Registering a company in Missouri (USA) in 2022

American entrepreneurship does not stand still, and it is developing with giant strides. Today, for those, who want to open a business in America, it is beneficial to register startups in the United States, mainly due to the active development of innovation on the continent.

Briefly about Missouri

Missouri is located in the northwestern United States of America. A capital is Jefferson. The largest city is Kansas.

Missouri economy

A promising solution for the future development of your business will be registering a company in Missouri in the following sectors of the economy: an agriculture, the aviation technology, food and chemical industries, pharmaceuticals, logistics, a tourism. At a high level of development are such fields, as science and biotechnology.

Business forms in Missouri

Before you obtain a license for entrepreneurial activity in Missouri, you must determine the form of organization of your business. In this jurisdiction, as in the United States, you can choose one of the following forms:

  • LLC in Free Zone;
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • Sole Partnership (SP);
  • Collective management corporation;
  • Partnership;
  • Representative Office (RO).

Registration documents

To obtain a business license in Missouri, the following conditions must be met:

  • to register a unique name for your company, coincidences with names of previously established companies are excluded;
  • to establish a company in Missouri, USA, you must have 1 (one) director/shareholder, who may be an individual or legal entity, a resident/non-resident of this jurisdiction;
  • to register a company in the public register of state firms;
  • to prepare and register with the State Secretariat a Charter of your company;
  • to open an account with a US bank;
  • to register a legal address for sending the necessary documentation;
  • for non-residents it is necessary to conclude a contract with an agent, acting as an intermediary in postal deliveries.

Do not forget to file a tax report annually

For a tax reporting, you must register an EIN number with the Internal Revenue Service, so that your company can be identified.

Also, to establish a company in the USA, you need licenses for certain types of activities. You can obtain licenses for a business in Missouri by contacting YB Case.

Read also:

Missouri tax system

Before you decide to register a company in Missouri or open a bank account in the USA, check out a tax system in this region. A taxation in Missouri, as in America in general, is three-tier. A federal tax is 21%. Missouri income tax is 6,25%. Also, companies pay a sales tax - 8,13% and a dividend tax in the amount of 35%.

Opening US bank account

US banking system is actively fighting terrorist acts and carefully checks all of its customers. To open a commercial account in Missouri remotely/on a personal visit, you will need advice of highly qualified lawyers. Opening an account with an American bank will make it easier for you to maintain tax records for your business.

Professional assistance

If you plan to register a business in the USA remotely, you can make an appointment with YB Case specialists. Also, our specialists will help you to open an account with American banks with a personal presence, to obtain business licenses in Missouri, and correctly prepare all necessary documents for registering a company.

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