Registering a company in France - YB Case 2024

Company registration in France


The French Republic is a well-developed state, the major part of which is located in Europe. It is a member of the European Union. It has overseas territories: Réunion, Mayotte, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique.

About the country:

Capital: Paris;
Currency: Euro, CFP franc;
Language: French;

The main developed areas of the economy: manufacturing, agriculture, wine production, tourism, trade, restaurant business.

The territorial location, as well as the high status of the state among other European countries attract businessmen, which are focused on conducting international business.

Read also:

If you are planning to start your own business in Western Europe, then registering a company in France and opening an account with a French bank will be a profitable option.

Legal forms

The most common business entity types in the French Republic are:

  • SARL: Limited liability company;
  • SAS: Simplified Joint Stock Company.

How to register SARL in France?

If you want to set up a company in France remotely, then consider the following:

  • Directors: 1 (individual or legal entity);
  • Shareholders: 1 (individual or legal entity);
  • Share capital: 1 euro;
  • Registered office;
  • After registration, the percentage of shares for each participant is determined.

Preparation of documents

In order to set up a SARL in France you will need the following:

  • Beneficiary documents (proof of identity, residence);
  • The Articles of Association;
  • The description of the business;
  • Receipt for payment of a state fee.

If the director is a non-resident of the European Union, then you need to provide a criminal record.

The company registration term: from 30 days.

There are no requirements for audit in the following cases:

  1. Share capital: up to 232 500 euros;
  2. Number of employees: up to 50;
  3. Company turnover: up to 3,000,000 euros;
  4. Company assets: up to 1,500,000 euros.

Tax rates

Registering a French company will be a good solution for a modern entrepreneur. If you want to open a business in this state, you should take into account the following tax rates in this jurisdiction:

  • Income tax: 33.33%;
  • WHT on dividends: 33%;
  • WHT on royalties: 33.33%;
  • DTA agreement: signed with 83 states.

How to open a company in France remotely?

YB Case clients can order legal advice on registering a French company remotely. For more information, please contact YB Case for expert advice.

YB Case services

If you are intended to set up a company in France, then we will provide you with a full range of legal support services in:

  • Preparation and submission of documents;
  • Opening a corporate account in France.
  • VAT registration.

The packages of documents with price list:

  • Secretary services: from 3 000 euros;
  • Accounting services: from 2 500 euros
  • Company registration: from 3 990 euros.

If decide to open a French company, please request for an appointment with YB Case experts.

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