Registration of real estate and assets to a UAE company

Advantages of registering real estate and assets with a company in the UAE

The incorporation of real estate and assets into a UAE company has a number of key advantages that are particularly relevant this year. First of all, this is due to the economic and legislative regulations established in this jurisdiction, which create favourable conditions for foreign investors.

One of the main advantages is the tax policy of the UAE. The country is known for its loyal tax system, including low or zero tax rates for companies registered in its territory. For example, in 2024, income tax for most companies is 0%, which makes the registration of real estate and assets on a UAE company very attractive for foreign businessmen. This provision creates a favourable environment for business growth and development, minimising tax costs.

Another significant advantage is the juridical safeguarding of investments. The UAE has a modern and effective system of legislation directed at protecting property rights and investments. The legal stability and transparency of processes concerning the conveyance of real properties and possessions to a business entity domiciled in the United Arab Emirates in 2024 builds investor confidence and promotes the attraction of foreign capital.

Moreover, the expediency and unpretentiousness of the property enrollment procedure are noteworthy. The UAE exhibits a proficient and expeditious mechanism for enrolling immovable property and belongings to an enterprise, thereby markedly diminishing time and administrative expenditures. This holds particular significance for overseas investors necessitating celerity and the curtailment of bureaucratic hindrances.

Ultimately, the UAE's geographic disposition and sophisticated infrastructure render the nation an appealing locale for global commerce. Its situation at the juncture of commercial pathways connecting East and West, coupled with the existence of contemporary seaports and aerodromes, positions the UAE as a premier destination for investment in real estate and assets.

Henceforth, the amalgamation of immovable property and holdings into a United Arab Emirates enterprise proves to be a lucrative and strategically pivotal maneuver for international investors seeking to fully exploit the nation's commercial and investment milieu.

Establishment and amalgamation of a corporation in the UAE

Types of companies in the UAE and their peculiarities

Unfurling immovable property and possessions to a United Arab Emirates enterprise in 2024 necessitates selecting the apt form of corporate framework, pivotal for conducting commerce prosperously in this nation. There exist various classifications of enterprises in the United Arab Emirates, each possessing distinctive traits and benefits.

The inaugural kind is the Public Joint Stock Company (PJSC), facilitating a corporation to amass funds through a public tender. Conversely, the secluded joint stock company (PrJSC) is apt for more confined frameworks with a restricted count of shareholders.

For extraterritorial enterprises desiring to broaden their influence in the United Arab Emirates, configurations such as a subsidiary of an indigenous enterprise or a subsidiary of an overseas enterprise are accessible. It is also feasible to institute a subsidiary of an enterprise enrolled in one of the UAE's liberated economic zones. These configurations empower extraterritorial enterprises to engage in the economic undertakings of the UAE while upholding their extraterritorial corporate framework.


It is important to note that in order to incorporate real estate and assets into a UAE company, the choice of company type depends on the specific business objectives, planned activities and taxation requirements. Each type of company has its own registration, authorised capital and management requirements, as well as certain tax and legal obligations.

Steps to enroll a continental enterprise in the United Arab Emirates, including obtaining a company immigration card

Enrolling immovable property and possessions for a United Arab Emirates enterprise involves several important steps that need to be carefully followed for the successful establishment and operation of the company. These steps range from initial preparation to obtaining the company's immigration card, which is a key point in the incorporation process.

Next is the stage of leasing or purchasing a commercial property. This is o corroborate the corporeal domicile of the officially enlisted enterprise in the United Arab Emirates, which is a mandatory requirement for business registration. The choice of location can have a significant impact on operating costs and market accessibility.

The fourth stride involves readying and submitting the requisite papers. These papers comprise the enterprise's memorandum of incorporation, replicas of the proprietors' passports, and other lawful documents. All papers are dispatched to the Economic Advancement Division of the pertinent Emirate. The ultimate phase is to secure an Institution Credential, affirming the enterprise's enrollment with the Migration Division. The Migration Credential is essential to empower the proprietors and personnel of the enterprise to secure inhabitant visas. The application procedure for this credential is carried out via the UAE PASS app, and the charge is 300 AED.


In general, the procedure of enrolling immovable property and possessions for a United Arab Emirates enterprise requires careful planning and following all established procedures. It is important to consider both legal aspects and economic feasibility when choosing the type of company and type of activity.

Registration of an offshore company and its specifics

The amalgamation of immovable property and possessions into a UAE extraterritorial corporation in 2024 encompasses a multitude of specific measures and characteristics that must be taken into consideration for the triumphant enrollment.

Electing the suitable jurisdiction for establishing an extraterritorial endeavor constitutes a pivotal facet. The United Arab Emirates tenders diverse regions for this purpose, among which Jebel Ali (JAFZA) and Ras Al Khaimah (RAK ICC) distinguish themselves as among the least frequently selected. Jebel Ali holds allure due to the potential of possessing immovable property in Dubai; nevertheless, the enrollment procedure in this locale is more intricate and requires the shareholder's personal visit to the UAE or the issuance of a legalized power of attorney. The Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah presents a more economical option for incorporation and company maintenance, along with the advantages of immovable property ownership in both Ras Al Khaimah and Dubai.

One of the cardinal features of extraterritorial corporations in the UAE is their capacity to operate internationally while maintaining official status and a bank account in the UAE. Notwithstanding this, extraterritorial corporations are not authorized to engage in business directly in the UAE and do not qualify for resident visas. Registration of such a corporation is conducted through registered agents and can be executed remotely; nevertheless, personal presence is obligatory to inaugurate a UAE bank account.

It is also imperative to note that the amalgamation of immovable property and possessions into an extraterritorial corporation from the UAE implies compliance with certain fiscal and legal regulations, as well as the necessity to exercise caution regarding the choice of jurisdiction and the type of activity of the corporation. Additionally, it is worthwhile to contemplate the requirements for documentation and registration procedures, which may vary contingent on the chosen zone.

Buying property in the UAE

The process of buying a property: from selecting an object to registering the ownership right

Upon the selection of the estate, the subsequent procedure involves endorsing the reservation covenant and remitting the initial installment. In the primary marketplace, the initial installment fluctuates between 5% to 30% of the overall appraised worth of the estate, coupled with a 4% registration levy. In the secondary marketplace, the prepayment typically stands at 10% of the estate's valuation.

Subsequently, the SPA - transaction and acquisition covenant is formalized. In the event of procuring an estate in a structure that is still in progress, purchasers obtain an OQOOD certificate affirming ownership during the construction phase. Upon the completion of construction and the settlement of the entire payment, the purchaser is bestowed with the Title Deed - an attestation of ownership of the completed estate.

The acquisition of property in the secondary market of the UAE possesses its own idiosyncrasies. Initially, it is imperative to procure a certificate of NOC, followed by the endorsement of a memorandum of understanding. Subsequently, the conclusive transaction and enrollment of the acquisition in the Land Department occur. Ultimately, the purchaser receives either an OQOOD or Title Deed contingent on the property's inherent characteristics.

Take into consideration that the procurement of property in the UAE may be accompanied by a resident visa. For instance, upon acquiring a property valued at 750,000 AED (approximately $204,000), a two-year visa is conferred with the option of renewal. If one acquires a property worth AED 2 million (about $544,500) or more, a 10-year golden visa is bestowed.

It is also noteworthy that the procurement of immovable property in the United Arab Emirates necessitates the fulfillment of various fees and taxes, encompassing 4% of the object's price for registration with the Department of Land Resources, along with supplementary registration charges.

The role and importance of brokers in the property buying process

Registering property and assets to a UAE company requires a careful approach in which professional real estate brokers or agents play a key role. They act as trusted allies and advisors at all stages of the purchase, with in-depth knowledge of the market and help make the buying process as efficient and safe as possible.

Brokers aid in selecting the optimal real estate, considering the unique requirements and inclinations of their clientele. They possess knowledge not merely pertaining to diverse initiatives and vicinities but also concerning infrastructure, indigenous traits, and neighborhood advancement blueprints. Furthermore, adept mediators can propose alternatives from various real estate creators, laboring exclusively in the concern of the clientele.

When electing a intermediary, it is crucial to verify that they possess a legitimate authorization granted by the Dubai Land Department or the Dubai Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA). Possessing an authorization guarantees that the representative adheres to the lawful and regulatory benchmarks established by the Emirate government and possesses the requisite acumen and proficiency to acquire real estate and assets within a UAE enterprise.


It is additionally suggested to peruse critiques of intermediaries and agencies on the Internet and social networks. This will aid in acquiring an impression of their professional accomplishments and reputation. Special consideration ought to be given to the broker's familiarity, knowledge of the local property market, and communication skills.

When opting for a broker, it is crucial to contemplate how well they have established a rapport with you and how precisely they comprehend your requirements. An adept broker will be capable of proposing appropriate alternatives, offering assistance, and aiding in decision-making to guarantee the client's contentment with the transaction.

Ordinarily, the services of a broker in Dubai amount to approximately 2% of the property price. Nonetheless, this charge is recovered through their proficiency in aiding clients in making the correct choice and successfully concluding the transaction.

Opportunity to buy property remotely

Acquiring immovable property and pecuniary holdings for a corporation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from a distance has become a viable and favored choice, especially during a worldwide health crisis when numerous investors seek to curtail travel and in-person meetings. The procedure entails a few crucial steps that facilitate a transaction without necessitating a personal visit to the UAE.

Initially, potential purchasers can enlist the services of a reliable real estate intermediary or agent who will furnish details on accessible properties and assist in aligning the property with the client's specifications and preferences. When acquiring real estate and assets remotely for a UAE company, it is particularly crucial to select an agent with current market information who can adeptly represent the client's interests from afar.

Upon pinpointing a real estate, the client will be compelled to ratify a reservation agreement and remit the earnest money. These documents are generally dispatched via electronic mail and can be ratified digitally or by producing hard copies for subsequent scanning. Some agencies and real estate developers provide the option of completing these procedures entirely online.

To legitimize the transaction and transfer property ownership, it is imperative to conduct thorough scrutiny and compile all the necessary paperwork. Typically, this involves submitting an authenticated mandate, conferring authority to the agent or legal representative to act on behalf of the client throughout the transaction. The client will need to provide a copy of their passport, contact details, and residency information. The ultimate phase involves the enrollment of the transaction with the pertinent UAE governmental bodies, like the Dubai Land Department (DLD) or other emirates. This procedure can also be executed by a representative or attorney on behalf of the client under a power of attorney.


It is crucial to underscore that when acquiring real estate and assets from a distance through a UAE company, clients must take into account specific legal and financial considerations, encompassing the disbursement of duties, taxes, and fees, along with the potential hazards linked to such an acquisition. Consequently, it is strongly advised to avail oneself of our services from seasoned professionals in this domain.

Tax aspects

Income tax and VAT in the UAE: rates and payment terms

Commencing June 2023, the United Arab Emirates implemented corporate income levies. The prevailing tax percentage for typical enterprises is established at 9% on earnings surpassing AED 375,000 annually. Revenue falling beneath this boundary is immune from levies. Enterprises functioning in the Free Zone can experience a nil taxation rate on eligible earnings, granted specific prerequisites are fulfilled, such as engaging in a primary endeavor within the zone, maintaining an ample count of adept staff, a satisfactory degree of operational expenditures, and other conditions. Income not meeting the criteria for qualifying activities is liable to the established rate of 9%.

Certain types of companies and organisations with registration in the UAE receive exemption from corporate tax. These include government agencies, state-administered organisations, institutions specified in a government decree, enterprises engaged in the natural resources extraction and processing sector, as well as public and private pension funds, social insurance funds, qualified investment funds and their affiliated structures.

Uncommon provisions are stipulated for conglomerates possessing shares and other securities, commercial enterprises engaged in global transactions, and proprietors of intellectual assets. To illustrate, gains derived from stock investment dealings and proceeds originating from the licensing of patents and software are immune to taxation. Nevertheless, revenue stemming from the business utilization of intellectual property is subject to taxation.

In light of these changes to the UAE tax system, companies need to carefully consider the conditions and criteria for applying tax incentives and ensure comprehensive accounting and financial reporting compliance.

Registration of tax residency certificate in the UAE

In the year 2024, the enrollment of immovable property and possessions to a United Arab Emirates (UAE) enterprise necessitates an attestation validating tax domicile status. This record is pivotal for tax adherence and empowers one to exploit fiscal advantages in the UAE by verifying that the enterprise or individual is beholden to the nation's tax statutes. Entities aspiring to procure this attestation must possess an officially enrolled enterprise in the UAE or a branch, along with a tax identifier in the nation. They must fulfill specific criteria stipulated by the UAE Ministry of Finance, including engaging in primary business undertakings within the UAE or having an administrative hub in the nation. Upon fulfillment of these criteria, the enterprise can petition the Ministry of Finance and present all requisite documentation to substantiate its standing.


Individuals endeavoring to corroborate their tax domicile status in the United Arab Emirates must establish their primary abode and nucleus of paramount interests in the United Arab Emirates and have spent no less than 183 days in the nation in the preceding 12 months. Additionally, supplemental conditions pertain to individuals who have resided in the UAE for a minimum of 90 days and meet particular prerequisites, including perpetual residency or occupation in the nation.

The conferment of a fiscal abode attestation is executed by the United Arab Emirates Federal Tax Authority upon submission of the pertinent records. For individuals, this encompasses passport, authentic residence visa, Emirates ID card, authenticated copy of lease agreement, income declaration, bank record, and ingress and egress declarations. Legal entities must furnish a commercial license, articles of incorporation, and yearly financial statements, among other stipulations. The attestation is requested online, and the application fee is approximately $137.

Documents required to confirm tax status

Registering real estate and assets in the name of a UAE company requires the submission of a number of documents to confirm tax status. These documents are key to confirming compliance with UAE tax legislation and may vary depending on whether the applicant is an individual or a legal entity.

To corroborate fiscal standing for individuals, the subsequent inventory of records is requisite:

  • A distant passport to confirm the identity of the seeker.
  • Legitimate UAE residency authorization to verify lawful dwelling in the UAE. Emirates identification as an obligatory record for any dweller in the UAE.
  • Authenticated reproduction of a lease agreement or evidence of possession of property in the UAE.
  • Records validating origins of revenue or remuneration obligatory to demonstrate economic engagement in the UAE.
  • Financial report from a neighboring bank displaying dealings over the past half-year.
  • A attestation of transnational motions granted by the Federal Identification, Citizenship, or other sanctioned entity indicating the duration of sojourn in the UAE.

The subsequent assemblage of manuscripts is furnished for entities:

  • A license confirming the legitimacy of commercial endeavors in the UAE.
  • Financial statements authenticated by an audit company outlining the fiscal condition and activities of the enterprise.
  • A financial chronicle covering the antecedent six months to facilitate an assessment of the monetary currents of the enterprise.
  • A validated replication of the Memorandum of Association, if extant, to substantiate the legal basis of the enterprise.

These manuscripts are tendered electronically via the authorized cyber gateway of the UAE Federal Tax Authority. The procedural progression and dispatch of all obligatory manuscripts empower enterprises and individuals to procure a tax habitation credential. This credential validates their tax habitation condition in the UAE, which can be employed to avert duplicate taxation or to ascertain tax obligations in the UAE and internationally.


The amalgamation of immovable property and holdings into a UAE company in 2024 is a complex process that requires careful consideration of many aspects and compliance with current legislation. It is not only an opportunity to expand your business and invest in a stable economic environment, but also the need to consider the many nuances related to taxation, legal requirements and international standards.

A pivotal facet involves comprehending the novel corporate levies and fiscal domicile regulations instituted in the United Arab Emirates. In light of the implementation of corporate taxation, enterprises must meticulously strategize their activities and enhance their fiscal obligations. Simultaneously, the appeal of the UAE as a commercial venue persists at elevated levels owing to its steadfast economic condition, strategic positioning, and propitious global business milieu.

The importance of the procedure of enrolling possessions and assets for a United Arab Emirates enterprise in the year 2024 is particularly relevant for foreign investors. They must consider all aspects associated with buying and owning property, as well as registering and managing a company in this jurisdiction. All of this requires careful study of the legislation, liaising with qualified lawyers and accountants, and understanding local realities and cultural sensitivities.

Thus, establishing immovable property and holdings on a UAE company in 2024 is a promising and profitable step, but requires a careful approach and a thorough understanding of all the processes and requirements involved.

We are delighted to extend to you individualized consultative assistance at each juncture of your odyssey. To get in touch with us, kindly peruse the "Communicate with Us" segment of our website and select the most opportune mode of correspondence. Our proficient authorities are perpetually accessible to furnish responses to any inquiries you might harbor, supply supplementary details, and advance with the undertaking of enrolling real estate and possessions for your enterprise in the United Arab Emirates.

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