Registering a company in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is an independent state located in Central Africa. It borders on the Tanzania, CAR, Zambia, South Sudan, Angola and other African countries.

If you are interested in registering a company in the Congo Republic and opening an account with an African bank, then you should know that:

  • The official currency is CDF, but USD serves as a secondary currency;
  • It is the second largest and the fourth most populous country in Africa;
  • The state language is French;
  • Congo is a member of WTO, OAU, UDEAK, IBRD and other international organizations.

In order to get more information, we recommend you requesting for qualified advice on a company registration procedure in Congo from YB Case experts.

Business benefits

Congo is rich in natural resources, therefore, it can be profitable to set up a Congo mining company. Congo is one of the 8 largest suppliers of African oil, which forms 70% of GDP. Also, there are large gas reserves, gold mines, diamonds and deposits of:

  • Copper;
  • Coltan ore;
  • Uranium;
  • Lead;
  • Zinc;
  • Tungsten.

The Government of the Congo has a positive attitude towards foreign investment. Due to this, opening a company in Congo can be a good solution.

Legal forms

The manufacturing industry is represented by small enterprises that are engaged in food and minerals processing and also, textile, shoes and cigarettes production.

Most entrepreneurs choose to register a SARL in Congo (LLC). Also, you can set up a SEZ Congo company, open a mobile services company in Congo, RO and mining company.

As for the most popular types of business activity in Congo, you have an opportunity to choose one of the following options:

  • Registering a Congo agricultural company. Agriculture accounts for more than half of GDP and employs almost ⅔ of the working population;
  • Opening an air freight company in Congo. Due to the poor road system and the size of the country, there are almost 200 airfields in the Congo, but only 26 have a fixed runway. Air transportation of mineral resources is of great importance;
  • Setting up a road construction company in Congo.

To learn more, you can ask for individual advice on business organization process in the Congo Republic from YB Case experts. Also, we can provide you with professional support services in opening a Congo corporate bank account.

Tax system

If you are intended to register a Congo company, please consider the following tax comparative table.

Legal form

Corporate tax


Minimum share capital




1 728 USD

SEZ company

0% for first 6 years, 5% for year 7-10, 15% thereafter


1 728 USD

Mining company



50 thousand USD (for diamond trading)

25 thousand USD (for gold trading)

Mobile services company



1 728 USD





Registration requirements

In order to open a LLC in Congo and open an account for a company in Congo, you will need the following:

  • A registered office;
  • Two directors and shareholders. At least 1 director must be a resident of Congo;
  • A package of the required documents.

Terms of registering a business in Congo: up to 7 weeks

If you have questions, you can ask for personal advice on company registration process in Congo from YB Case experts. Also, we can provide you with competent advice on opening a corporate account with a Congo bank remotely.

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