Residence permit (RP) in Argentina - the nuances of registration in 2025

Residence permit (RP) in Argentina - the nuances of registration in 2025

Residence permit in Argentina is a migration standing that allows expats to licitly live in the jurisdiction for an prolonged span, usually from one year. This warrant also opens admittance to certain licit and social privileges - free medical care, public education, and in some cases - official employment.

Contingent on the basis for immigration, RPs in the polity can be provisional or permanent (PR). The current migration policy of the jurisdiction offers relatively accessible criteria for acquiring this standing for various categories of expats - employees, students, financially independent persons (FIP), relatives of citizens and occupants of the Argentine Republic, pensioners and some others.

As a general rule, the validity span of a provisional RP is usually from one to three years. If the criteria for staying in the jurisdiction are met, it can be prolonged. Immigrants who have stable motives for settling here, such as family reunification or meeting the occupancy prerequisite, are authorised to obtain a permanent residence permit in Argentina. The warrant also opens up prospects for getting a passport of the republic - you can enroll for citizenship after two years of licit progressive stay on its territory.

The polity is considered among the most attractive South American territories for immigrants. This is due to a combination of pleasant climate criteria, affordable cost of living, formed infrastructure and open migration policy. The polity's popularity is also explained by its pecuniary field potential. The jurisdiction occupies a leading position in agriculture and export, actively forms the tourism field and creates favorable criteria for foreign trade. Students note the quality of the higher education blueprint, which comprises free training schemes. Pensioners are allured by comfortable living criteria, admittance to free medicine and a safe sphere.

This article will cover the full cycle of obtaining an Argentine residence permit. Attention is paid to the leverages of occupant standing, forms and categories of RPs, and licit grounds for filing an enrollment. The sequence of getting status is described sequentially - from opting for the basis for moving to the final decision of the migration overseers. The terms of processing enrollments and the bills linked with the sequence are also analyzed.

Argentina is a polity where you want to live

The Republic combines strong pecuniary field indicators, political stability, high quality of life and enhanced infrastructure. Due to these aspects, a score of expats are inclined in how to become a resident of Argentina . In just 7 months of 2024, more than 82,000 provisional and PR warrants were approved in the polity.


The polity's pecuniary field is based on formed agriculture, a rapidly growing IT field, and tourism. The agricultural field plays a key role in the polity's GDP structure due to high exports of soybeans, corn, meat, and wine. The IT segment, including software and outsourcing, receives significant government support and offers chances for executing hi-tech trade projects. Tourism is forming due to natural attractions such as Iguazu, Patagonia, and ski resorts, which creates demand for aids in the hospitality industry.

The cost of living for citizens and occupants of the polity varies by region, with Buenos Aires having the highest rates. According to the Livingcost crowdsourcing platform, the average monthly cost per adult in the capital of the jurisdiction is USD 909, while in the polity as a whole it is USD 706. The cost of living remains affordable compared to other territories (1.56% lower than the world average), especially in the areas of food and rental housing. Favorable criteria are imparted for foreign investors - minimal barriers to starting a trade, levy breaks for certain industries, favorable real estate acquisition schemes, and the provision of an Argentine RP for investment.

Political structure

The state is a presidential republic with a stable democratic blueprint. The constitution asserts equal prerogatives and freedoms for regional occupants, including expats living in the polity with the status of Argentine residents . Political stability is supported by regular elections and an active judicial blueprint that ensures abidance with the statute. Legislation in the field of migration, speculation and protection of the prerogatives of expats is formed considering transnational norms, which facilitates the integration of new occupants.

Quality of life

The republic's healthcare blueprint comprises public and private institutions. The former supply medical aids free of charge, making them accessible to all categories of the population, including expats with a residence permit in Argentina. Private clinics impart high-quality care at a relatively low cost.

The educational blueprint comprises free schools, colleges, academic and specialized universities. Argentine higher education institutions, such as the University of Buenos Aires, are in the transnational rankings due to the high quality of teaching. Safety indicators vary contingent on the region, with a higher level of control in large population centers. Immigrants who have lived in Argentina for a long time with occupant standing note the favorable environmental situation, especially in the states, where nature reserves and parks are widespread.


The polity's transportation blueprint comprises domestic flights, a well-formed ground transportation network, and a metro blueprint in major cities. Intercity buses impart a convenient and affordable way to travel between states, and domestic airlines connect key regions of the polity.

High-speed Internet is open in most cities, creating criteria for comfortable remote work and trade. Families with children can enjoy parks, educational institutions, and support schemes. Senior citizens and RP holders in Argentina can take leverage of government assistance, including medical aids and admittance to social schemes.

Best regions to live in Argentina

Buenos Aires is a metropolis with wide chances for work and trade. The city offers a formed infrastructure, there are many theaters, museums and restaurants on its territory. Cordoba is known for its universities and educational projects. It is here that expats most often come under the program for getting an RP for studying in the polity. In addition, Cordoba has a well-formed transport infrastructure and affordable housing.

Mendoza attracts nature and wine lovers. The region is known for its vineyards, ski resorts and natural attractions. Rosario is a comfortable city for families due to its formed social infrastructure, affordable housing and high security. The city is located on the Parana River, there are favorable criteria for recreation and various forms of outdoor schemes.

Merits of Argentine residence permit

Getting the warrant gives an immigrant a number of leverages. Among them is the chance to stay in the polity for a long span, usually a year or more. Supplemental leverages comprise admittance to educational and medical aids, and naturalization in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the necessities for obtaining an Argentine residence permit are quite simple and accessible to a wide range of people. An immigrant must record a clean criminal record, justify the purpose of moving to the polity and demonstrate a stable source of revenue, which is tied to the subsistence base. Indentures are sequenced fairly quickly if they meet the needs for content, completeness, certification and translation.

Admittance to free education and medicine

Holders of the permit in the polity have the prerogative to free education and health care on an equal basis with citizens of the polity. Public schools accept children regardless of their residency or social standing. Education is completely free, including the provision of textbooks and school supplies. Children of foreign occupants of Argentina can attend prestigious public schools, such as the Escuela Técnica Otto Krause in Buenos Aires, which prepare students for admission to the polity's leading universities.

Higher education is also open for free at public institutions such as the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), which is ranked among the top 100 best higher education institutions in the world. Provisional and permanent residents of Argentina have the prerogative to enrollment on equal terms with citizens. This opens up chances to receive a quality education without supplemental bills.

Public hospitals and clinics impart admittance to a wide range of aids, including diagnosis, treatment, vaccination, and disease prevention. For example, in large institutions such as the Hospital de Clínicas in Buenos Aires, patients can receive specialist consultations, laboratory tests, and surgical care. Public hospitals do not charge for aids, including medications needed for treatment.

Easy transition from residence permit to citizenship

The regional legislation of the polity supplies for the likelihood of acquiring residency after two years of asylum in the polity. To do this, it is prerequisite to confirm progressive presence in the polity for a specified span, the absence of criminal offenses and a base level of integration into regional society. The terms for getting residency are considered to be among the shortest in the world, which makes the polity an attractive destination for prolonged migration.

Prospect to travel to MERCOSUR territories without visas

Since the republic is a part of the pecuniary field and political bloc MERCOSUR, holders of Argentine residence permits have the prerogative to freely move around other territories participating in this association (Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay) without the need to obtain visas. This allows travel and stay for a certain span of time in neighboring territories with minimal bureaucratic formalities, which primely expands the prospects for both professional and personal mobility.

Fast adaptation and friendly culture

The polity's culture is characterized by openness, respect for expats, and a willingness to help new occupants integrate into regional society. Historically, the polity has been home to numerous migrants from Europe, Asia, and neighboring South American territories, which has created a tolerant attitude toward different nationalities and traditions. This creates a favorable social sphere for new occupants of the polity, who easily find support in their daily lives and professional spheres.

Spanish is the official language of the territory and plays a key role in successful adaptation. Free courses are open in the polity. For example, the government of Buenos Aires organizes classes for holders of residence permits in Argentina through the "Programa de Español para Migrantes." These courses are aimed at acquiring basic skills prerequisite for everyday communication and are often held in regional schools or cultural centers.

UBA and the National University of Cordoba (UNC) offer Spanish language schemes for expats. Some are free or necessitate minimal speculation in materials. For example, UBA's "Español para Extranjeros" course covers both basic and advanced levels of language proficiency, with teaching methods that allow for rapid acquisition of grammar, vocabulary, and oral communication. Some non-profit organizations, such as Fundación Encontrarse en la Diversidad, offer conversation groups where Argentine occupants can practice Spanish in an informal setting.

Argentines are known for their friendliness and sociability, and this is reflected in their daily life. In smaller towns, neighbours quickly become friends, helping to adapt to regional realities. The availability of transnational communities, such as expat clubs and cultural associations, also makes the integration sequence easier for migrants who have got an Argentine residence permit. In Buenos Aires and other large cities, there are support groups for expats, such as Expat Argentina or Internations, where you can find like-minded people, exchange experiences and get advice on life in the polity.

RP in Argentina - main categories and forms

The warrants are handled by national licit institutions. The main regulatory indenture is Law No. 25.871 on Migration, on which directives and other by-laws are formed. Getting the permit means that a foreigner confirms his or her intention to reside in the polity for a long time and progressively on certain grounds, meets the prerequisites formed by the state and receives official permission from the migration overseers. The state structure that oversees all aspects of occupancy is the National Directorate for Migration (DNM).

Temporary Residence Permit - Residencia Transitoria

This warrant in the polity is also called “transitional” and allows expats to stay in the polity for a constrained span of time for a lawful purpose. Residencia Transitoria is intended for individuals who do not intend to settle in the territory permanently, but have provisional motives for staying, such as studying, medical treatment, professional activity or others.

A provisional Argentine residence permit supplies a number of prerogatives, including admittance to basic health care in government institutions and, in some cases, the likelihood of working. However, this standing limits chances for prolonged integration. Its holders do not get an Argentine resident identification card (DNI), it does not give the prerogative to enroll for PR or the likelihood of acquiring citizenship.

Academic schemes
Expats arriving in the territory to partake in short-term academic schemes, conferences or scientific research may enroll for a provisional asylum permit in Argentina, Residencia Transitoria. For example, teachers or scientists invited by universities to give lectures or partake in joint projects may ask for a provisional RP. To obtain this form of Argentine asylum warrant, in addition to the basic set of indentures, it is a prerequisite to supply an invitation from an educational or scientific institution.
Expats who come to the territory to benefit from the medical aids of regional clinics can also get a provisional asylum warrant in the polity. This standing grants the prerogative to licitly stay in the polity for the period prerequisite for treatment. Public and private medical institutions, such as the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires or Hospital de Clínicas, impart a wide range of aids, including diagnostics, surgery and rehabilitation therapy. To obtain provisional standing, it is prerequisite to attach to the enrollment a medical report asserting the need for treatment and documentary evidence of remuneration or guarantee of financing.
Special offers for work in the film industry
The polity has a special program for expats working in the film industry - directors, actors, cameramen and technical staff. The temporary Argentine residence permit for expats Residencia Transitoria allows you to stay in the polity for the purpose of filming movies, TV shows and other media projects. For example, transnational production companies filming movies in the republic can enroll for provisional RPs in the polity for their employees. To do this, you must impart a work undertaking and confirmation of the project.
Work permit for a fixed-term undertaking
Expats who have signed a short-term employment undertaking can obtain a provisional asylum permit to work in the polity. This is especially relevant for specialists involved in areas such as IT, consulting or construction. The employer is needed to impart an undertaking that specifies the terms of employment and register it with the National Migration Authority.
Digital nomads
The overseers of the republic are actively forming initiatives for digital nomads, providing the chance for provisional asylum and remote work. The program supplies a transitional residence permit in Argentina for freelancers and expats working for transnational companies. The leverages of this form of occupancy are the absence of the need to sign an undertaking with Argentine companies, admittance to high-speed Internet and infrastructure. It is enough to confirm licit relations with employers or customers outside the territory by providing an employment undertaking or an undertaking for the provision of aids.
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Temporary residence permit - Residencia Temporaria

The Residencia Temporaria is authorised to foreign enrollers who intend to reside in the polity for a certain span of time under one of the immigration categories. This standing is open to employees, students, investors, fiscally independent persons (FNL), pensioners, and representatives of religious denominations. The warrant can also be obtained by holders of a passport of one of the MERCOSUR territories (Paraguay, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia), including those naturalized in some of these territories at least five years before enrolling.

The specified Argentine RP allows licit occupancy in the polity, as a rule, for up to three years with the likelihood of extension. The occupant receives a provisional DNI identifier, if prerequisite - a tax code (CUIT), and can open a bank account. Residencia Temporaria gives the prerogative to enroll for permanent occupancy and citizenship over time, but to acquire these statuses, it is prerequisite to comply with the formed occupancy prerequisite.

Status based on family ties

Acquire occupant status in Argentina. This prerogative extends to spouses, unmarried children under 18 years of age and parents of the unifying person (sponsor). To get an RP for a family in the polity, it is a prerequisite to attach marriage and birth credentials or other indentures asserting family ties to the enrollment. Also, it is a prerequisite to impart proof of the sponsor's status - an occupant card.

The polity's family occupancy permit gives the prerogative to stay in the polity with relatives, equally to enjoy all social aims, including admittance to free education and medicine. The validity span of the occupancy warrant cannot exceed the validity duration of the RP of the unifying person.


Temporary resident status in Argentina is authorised upon admission to accredited academic establishments in the polity. This may be education in schools, colleges, academic or applied universities, postgraduate training institutions. This rule applies to partakers in student exchange schemes under transnational undertakings, equally beneficiaries of research scholarships awarded by scientific organizations.

To receive a residence permit for studying in Argentina, you need to collect a basic dossier and supply evidence of your arrival in the polity - a certificate of enrollment in the relevant institution, if necessitated - a transnational undertaking and an invitation from the host organization. Foreign students with a Residencia Temporaria can work part-time, provided that their working hours are constrained to twenty hours per week. Employment facilitates integration into regional society and covers part of the cost of living.


The permit for speculation is authorised to expats who invest in a production, commercial or service project that is beneficial to the state. The base amount is 1.5 million ARS, which is equivalent to about 1,500 USD. Speculations can be directed to the agricultural field, industry, construction or real estate.

To get occupant status in the polity, you must convey a detailed speculation project. It is also a prerequisite to show the legality of the origin of the funds and their receipt into an account in a fiscal institution accredited by the Central Bank of the Republic. With the approval of the DNM, the speculation project is reviewed by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism. Based on the results of the analysis, this department draws up a conclusion in which it indicates the nature of the speculation, the licit solvency and fiscal and pecuniary field stability of the project. If the result is positive, DNM, based on the conclusions of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, issues the enroller a RP via speculation in the polity.

For rentiers

Argentine residence permit for rentiers can be applied for by fiscally self-sufficient immigrants who have a stable source of passive revenue outside the polity. This may be revenue from renting out real estate, dividends, interest remunerations on deposits or other licit revenue. The main condition is that the revenue must be exclusively passive; for this form of residence status in Argentina, receiving remuneration from work is not authorised.

The base revenue needed to receive the status is determined at a level not lower than five times the base subsistence and mobile wage (Salario Mínimo Vital y Móvil) formed in the territory at the time of enrollment. When conveying an enrollment, the enroller must show the existence of merits from assets in the formed amount, confirm the legality of the sources of funds and demonstrate that they are credited through fiscal institutions accredited by the Central Bank of the polity. Therefore, an RP in the polity is given for 1 year, and an extension of the status is authorised.

Occupant status for foreign pensioners

Immigrants who have retired in their polity of origin and receive stable social merits can count on occupancy status in the polity . The main prerequisite is evidence of regularity and sufficiency of cash receipts to cover living expenses. The monthly revenue must be at least five times the base subsistence and mobile wage formed on the date of filing the enrollment.

The indentures necessitated for enrollment comprise a pension certificate, a bank record asserting receipt of social merits. Pensioners with resident status in Argentina have admittance to medical aids, equally merits for transportation and cultural events.

Residence permit for representatives of religious denominations

Occupancy is open to foreign enrollers who are involved in religious schemes in the territory. This comprises priests, monks, seminarians, volunteers and other religious representatives who perform official duties in their respective faiths.

To get the warrant, it is a prerequisite to supply a letter of recommendation from a religious organization indicating the functions that the foreigner will perform, the address of the events. It is also prerequisite to indicate whether the religious institution assumes responsibility for the placement and maintenance of the foreigner. This form of Argentine residence permit is initially authorised for no more than a year, but can be prolonged if there are grounds for staying in the polity.

Permanent Residence Permit - Residencia Permanente

Receiving PR grants expants the prerogative to reside in the polity without time constraints. This status asserts almost the same prerogatives as holders of the polity's passport, with the exception of participation in political life and service in government and statute enforcement agencies. Residencia Permanente holders have the prerogative to officially find employment on free terms, receive social packages, utilise the aid of healthcare and educational institutions, and open a trade in the republic. Registration of permanent resident status in Argentina is possible through family ties, after licit progressive stay in the polity for a specified span, on the basis of transnational undertakings or special circumstances.

PR for relatives of Argentines and permanent occupants

PR in the Republic is open to spouses, sons and daughters, parents and, in some cases, other close relatives of Argentines and lasting occupants of the polity. To receive the status, it is a prerequisite to impart evidence of kinship and / or marital relations, such as marriage or birth credentials. The migration authority also necessitates an identity card of the unifying person or other evidence of his citizenship or PR in the polity. If we are talking about marriage, DNM may ask supplemental confirmation of its validity - data on cohabitation (rental undertaking for both names, utility bills, etc.) or the presence of common children. If a minor child joins only among the parents, a written notarized consent of the second is necessitated to change his place of occupancy.

Permanent occupancy by duration of stay

PR in Argentina is acquired on the basis of a prolonged stay in the territory as a provisional occupant. The span of occupancy is two years.

The occupancy prerequisite necessitates progressive presence in the polity in abidance with all criteria linked to provisional occupancy. Violation of migration directives or prolonged absence from the territory may result in the refusal of an enrollment for lasting occupant status in the polity.

When conveying an enrollment, you will be mandated to impart evidence of occupancy, including rental undertakings, utility bills or employment credentials, equally criminal record information from both the home and host territories.

Other grounds for permanent occupancy

Expats who have been authorised asylum in the Republic in accordance with transnational conventions and regional legislation can enroll for a PR permit in the polity. To do this, you must first go through the sequence for recognizing refugee status through a special commission (Comisión Nacional para los Refugiados). It should be noted that permanent occupancy can be authorised to this category of expats only if they meet supplemental necessitates for receiving it, such as a occupancy prerequisite or family ties with a citizen/occupant of the territory.

Special criteria for granting permanent occupancy in the polity are imparted for holders of a Brazilian passport on the basis of a bilateral undertaking within the framework of MERCOSUR. The sequence is simplified, the base prerequisites comprise evidence of Brazilian citizenship, a clean criminal record and occupancy in the host territory.

Employees of diplomatic missions and consular aids who have completed their work in the polity have the prerogative to enroll for a permanent occupancy permit in Argentina . The program also applies to their family members. To receive the status, it is prerequisite to present official documentation asserting the completion of the mission, equally evidence of licit presence in the polity during the span of service.

Phases of acquiring a occupancy permit

Moving to the polity with an asylum permit is a clear, consistent sequence consisting of several steps, from opting for an immigration basis to receiving status. If a foreigner intends to stay in the polity for permanent occupancy, he can proceed to the next stage - enrollment of permanent occupancy.

Phase 1

Selecting a basis for immigration

A foreigner must choose the most accessible immigration program to a territory that supplies the chance to receive an RP in the polity. If prerequisite, preliminary actions should be taken to achieve the goal of immigration - for example, to get a job in a regional company or pass exams at the chosen university.

Phase 2

Preparing the dossie

The enroller must compile a complete dossier that meets the DNM migration prerequisites. The set must comprise both basic indentures and justifications for the purpose of immigration. The dossier must be carefully checked for correctness and completeness of the data entered, translated and certified in accordance with current prerequisites

Phase 3

Conveying an enrollment to the competent authority

If the immigrant is on the territory of the republic, the application for an Argentine residence permit is conveyed through a special electronic service of the migration service. The enroller must register in the Radicación a Distancia system, fill out the form, upload the necessitated indentures and pay the state fee.

For expats outside the territory, the enrollment is conveyed through the Argentine consular offices. The enroller conveys a dossier and undergoes an initial interview with an official of this service. The consulate forwards the enrollment to the DNM for further consideration. Once the enquiry is conveyed, a date is set for an interview with the competent authority, which must be attended in person.

Phase 4

Passing an interview and conveying biometric

The interview with the candidate for Argentine residency status is conducted at the regional office of the DNM or, if the enroller is abroad, at the consular service. The main purpose of the event is to confirm the basis for granting a occupancy warrant, establish the authenticity of the documentation imparted and clarify the prerequisite details about the planned occupancy in the polity.

The enroller may be asked about the motives for moving, sources of revenue, plans for the future and family situation. If the enroller is enrolling for a residence permit to work in Argentina, supplemental questions may be asked about professional skills, qualifications, and working criteria. After the interview, biometric data is collected - fingerprints and a photograph. This is a prerequisite to check the enroller against domestic and transnational databases, and later - to impart an occupant card.

Phase 5

Getting a Residence Permit in Argentina

After an interview and analysis of the documentation, the DNM makes a choice on asserting the transnational enroller the status of an Argentine resident. If the enquiry is authorised, the enroller is given an asylum warrant. The occupancy span upon first enrollment is usually from one to three years. The indenture is given in the form of a DNI, which is evidence of licit presence in the polity. The production time can vary from several weeks to two months, contingent on the region where the enquiry is conveyed.

Phase 6

Extension of RP and transition to PR

Renewal of a temporary residence permit in Argentina necessitates evidence of abidance with the prerequisites of the initial warrant, such as continuation of an employment undertaking or studies. A supplemental condition is the absence of violations of immigration directives. After staying in the polity as a provisional occupant for the formed period, the enroller has the prerogative to enroll for a PR warrant in the polity . The transition to this standing necessitates the provision of documentation asserting the continuity of stay in the host polity. In addition, a check is carried out to ensure that there are no violations of regional statutes and immigration prerequisites

Indentures for acquiring a residence permit in Argentina

To get an Argentine RP, a foreigner must convey to the competent service a file that comprises:

  • a foreign passport, the validity of which must be at least half a year at the time of enrollment, and a sufficient number of blank pages for visa stamps;
  • a certificate of good conduct given in the polity of citizenship, equally all jurisdictions where the enroller has resided for more than 12 months during the last three years;
  • evidence of the fiscal solvency of the enroller for an Argentine residence permit, for example, bank records, employment undertakings, indentures on pension or dividend remunerations, real estate lease undertakings indicating rates;
  • health insurance that covers emergency care, outpatient care, and inpatient care.
  • evidence of availability of housing in the host jurisdiction - for example, a notarized lease undertaking, a certificate of title to the property, a record from the owner of the house or apartment providing the enroller with a place to live;
  • confirmation of the purpose of obtaining residency status in Argentina - an employment undertaking, information on family ties or others, contingent on the situation.

Prerequisites for the dossier

All indentures given outside the polity must be presented with an official translation into Spanish and certified by a notary or consular service. Extracts, credentials and references must not be valid for more than six months at the time of enrollment. Failure to comply with this prerequisite may result in the enrollment being rejected. Indentures given in jurisdictions that abide by the Hague Convention are apostilled. If the polity has not signed the said undertaking, legalization through a consular authority is necessitated.

Timeframe and cost of the sequence of acquiring an Argentine occupancy permit

The average processing time for enrollments for temporary residence in Argentina is between 30 and 90 days from the moment the enroller conveys a complete and correct set of indentures. The exact time it takes for the competent service to make a decision depends on its workload, the purpose of immigration, and the place where the enrollment is conveyed. For enrollments conveyed through a consular authority, the time may be prolonged by 1-2 months due to the need for supplemental verification and forwarding of the file to the DNM. In cases of transition from provisional to permanent residence in Argentina, the processing time for the enrollment is between two and four months, as it is a prerequisite to verify the enroller's abidance with the needs regarding the duration of occupancy in the polity and the absence of violations of licit norms.

Cost of acquiring status

Mandatory government bills for obtaining a residence permit in Argentina are contingent on the occupancy category and range from 6,000 to 10,000 ARS (approximately 6 to 10 USD). Remuneration is made through the official DNM platform. In addition, the applicant bears the bills linked with the preparation of indentures. The average cost of translating one indenture into Spanish by a certified translator is from 3,000 to 5,000 ARS (3-5 USD). Apostille of indentures in the jurisdiction of issue necessitates remuneration of a state fee, the amount of which contingent on the state. In most cases, the cost of the service is from 20 to 100 USD. Expenses also comprise health coverage, the price of which starts from 10,000 ARS (about 10 USD) per month for a basic policy, equally transportation bills for visiting authorized aids.


Getting a residence permit in Argentina supplies an immigrant with chances for prolonged licit asylum in a polity with a highly formed infrastructure, a forming pecuniary field and a stable democratic blueprint. Admittance to free education, quality healthcare and prospects for further citizenship make this standing an attractive choice for expats. The polity's formed transnational relations, including participation in MERCOSUR, create supplemental leverages for free movement in the region. Moderate revenue and indenture needs, equally the likelihood of integration into a friendly culture, accelerate the adaptation sequence in the polity.

The sequence of acquiring an Argentine RP necessitates abidance with many licit formalities, from the preparation and legalization of indentures to interaction with migration overseers. Errors in drawing up enrollments, untimely submission of the dossier to the authorized service or other violations of the needs of immigration schemes can primely complicate the sequence or cause a refusal. Cooperation with counsellors allows you to avoid these risks, optimize time bills and ensure the successful completion of all stages of the sequence.

Our firm is ready to offer turnkey support in acquiring an Argentine occupancy permit, starting with an initial consultation on selecting the best relocation program to represent in migration structures. We impart assistance in translating and certifying dossiers, assisting in the enrollment sequence, including organizing interviews and collecting biometric data. The final stage is getting a DNI asserting licit standing in the polity.

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  • Guam+1
  • Guatemala+502
  • Guernsey+44
  • Guinea (Guinée)+224
  • Guinea-Bissau (Guiné Bissau)+245
  • Guyana+592
  • Haiti+509
  • Honduras+504
  • Hong Kong (香港)+852
  • Hungary (Magyarország)+36
  • Iceland (Ísland)+354
  • India (भारत)+91
  • Indonesia+62
  • Iran (‫ایران‬‎)+98
  • Iraq (‫العراق‬‎)+964
  • Ireland+353
  • Isle of Man+44
  • Israel (‫ישראל‬‎)+972
  • Italy (Italia)+39
  • Jamaica+1
  • Japan (日本)+81
  • Jersey+44
  • Jordan (‫الأردن‬‎)+962
  • Kazakhstan (Казахстан)+7
  • Kenya+254
  • Kiribati+686
  • Kosovo+383
  • Kuwait (‫الكويت‬‎)+965
  • Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан)+996
  • Laos (ລາວ)+856
  • Latvia (Latvija)+371
  • Lebanon (‫لبنان‬‎)+961
  • Lesotho+266
  • Liberia+231
  • Libya (‫ليبيا‬‎)+218
  • Liechtenstein+423
  • Lithuania (Lietuva)+370
  • Luxembourg+352
  • Macau (澳門)+853
  • Macedonia (FYROM) (Македонија)+389
  • Madagascar (Madagasikara)+261
  • Malawi+265
  • Malaysia+60
  • Maldives+960
  • Mali+223
  • Malta+356
  • Marshall Islands+692
  • Martinique+596
  • Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)+222
  • Mauritius (Moris)+230
  • Mayotte+262
  • Mexico (México)+52
  • Micronesia+691
  • Moldova (Republica Moldova)+373
  • Monaco+377
  • Mongolia (Монгол)+976
  • Montenegro (Crna Gora)+382
  • Montserrat+1
  • Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)+212
  • Mozambique (Moçambique)+258
  • Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)+95
  • Namibia (Namibië)+264
  • Nauru+674
  • Nepal (नेपाल)+977
  • Netherlands (Nederland)+31
  • New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)+687
  • New Zealand+64
  • Nicaragua+505
  • Niger (Nijar)+227
  • Nigeria+234
  • Niue+683
  • Norfolk Island+672
  • North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)+850
  • Northern Mariana Islands+1
  • Norway (Norge)+47
  • Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)+968
  • Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)+92
  • Palau+680
  • Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)+970
  • Panama (Panamá)+507
  • Papua New Guinea+675
  • Paraguay+595
  • Peru (Perú)+51
  • Philippines+63
  • Poland (Polska)+48
  • Portugal+351
  • Puerto Rico+1
  • Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)+974
  • Réunion (La Réunion)+262
  • Romania (România)+40
  • Russia (Россия)+7
  • Rwanda+250
  • Saint Barthélemy+590
  • Saint Helena+290
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis+1
  • Saint Lucia+1
  • Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))+590
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)+508
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines+1
  • Samoa+685
  • San Marino+378
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)+239
  • Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)+966
  • Senegal (Sénégal)+221
  • Serbia (Србија)+381
  • Seychelles+248
  • Sierra Leone+232
  • Singapore+65
  • Sint Maarten+1
  • Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
  • Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
  • Solomon Islands+677
  • Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
  • South Africa+27
  • South Korea (대한민국)+82
  • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
  • Spain (España)+34
  • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
  • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
  • Suriname+597
  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen+47
  • Swaziland+268
  • Sweden (Sverige)+46
  • Switzerland (Schweiz)+41
  • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)+963
  • Taiwan (台灣)+886
  • Tajikistan+992
  • Tanzania+255
  • Thailand (ไทย)+66
  • Timor-Leste+670
  • Togo+228
  • Tokelau+690
  • Tonga+676
  • Trinidad and Tobago+1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
  • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
  • Turkmenistan+993
  • Turks and Caicos Islands+1
  • Tuvalu+688
  • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
  • Uganda+256
  • Ukraine (Україна)+380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
  • United Kingdom+44
  • United States+1
  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
  • Åland Islands+358
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