Registering a company in Jersey - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Jersey


Support programmes

There are several initiatives that streamline market entry for international companies looking to capitalise on Jersey’s beneficial environment.

Business relocation support

This support programme facilitates the process of relocating a business to Jersey, which can unlock growth opportunities in the island’s enterprise-friendly climate. It provides guidance on all aspects of the move, from identifying a suitable location to completing requisite documentation. You will receive comprehensive support when establishing operations in Jersey, including access to local resources, networks, and contacts to aid your rapid acclimatisation and commercial launch.

Business environmental impact mitigation assistance

Sustainability and ecological responsibility are priorities for Jersey. Consequently, the government has instituted a programme to help enterprises reduce their environmental footprint. By encouraging positive action on energy conservation, cost reduction and carbon mitigation, it aims to catalyse a culture of responsible growth. The key aspects are:

  • Advisory support: guidance on optimising resource utilisation through initiatives like energy audits, process reviews and efficiency recommendations.
  • Financial backing: qualifying businesses proactively diminishing their environmental impact may be eligible for governmental funding to invest in green technologies, equipment, and activities.
  • Training and education: courses and learning materials to enlighten employees and managers on sustainability best practices. This builds competence and awareness around ecological impact reduction.
  • Measurement and reporting: tools for tracking and evaluating environmental performance, enabling impact assessment of green initiatives and demonstrable accountability.

The objective is to foster more environmentally conscious companies and champion sustainable development in Jersey through resource preservation, lighter ecological footprints and carbon mitigation — all of which brings reputational advantages as a business community stakeholder.

Promising sectors for business activity in Jersey

  1. Financial services
    1. With a competitive tax rate for financial services entities, Jersey presents an engaging jurisdiction for banks, investment firms, trust companies and other financial services operators to establish themselves. Notably, Jersey has a strong reputation within the financial services industry, which can additionally help attract business.
  2. Real estate
    1. Activities related to Jersey property interests are subject to a 20% tax levy. This may appeal to investors and developers, given the substantial demand for premium real estate on the island.
  3. Technology and innovation
    1. Through productivity enhancement schemes offered by the Government of Jersey, technology and innovation-focused companies can benefit from sizeable incentives such as grants and consultancy support.

Jersey provides a favourable tax and regulatory backdrop for diverse business pursuits, especially in finance, real estate, retail, and technology. However, it is prudent for each enterprise to evaluate its unique objectives and needs when selecting an optimal jurisdiction for incorporation and operations.

Benefits of registering a company in Jersey

Tax incentives

A key benefit of incorporating a company in Jersey is the array of tax incentives and concessions available to businesses. The standard rate of corporate income tax for Jersey-registered companies is 0%, meaning most are not liable to pay corporation tax, despite the requirement to file annual tax returns.

Exceptions to the 0% rate:

  • A 10% tax rate applies to certain financial services activities, including investment business, trust management and other financial services operations.
  • A 20% tax rate is levied on public utilities (such as telecommunications, gas, and electricity providers) and income generated from Jersey property interests (including rental receipts, property development and land exploitation proceeds).
  • Retailers with an annual Jersey turnover exceeding £2 million are subject to variable tax rates of up to 20%, depending on the level of profits realised.
  • Jersey's GST rate is 5% on the majority of locally supplied goods and services, as well as imports.

Accommodating corporate legislation

Jersey’s progressive corporate legislation fosters an enabling environment for conducting business. Key aspects include:

  1. Company governance
    • The minimum number of directors is one for an LLC and two for a JSC. Directors need not be Jersey residents.
    • Corporate directors can potentially be appointed subject to specific conditions.
    • Board meetings can occur externally or via telephone/electronic means.
  2. Shareholder meetings
    • Certain companies must convene annual general meetings.
    • Notice periods for convening meetings are flexible.
    • Meetings can potentially be held without complying with standard notice timeframes.
  3. Financial and accounting obligations
    • All companies must maintain records and reports. Audits are mandatory for public companies but optional for private companies.
  4. Migration of registered entities
    • Companies can migrate to/from Jersey and other jurisdictions.
  5. Capital requirements and currency
    • No minimum capital requirements. Capital can be denominated in any currency.

The versatility of Jersey’s corporate legislation makes it an appealing base for diverse business structures — from commercial enterprises to investment holdings and joint ventures.

Robust confidentiality and owner identity protection

The Island of Jersey furnishes enterprises with stringent confidentiality and identity protection safeguards — a pivotal advantage attracting companies and investors globally.

A key benefit of Jersey incorporation is keeping shareholder information entirely confidential. Details of company ownership are not publicly accessible nor reportable to Jersey authorities. Consequently, investor identities remain discreet — an important consideration for those prioritising privacy over financial and business dealings.

Additionally, financial statements of Jersey companies are not freely available or published without explicit consent, enabling firms to control financial data flow. This empowers companies, especially those in sensitive sectors like finance, intellectual property and strategy consulting, to selectively share information as appropriate.

By preventing uncontrolled information leakage and maintaining competitive advantage, robust confidentiality mechanisms help safeguard commercial interests and business objectives. This presents a significant boon, cementing Jersey as a preferred jurisdiction for incorporation.

Conducive environment for international trade

Jersey’s strategic proximity to Europe furnishes companies easy access to continental markets. Its interlinkages with neighbouring Britain also enable engagement with UK enterprises and investors. Frequent air and sea routes provide global connectivity — notably with the UK, EU and beyond — making Jersey an optimal hub for international operations.

This well-connected infrastructure empowers convenient movement of goods and personnel alongside streamlined cross-border transactions. Jersey boasts modern office spaces, technological capabilities and business support services suited for global activity.

Incorporation in Jersey allows companies to readily embed themselves at the heart of international commerce, with access to worldwide financial markets. Robust confidentiality mechanisms also lend privacy and discretion for overseas dealings.

Owing to its developed infrastructure and prime geographic location, Jersey proffers global enterprises a compelling base to efficiently drive international expansion and harness global opportunities.

Stages of company registration in Jersey

Stage 1

Selecting a business structure

Firstly, clearly define your commercial objectives and requirements. Different legal entities suit varying activities and have distinct governance, reporting, and tax conditions.

  • A Limited Liability Company (LLC) appropriate for small and medium enterprises. The key feature is limited member liability for company obligations.
  • A Joint Stock Company (JSC) suited to large entities seeking investments via share issues. Necessitates stringent financial reporting and corporate governance.
  • Cell Company enables asset and liability segregation between cells (e.g. investment funds). Each cell functions as a separate unit within one umbrella company.

Supplementary options:

  • Par value companies issue shares with defined face values.
  • No par value companies issue shares that have not unspecified face values, with proceeds credited to capital accounts.
  • Guarantee Companies which members pledge fixed contributions in case of insolvency. Appropriate for non-profits.
  • Unlimited liability companies without no liability limitations for members, resembling partnerships.
  • Limited life companies must be dissolved after specified events or periods.
  • Public vs private firms are classified based on structure and membership. Single entities can concurrently hold multiple classifications.
Stage 2

Preparing documentation

  • Charter documents e.g. Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Copies of founder and director IDs
  • Confirmation of Jersey registered address
Stage 3

Applying for registration

  • Submit registration application to requisite Jersey authorities.
Stage 4

Settling registration fees

  • Pay all fees and taxes related to registration.
Stage 5

Receiving registration certification

  • Once approved, official certification of registration will be provided.

Stages of opening a corporate bank account in Jersey

Opening a business account enables vital financial management for newly registered companies.

Stage 1

Selecting a bank and account type

  • Firstly, choose a suitable Jersey bank based on specific commercial needs and objectives, as well as the variety of available banking institutions. Account types include current/checking accounts, savings accounts and international transactional accounts.
Stage 2

Preparing documentation

  • Company charter documents e.g. Memorandum and Articles of Association
  • Director IDs
  • Business plan outlining financial projections and strategic goals
  • Information regarding financing sources
Stage 3

Bank meeting

  • Contact the selected bank to schedule an appointment, where a representative will discuss requirements and provide guidance on procedures.
Stage 4

Submitting an application and signing an agreement

  • Complete the business account application form, providing necessary documents. After conduction due diligence checks, the bank will furnish an account opening agreement.
Stage 5

Making initial deposit

  • You may need to deposit the minimum initial amount stipulated by the bank. This varies based on account type.
Stage 6

Receiving account details

  • Upon completing account opening formalities, the bank will issue pertinent account information like account numbers and particulars.

Note that banks individual prerequisites apply. It is advisable to proactively engage with the bank to obtain specifics for streamlined corporate account opening.

Risks and drawbacks of Jersey company registration

A key disadvantage is the persistence of Jersey's “tax haven” image in international circles and tax jurisdictions. This engenders adverse assumptions about corporate motives and ethics. Consequently, Jersey-registered entities may face heightened scrutiny and tax audits abroad.

Mitigating this requires stringent adherence to all tax obligations and furnishing accurate financial statements. Additionally, conducting transparent and ethical business activities is imperative to uphold positive reputations and avoid punitive measures.

Jersey companies may encounter amplified monitoring and reporting stipulations from global regulators and financial crime authorities, given prevailing transparency and anti-money laundering policies.

As Jersey strives to meet stringent international regulations and standards, registered firms may need to submit expanded informational disclosures and data points to satisfy compliance obligations.

While Jersey actively aims to improve its standing, interested companies should be prepared for exacting administrative procedures and reporting, minimizing regulatory risks and associated negative repercussions. Maintaining cooperative relationships with oversight bodies is key.

Benefits and drawbacks of acquiring a Jersey shelf company

Purchasing a shelf company in Jersey can offer advantages and disadvantages contingent on specific commercial objectives and circumstances.


  • Expedited launch. By eliminating registration lead times, shelf company acquisition significantly accelerates market entry.
  • Instant customer base. Acquiring a firm with existing clientele and agreements provides an instant income stream while circumventing new customer acquisition efforts.
  • Goodwill and reputation. An established entity may boast strong brand equity and pedigree which helps attract funding and partnerships.


  • Hidden liabilities. Financial and legal obligations are not always fully evident initially when assuming a shelf company.
  • Purchase costs. Buying an off-the-shelf entity can exceed startup costs, necessitating prudent return on investment analysis.
  • Limited suitability. Identifying a shelf company aligning closely with a desired business model and specifications is challenging.

While faster setup makes shelf companies appealing, contingent liabilities and expenses should be weighed against alternatives when considering acquisition.

Stages of acquiring a Jersey shelf company

The process of purchasing a shelf company in Jersey comprises:

Stage 1

Company identification

  • Source target companies through business brokers, listings or professional advisors.
Stage 2

Due diligence

  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of financial, legal and commercial aspects to uncover any hidden liabilities or risks.
Stage 3


  • If required, secure financing for the acquisition through equity, debt or other means.
Stage 4

Sale and purchase agreement

  • Upon satisfactory due diligence, sign a sale and purchase contract formalising transaction terms and pricing.
Stage 5

Asset transfer

  • Once the agreement is executed, legal ownership and property rights are transferred to the buyer. This necessitates modifications to registrations and charter documents.

Acquiring a shelf company enables accelerated market entry in Jersey, but prudent planning is vital to mitigate risks and ensure alignment with overarching strategy. Performing thorough due diligence is key to unveil any red flags in advance.

Company's closing procedure in Jersey

Liquidating a Jersey-registered entity necessitates adherence to stringent dissolution protocols encompassing asset realization, settlements, and closure of financial accounts.

Stage 1

Resolution to closing

  • The winding-up process commences via a formal resolution passed by shareholders/directors with documented rationale.
Stage 2

Liquidator appointment

  • Jersey law mandates the appointment of a certified liquidator to oversee settlements, asset distribution and creditor payments.
Stage 3

Creditor notification

  • All creditors must be informed of the impending dissolution and the liquidator’s appointment through requisite channels.
Stage 4

Asset and liability inventory

  • The liquidator assesses all assets, liabilities, debts, and obligations owed to ascertain the company’s net financial position.
Stage 5

Asset sale and debt settlement

  • The liquidator sells company assets with proceeds used to first settle priority debts like tax and wage arrears, followed by general creditors based on seniority.
Stage 6

Account and registration closure

  • Bank accounts are closed and registrations cancelled across local authorities once obligations are fully discharged.
Stage 7

Distribution of residual funds

  • Any surplus funds post settlements are returned to shareholders as dividends based on ownership stakes.
Stage 8

Issuance of completion certificate

  • Upon executing all dissolution, revenue and administrative procedures, the liquidator issues a completion certificate, legally terminating the company.

Adhering to Jersey legal and tax codes through the engagement of qualified professionals streamlines company closure in a risk-optimized manner. Timeframes vary based on complexity.


There are numerous compelling incentives for business registration in Jersey, including advantageous tax regimes, accommodating corporate laws, robust confidentiality protections and a conducive environment for international trade.

Additionally, the jurisdiction offers various support initiatives for entities and entrepreneurs as well as opportunities to acquire shelf companies in Jersey — accelerating market entry but warranting prudent assessment of suitability.

Before proceeding with Jersey incorporation, it is advisable to thoroughly research the market and regulatory landscape. Our specialists have extensive familiarity with Jersey's legal and commercial nuances to help seamlessly navigate its complexities and tap the full range of available advantages by providing tailored consultancy services.

The jurisdiction has carved an esteemed reputation for global business thanks to its efficiency, stability, and transparency. However, fully optimizing these merits necessitates an intimate understanding of its unique ecosystem. We therefore encourage clients to leverage our local expertise and networks to make informed decisions aligned with specific commercial objectives. This helps effectively translate market potential into tangible success.
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