate taxes

    Corporate tax in the Czech Republic is 19%.

  • Attitude towards foreign investors

    The Czech Republic is open to foreign investment, making it a sought-after country for foreign entrepreneurs to establish a business.

  • Banks

    Ceska Sporitelna Bank, FIO Bank, CSBO, PPF Banka, Unicredit Banka Czech.

  • Legal system

    The legal system of the Czech Republic is based on the continental system of law, similar to Germany and Luxembourg.

Company registration process in the Czech Republic

Company registration in the Czech Republic takes from 1 week and includes the following steps:
Initial consultation
Meeting with YB Case representatives in the office to clarify the details and requirements of the client. Starting the incorporation process of the company in the Czech Republic (initial consultation is possible in a remote format).
Name reservation
The company name must be unique, and approved by the Registry of the Regional Commercial Court.
Submission of the application for company registration in the Czech Republic
The articles of association and memorandum of the company are prepared and notarized. The applicant signs all necessary documents, which are submitted to the local regulator for review.
Consideration of the Czech company registration application by the regulator
After receiving all the necessary documents, the regulator (the Commercial Register) considers the application and decides on the incorporation of the company in the Czech Republic.
Receipt of the certificate of incorporation
After the company is incorporated in the Czech Republic, the founders receive an incorporation certificate containing the company's registration number. A licence is required for certain types of business.

Primary prerequisites

  • The number of founders depends on the legal form and field of activity.
  • Registered local address
  • Minimum one director (no residency requirements)
  • Filing of financial statements once a year
  • Annual meeting of members (possible remotely)
How to start a company in the Czech Republic

How to start a company in the Czech Republic

In today's world, the opportunity to open a company abroad is becoming increasingly popular and profitable. Today, we are travelling to the Czech Republic, a country of promising entrepreneurial potential where foreigners can start their businesses. In today's article, we will look at all the benefits of this step and tell you in detail about the requirements to simplify the registration process. So let's find out how to open the door to new opportunities and take the first step towards a successful business in the Czech Republic.

Advantages of the Czech Republic

Let's start with the most important thing – the country's advantages. Here are the most significant ones:

  • Strategic location: The Czech Republic is located in the centre of Europe, which allows for easy access to the EU and neighbouring markets.
  • Stable economy: The country has a stable economic development and a low level of risk for businesses.
  • Government support: The Czech government actively promotes foreign investors by providing various benefits and initiatives for business development.
  • Technological potential: The country has a developed infrastructure and a high level of technological competence.
  • Diversity of sectors: There is a wide range of industries, which creates opportunities for different types of businesses.
  • Favourable business environment: High entrepreneurial culture and access to a talented workforce.
  • Tax incentives: The Czech Republic has several tax incentives and reduced rates for entrepreneurs.
  • Convenient banking: Easy access to banking services and simplified financial procedures.

Among all these advantages, an important aspect is the connections with other countries such as Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. The Czech Republic has intensive trade and economic cooperation with these countries, especially in the fields of mechanical engineering, transport, chemical industry and innovative technologies. The wide variety of industries opens up wide opportunities for the exchange of technologies, ideas and the development of joint projects. Such ties help entrepreneurs open new markets, attract foreign partners and enhance their competitiveness in the global business environment.

Steps to start a business

The entire process from planning to opening consists of the following steps:

  1. Selecting a unique company name and registering it. The first step is to choose a unique name and register it with the relevant Czech authority. This name will identify your company and set it apart from others.
  2. Proof of the registered address. Provide proof of the company's future location. This can be a rented office space or a registered office address service to ensure compliance.
  3. Open a bank account and deposit the minimum capital. Contact a local bank and take care of the financial side of things. After depositing a certain amount, the bank will issue a certificate, which will serve as confirmation.
  4. Obtain a trade licence. If your business requires special permits, contact the Czech Licensing Office to obtain the necessary documents and information.
  5. Register your company in the Commercial Register. Registration will confirm its legal status and the right to conduct business.
  6. Registration with the tax authorities. Get a tax number to pay future taxes and other fees.

Remember that this is a general guide and each step may have its details and requirements. It is recommended to get professional advice and assistance from legal experts in business registration in the Czech Republic to ensure the successful completion of all stages.

Various legal forms

Before you dive into the world of entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic, it is important to understand the different legal forms of business that this country offers. Each form has its unique features and advantages. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Limited liability partnership (SRO)

This is a popular choice for entrepreneurs as it allows them to bring together partners with different levels of responsibility. This form protects owners from personal liability for the company's obligations. The minimum start-up capital for establishing an SRO is usually approximately CZK 1.

Open company (VOS)

Another interesting variation with the peculiarity that the shareholders bear unlimited liability for the company's obligations. This model is suitable for those who are willing to share responsibility with partners. The minimum start-up capital for VOS is also CZK 1.

Limited partnership (KS)

Here you can combine partners with limited and unlimited liability. This form opens the way for cooperation with different levels of risk. Traditionally, the initial capital for establishing a KS is also usually equal to 1 Czech crown.

Joint-stock company (AS)

If you are looking for opportunities to attract investment and develop your company through the division of shares, this is your option. The shareholders are liable to the extent of their contribution to the share capital. The minimum starting capital for establishing an AS is higher and amounts to 2 Czech crowns.


This is a form that is suitable for joint activities and joint ownership of a group of entrepreneurs. It facilitates the pooling of resources and knowledge to achieve common goals. The capital has no restrictions and can be as low as possible.

Representative Office (RO).

A branch office allows a foreign company to represent its interests in the Czech Republic. It does not have the status of a legal entity but can carry out commercial activities on behalf of the parent company.

Choosing a legal form of business is an important step on the way to successful entrepreneurship. Each form has its positive aspects and requirements, and professional advice will help you determine the best option for you.

What taxes to expect?

The tax system is an important element of a country's financial development. Taxation allows for various social and economic programmes, including healthcare, education and infrastructure. One of the key taxes is the personal income tax, which sets progressive rates ranging from 15% to 32% depending on the level of income. This system favours low- and middle-income earners, helping to keep more money in people's pockets.

VAT (value-added tax) is another key component of the Czech tax system. The standard VAT rate is 21%, but there is a reduced rate of 10% for certain goods and services, which helps to stimulate consumer demand and support the economy.

Corporate income tax is 19%, and with the addition of local surtaxes, the overall rate can increase. In the real estate sector, there is an annual tax that depends on the region and the market value of the property. This is an important resource for local budgets and provides funding for infrastructure development.

There are excise taxes on goods that may harm public health. This includes alcohol, tobacco, fuel and other products. It is important to note that the Czech Republic has tax treaties with many countries, which helps to avoid double taxation and supports international business.

List of required documents

Starting a business in a foreign country requires some legal and administrative formalities. This process is important to ensure the legality and successful operation of your business in the new environment. You will need:

  1. Passport and visa: The founder of a foreign entrepreneur needs to have a valid passport and, if necessary, obtain the necessary visa to stay and work in the Czech Republic.
  2. Articles of association and constituent documents: You will need to register your company and submit the articles of association with information about the founders, activities and structure of the company.
  3. Location: It is mandatory to have a legal address for your company, confirmed by official papers.
  4. Extract from the commercial register: This confirms your status as an entrepreneur.
  5. Tax number: Obtaining an identification number for taxes and business records.
  6. Licences and permits: Some types of businesses may require additional permits. Detailed information should be obtained from the competent authorities.
  7. Documents on the ownership structure: If you have co-owners or investors, you need to confirm their participation in the business.
  8. Banking documents: Open a bank account for the operations and financial transactions of the business.

This list of documents is a general overview of what may be required. Specific requirements may vary depending on the type of business and other factors.

Government assistance

If you have decided to launch a start-up in the Czech Republic, it is important to consider the possibility of receiving investment incentives from the state. They help to support entrepreneurial activity and ensure that your business gets off to an effective start. Here are some possible investment incentives:

  • Corporate income tax (CIT) benefits: If certain conditions are met, you may be eligible for a 10-year extension of CIT benefits, which can help you reduce the tax burden on your start-up.
  • Financial support for the purchase of fixed assets: The state can provide financial assistance of up to 10% of eligible costs.
  • Assistance for job creation: You can receive monetary rewards for providing jobs to others. The amount is up to USD 14,420 for each job created, which will help to promote employment.
  • Exemption from real estate tax: If your company is registered in special industrial zones, you can get a 5-year property tax exemption.

This will help you to make the most of your resources and grow. It is crucial to contact the relevant authorities and advisors for detailed information and assistance in obtaining these incentives.


When you embark on a business trip to the Czech Republic, you open the door to a world of unstoppable innovation and entrepreneurial opportunity. With its rich cultural heritage and dynamic economy, the country offers foreigners a wide range of opportunities to pursue new ideas and create their businesses. Your start-up will receive state support through investment incentives, and you will also benefit from a favourable tax regime and access to international markets.

Whether you plan to launch a start-up in technology, ecology, culture or other fields, the Czech Republic offers you a flexible and open environment for development. Together with a hospitable atmosphere and excellent quality of life, you will have an unforgettable experience that will allow you to earn your place among the world's entrepreneurial leaders. The key is to follow all the requirements to avoid mistakes and focus on achieving your goals.

What documents are required to register?

Along with the registration application, you should prepare:

  • The chosen name of the company.
  • The address of the registered office.
  • Business plan.
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association.
  • Information about the directors and founders.
  • Samples of signatures of these persons.
  • Confirmation of the paid-up share capital.
Can a non-resident register a company in the Czech Republic?

According to the current legislation, both local entrepreneurs and non-residents can register a company in the Czech Republic.

What is the timeframe for registering a Czech company?
The period for registering can be as short as 7 days. If you have any questions, you can contact our experts for a personal consultation on registering a company in the Czech Republic.
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