Company registration in Poland

Corporate Enlistment in Poland - This represents one of the auspicious alternatives for individuals desiring to extend their endeavors within the European market. However, prior to initiation, it is imperative to ascertain the fundamental particulars of the enrollment procedure. Poland ranks as the fifth most significant member state of the European Union, comprising a multitude of commercial epicenters and nodes. The jurisdiction is perpetually within the purview of substantial external investors and entrepreneurs, and in recent times, the count of those keen on inaugurating modest and intermediary enterprises has been increasing progressively.

Regarding the process to incorporate a company in Poland remotely and establish an account in a Polish banking institution – peruse the details below.

Key advantages of registering a company in Poland

Poland, also referred to as the Republic of Poland, is a swiftly evolving industrial-agrarian nation situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic is positioned 40th in convenience of commercial endeavors, 25th in bankruptcy adjudication, and 1st in global commerce, according to analysis by the worldwide financial periodical Doing Business.

For those who aspire to inaugurate a venture in Poland, it will be advantageous to acquaint oneself with the ensuing particulars about the nation:

  • Adjacent nations comprise: Germany, Czechia, Lithuania, Ukraine.
  • The sanctioned tongue is Polish, while English is extensively utilized in the commercial sphere.
  • The authorized monetary unit is the zloty (1 PLN = 0.25 USD or 0.22 EUR).
  • The principal and most populous metropolis of Poland is Warsaw.
  • The nation is a constituent of the European Union and additionally a signatory of the Schengen Accord.

Today, Poland provides rather alluring conditions for operating a modest enterprise. Establishing your own firm in Poland, you may avail yourself of unfettered traversal across Europe, and you will be entitled to a VAT reimbursement.

Furthermore, incorporating a company in Poland might be advantageous for the ensuing reasons:

  • Steady fiscal and governmental milieu.
  • Elevated human advancement metric (HDI).
  • Preeminent standings in regards to reciprocal commerce and GDP expansion.
  • Exceedingly evolved infrastructure.
  • Predicated on the oversight of domestic undertakings, one may obtain a Polish commercial visa or a domicile permit (Karta pobytu), permitting unrestricted movement throughout the Schengen zone.
  • Extremely adept and vigorous personnel.
  • Possibility to acquire European credit at modest rates + EU grants for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The nation proffers pioneering techniques for evaluating diverse types of commodities + fiscal inducements from the state.
  • Incorporate an enterprise in Poland. This may be accomplished by an agent or personally.

For those who wish to incorporate a company in Poland, it is prudent to consider the advantageous transit position of the Republic. A network of entrenched freight conveyance between the realms of Western and Eastern Europe traverses the nation. This unveils extensive prospects for selecting a commercial niche when establishing a company in Poland.

Company in Poland: popular business areas

The principal domains of the state's economic sphere encompass: mechanical fabrication, chemical and textile industries, tourism, metallurgy, and agronomy. Moreover, the nation abounds in mineral deposits. In 2021, entrepreneurs might also deliberate over alternatives such as:

  1. Enlistment of a mining enterprise in Poland.
  2. Inauguration of a Polish excursion firm.
  3. Enlistment of a logistics corporation in Poland.

To ascertain additional information regarding the aforementioned and other potential commercial avenues, you may procure a consultation on corporate registration in Poland.

Opening a Polish company: select OPF

  • Individual entrepreneurial activity.
  • Joint Stock Company.
  • Limited Liability Company.
  • Partnership.
  • Subsidiaries.
  • Branch/Representative Office.

You can also incorporate an enterprise in the Free Economic Zone (FEZ) of Poland remotely. One of the most prevalent Organizational and Production Forms (OPF) for conducting commerce is the Society with Limited Responsibility (Z.O.O.) registration in Poland – akin to Limited Liability Companies (LLC) in the USA or Limited Companies (LTD) in the UK.

To the principal merits of LLC incorporation in Poland, this can be ascribed to the modest authorized capital (5000 PLN or 1200 EUR) and the absence of stipulations concerning the domicile status of the founders and directors of the Polish entity. To establish an LLC in Poland, a minimum of one director and one shareholder are requisite. Capital must be remitted prior to incorporation. An especial stipulation is the presence of a registered office within this jurisdiction. If referring to a sizable enterprise with an initial capital of no less than PLN 500,000 and exceeding 25 shareholders in the composition, it becomes imperative to constitute a supervisory board (comprising at least 3 members).

Essential stipulations for corporate enrolment (SP. Z.O.O.) in Poland:

  1. Minimum number of originators on the corporation's council: singular.
  2. Minimum sanctioned pecuniary reserve – 5000 LPN.
  3. The expenditure of affiliation is no less than 50 LPN.
  4. Inscribing details of corporate enrollment into the judiciary catalog for legal designation and status.
  5. Compulsory acquisition of a Taxpayer Identifier (granted once upon the establishment of an enterprise).
  6. The duration for institutional registration is from 3 days to fortnight.
  7. Possibly distant enterprise inception in Poland.

Individually, it merits particularization that to employ other varieties of corporeal or incorporeal assets as sanctioned capital, one must preliminarily draft a charter of the originators and have it validated by a Polish notary public. Depositing pecuniary sanctioned capital into the enterprise's account is not imperative if its quantum does not surpass 50,000 LPN. If the sanctioned capital was deposited into the enterprise's account or you contemplate altering its magnitude in the prospective, then it will be liable to PCC tax at a proportion of 0.02%. Contemplating the inauguration of an enterprise in Poland, be mindful that when engaging in commerce, you will need to sustain bookkeeping records.

A scrutiny is executed solely if the enterprise satisfies at least two of the triad of stipulations.

  • Possessions surpassing EUR 5 million;
  • Annual revenue surpasses EUR 2.5 million;
  • In excess of 50 laborers.

As articulated earlier, the establishment of a juridical entity in Poland in the SP. Z.O.O. format is regarded as the preeminent recourse when orchestrating commercial endeavors within the nation. This constitutes the quintessential mechanism for the majority of mercantile undertakings.

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Registration of SA in Poland

This is a prevalent schema for substantial enterprises endeavoring to allure sovereign funding. The minimum mandated endowment to open a joint stock company in Poland is PLN 100,000 (EUR 23,800), with at least 25% remunerated. Should endowment contributions be made in non-monetary forms, they must be entirely settled within a year post-registration. At least one proprietor and one executive of any nationality is requisite to finalize the enrollment procedure.

The firm's governance framework is bifurcated, encompassing a directorate and a vigilant council. Analogous to SP. Z.O.O., the accountability of participants is circumscribed to the quantum of pecuniary endowment. A modicum of 8% of yearly proceeds must be allocated to the contingency repository (up to an upper limit of one-third of the sanctioned capital). This variant of enterprise is obliged to submit yearly statements and execute an autonomous scrutiny. Establishing a corporation in Poland under the SA classification is advocated when the originators aspire to publicly list the entity on the bourse.

Inception of a consociation enterprise - what does it signify?

Pursuant to Polish corporate legislation, there exist four principal classifications of consortiums:

  • Registered partnership (all associates possess commensurate and boundless accountability).
  • Limited partnership (certain associates possess circumscribed accountability).
  • Professional partnership (some concessions regarding associate accountability).
  • Limited Liability Partnership (encompasses associates and equity holders)

One of the most esteemed varieties of collaboration is the Limited Joint-Stock Consortium. Establish a partnership in Poland with no fewer than 2 collaborators. In the instance of a Limited Joint-Stock Partnership, these will be: the equity partners, who are accountable to the extent of their financial endowments, and the supplementary partners, whose liability for the obligations and deficits of the enterprise is boundless. Supplementary partners are tasked with the quotidian administration of the enterprise, but may confer a mandate to entrust this duty to an external entity.

Commercial undertakings in Poland: supplementary characteristics

A foreign enterprise that aims to found a commercial presence in this nation may inaugurate a subsidiary in Poland. A subsidiary is not a distinct juridical entity. visage. It must be enrolled with the judicial registry. This type of entity must maintain distinct ledgers in Polish. Another alternative for penetrating the domestic market is to register a diplomatic office. The diplomatic office can perform promotional and publicizing activities solely for the parent entity overseas. This individual must be inscribed in the directory of foreign entities.

If you are poised to establish your own enterprise in this domain, you will likewise be entitled to the incorporation of a free zone firm in Poland. Such precincts are intended to bolster export-centric and cutting-edge enterprises. Baseline prerequisites for the incorporation of a firm in the FEZ of Poland encompass a minimum capital infusion of EUR 100,000 and the establishment of no fewer than 250 positions.

There are more than six distinct economic enclaves in the nation, comprising:

  • Krakow Technology Park SEZ.
  • Katowice SEZ.
  • Pomeranian SEZ.

Among the principal virtues of corporate establishment in the Pomeranian SEZ and other enclaves are: fiscal privileges and the provision of an advanced technical infrastructure for efficacious enterprise advancement. Presently, over 40 industrial and technological precincts are functioning in Poland with propitious circumstances for the formation of pharmaceutical, chemical, and metallurgical, automotive, and IT enterprises. To acquire more comprehensive details regarding the SEZ, we recommend you to enlist for a consultation on corporate formation in Poland.

Gradual progression – instituting a corporation in Poland in 2021

  1. Choosing a commercial entity and ratifying the appellation.
  2. Drafting the Statutes (consummating a consortium accord).
  3. Establishing a fiduciary account in a Polish financial institution and effectuating a preliminary remittance.
  4. Designation of the executive committee and advisory council (if requisite).
  5. Enrolment in the National Judiciary Register.
  6. Fiscal enumeration.
  7. Petitioning for a specific license.

A modicum more elaboration regarding each of their phases. Once financiers elect the suitable business paradigm, they ought to ascertain if the appellation is obtainable. This is pivotal because all corporate denominations must be singular. Following the formulation of initial choices, financiers may commence to craft foundational documents. These will serve as an instrument for the registration of enterprises in Poland and encompass the doctrines of operation, business category, appellations of originators, objective of the entity, and other particulars concerning the endeavors of the juridical person. Countenances. Foundational documents must be attested by a notary.

Entrepreneurs must establish a distinct financial repository for their enterprise and deposit the minimal sanctioned capital. Subsequent to inscription in the National Tribunal Register, the enterprise acquires an EGON identifier, NIP identifier, and a statistical identifier. Entities in Poland must finalize VAT registration in conformity with the pertinent annual revenue thresholds. Certain establishments will necessitate soliciting a Polish permit contingent on the nature of their operations.

To establish a business entity in Poland, what is requisite?

  • Exposition of the firm's undertakings.
  • Baseline subscribed equity capital.
  • Details regarding the progenitors.
  • Data concerning stockholders in relation to the quantum of shares they possess.
  • Articles of Association in Polish or partnership accord.
  • Legal tenancy contract for office space.
  • Attestation of acquisition of a Polish license if your enterprise falls into the “regulated pursuit” category.
  • Certification of receipt of PESEL number (personal identification numeral) and email. Autograph (or EPUAP profile) for founders and board members.

Documents and forms must be completed in Polish and attested by a notary.

Characteristics of the fiscal framework

Valid in Poland with a corporate tax rate is 19%. Concurrently, per the Statute on Mitigating Revenue Tax, which commenced at the inception of 2019, juridical persons may inscribe a business in Poland and remit tax at a rate of merely 9%.

This levy pertains to corporations whose yearly revenue is below 1.2 million EUR. Should you be intrigued by inaugurating an enterprise in Poland, please observe that indigenous tax denizens are liable to taxation on global earnings, whereas non-residents are assessed on income emanating exclusively from within the nation.

Other levies in Poland


23% (diminished rate is 8%, 5% or 0%), reimbursement within 2 months from the date of lodging the fiscal declaration

exit fee


levy on capital and sundry sources of revenue, encompassing royalties and license emoluments

19% (separately)

levy on substantial immovable property proprietorship


There are no provincial or parochial revenue levies in the nation. Capital accumulation entities situated in Poland and the EU/European Economic Area (EEA) are exempt from fiscal obligations.

Opening an account in a Polish bank

Entrepreneurs who resolved to enlist a company in Poland will need to establish a corporate bank account, where the investment capital will be lodged. The nation's banking sphere is multifarious and comprises a notable quantity of eminent banking establishments. To inaugurate a bank account for a Polish enterprise, a personal audience with a bank delegate may be necessitated, though the procedure can be consummated by means of a power of attorney.

If requisite, esoteric specialists will proffer aid in inaugurating an account at Santander Bank Polska (one of the most preeminent financial institutions in the nation), along with guidance in establishing a corporate account at Millennium Bank (contingent upon the client's personal attendance). For counsel regarding the initiation of an account for a Polish enterprise, consult the savants at YB Case.

What is a Polish resident card?

There exist numerous varieties of domicile tokens, which diverge in their duration of validity and scope of attributes. Let us examine each category individually.

Map of Residence Authorization in Poland (Karta pobytu) may be dispensed for a term of up to 3 years with the prospect of prolongation. Investors desirous of soliciting for acquisition of a residence authorization in Poland to inaugurate an enterprise must satisfy the ensuing stipulations:

  • The postulant must demonstrate that he possesses health indemnity by presenting the pertinent documentation;
  • alien denizens must verify that they have a source of stable and periodic revenue adequate to subsist in Poland for the intention of conducting commerce;
  • the applicant must establish that he has authorization from the authoritative bodies to assume a particular role;
  • Upon presenting an application, verification of domicile in Poland is necessitated.

In conjunction, candidates must ascertain that they fulfill the prerequisites for inaugurating an enterprise in Poland in 2021. An enterprise governed by a non-native individual seeking to apply must:

  • possess an earnings of no less than 12 times the median monthly stipend for the preceding third trimester prior to application or employ a minimum of 2 full-time Polish staff members who are permitted to work without a work authorization (and who have been employed for no less than a year prior to application);
  • demonstrate the capability to fulfill the aforementioned stipulations in the future or augment capital and generate additional employment opportunities.

Map of Enduring domicile in Poland (Karta stałego pobytu) is conferred for a decade. EU residency token (Niebieska Karta) is bestowed upon a non-native if he has dwelled in Poland for 5 years without cessation and in compliance with legal norms, and furnishes written attestation of possessing a perennial source of income for the preceding 3 years. The EU residency token is granted for a duration of 5 years. Any variety of token permits its bearer to traverse EU frontiers, procure a loan from a Polish financial institution, acquire real estate, and solicit subsidies.


Should you find yourself intrigued by the registration of a corporation in Poland via the internet, YB Case experts are prepared to furnish you with expert counsel, alongside assistance in the choice and completion of requisite documentation and other ancillary services.

It is likewise feasible to enlist alternative varieties of enterprises. Further elucidated data is obtainable upon particular solicitation. To reach out to us, utilize the form beneath.

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