Obtaining an investment license in England

Obtaining an investment license in England


Obtaining a license to conduct investment operations in the United Kingdom becomes a pivotal milestone for any enterprise aspiring to engage in financial activities within the jurisdiction. This process attests to the legality of the company in the eyes of regulatory bodies such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and broadens avenues for growth and development within the international financial market. Securing an investment license in the UK signifies that the organization holds the right to offer an array of investment services and products, including asset management, brokerage services, and investment consultancy, rendering it more appealing to clients and investors.

For businesses in the United Kingdom, holding an investment license is not merely a formality, but a significant stride towards bolstering trust from clients and business partners. Acquiring an investment license in the UK signifies a high degree of operational transparency, reliability, and stability. It lays the groundwork for long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with investors and facilitates entry into new markets.

Moreover, the procedure for obtaining an investment license in the United Kingdom necessitates a company's demonstration of compliance with stringent regulatory and legislative requirements, ensuring a high level of client interest protection. This not only fosters the cultivation of a favorable investment climate within the nation but also enhances confidence in the United Kingdom's financial system.

Thus, the significance of an investment license for businesses in the United Kingdom is challenging to overstate. It underpins effective market engagement, safeguards the rights and interests of clients, and fosters the establishment of a resilient financial future for the company.

Main regulatory authorities

FCA role in regulating investment activities

The process of obtaining an investment activity license in the United Kingdom is inherently intertwined with the role of the FCA, the primary regulatory body overseeing financial services in the nation. The FCA assumes a pivotal function in ensuring transparency, efficiency, and integrity within financial markets, while also safeguarding consumer interests. Securing an investment activity license in the UK necessitates not only aligning with the established FCA standards of business conduct but also entails continuous regulatory oversight of the entity's operations by this regulatory authority.

The FCA imposes stringent requirements on firms seeking licensure for investment activities, encompassing the verification of their financial stability, transparency of ownership structure, and qualifications of personnel. Such an approach ensures a high level of trust in licensed entities and promotes the protection of investor interests.

Furthermore, the licensing process for investment activities in the United Kingdom entails the obligation to submit reports in accordance with FCA requirements, encompassing disclosures on financial standing, investment endeavors, and managerial protocols. This facilitates FCA's capacity to adeptly monitor corporate operations, mitigate financial risks, and combat fraudulent activities.

Thus, the role of the FCA in regulating investment activities in England is extremely significant. The organization not only establishes rules and standards for operating in the financial market but also consistently monitors their compliance, ensuring reliable protection of the interests of all market participants.

Legislative acts regulating the activities of investment funds in Britain

In the United Kingdom, the process of obtaining permission for investment activities is governed by several key legislative acts, which provide the legal framework for the operation of investment funds. One of the primary documents in this process is the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), which delineates the overarching regulatory principles for all segments of financial services in the country. FSMA confers upon the FCA the powers to license and supervise the activities of financial institutions, including investment funds.

An essential aspect of the FSMA is the requirement that any company or sole proprietor providing investment services or engaging in investment activities must be authorized by the FCA. This ensures that firms holding an open investment license in the United Kingdom adhere to stringent standards set by the regulator.

Another vital legislative act is the EU Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFID II), aimed at enhancing transparency in financial markets across Europe and improving investor protection. Despite the UK's exit from the EU, many aspects of MiFID II have been incorporated into national legislation and continue to influence the regulation of investment funds in the country. MiFID II sets forth rules for investment firms regarding risk management, client order handling, data transparency, and reporting.

The Companies Act 2006, while not directly linked to the process of obtaining an investment license, plays a pivotal role in regulating corporate governance, financial reporting, and directorial accountability. These facets are of utmost importance to investment funds as they ensure transparency and investor trust.

The issuance of an investment license in the United Kingdom necessitates a profound comprehension and adherence to pertinent legislative acts. This not only ensures the legality of investment fund operations but also fosters the creation of a favorable investment climate, safeguarding the interests of all market participants.

The process of obtaining an investment license

Popular types of legal entities for obtaining an investment license in England

In the UK context, the opening of an investment license can be implemented through various legal forms of companies.

Legal entity



  • Limited liability of shareholders
  • At least one director (an individual)
  • Does not require a minimum authorized capital
  • Can be registered by one shareholder


  • Open joint stock company with the possibility of placing shares on the stock exchange
  • Minimum share capital £50,000
  • Minimum two directors and one secretary
  • Shares can be purchased by the public


  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • At least two founders
  • Suitable for professional services
  • There is no corporate income tax, the tax burden is distributed between partners

Investment Company with Variable Capital (ICVC)

  • Specialized investment institution
  • Suitable for collective investment management
  • Requires FCA approval
  • The authorized capital varies depending on the number of shares sold and redeemed

The establishment of an investment license in the UK through one of these types of legal entities entails not only the selection of the appropriate legal form but also adherence to every regulatory stipulation and licensing prerequisites mandated by the FCA. This encompasses the preparation and submission of a comprehensive document package, evidence of financial stability, and the conformity of key executives to established criteria.

Stages of obtaining an investment license in England

Obtaining an investment license in the UK involves completing a number of key steps required to launch a legal investment practice in the country.

Step 1:

Submitting an application to the FCA

The process of obtaining an investment activity license in the UK commences with the submission of a comprehensive application to the FCA, encompassing a delineation of the business, a business plan, particulars concerning beneficiaries and capital sources, as well as details regarding risk management and compliance procedures.

Stage 2:

Assessing the business model's compliance with FCA requirements

To ascertain compliance with FCA requirements, it is imperative to determine whether your enterprise falls within the purview of FCA regulation and into which category of regulated activities it falls. This constitutes a pivotal stage, delineating the array of demands with which your company must align.

Step 3:

Preparing for compliance testing

Your company must be prepared for thorough scrutiny by the FCA, encompassing the provision of a comprehensive document package and demonstration of internal procedures aimed at compliance with regulatory requirements and safeguarding client interests.

Stage 4:

Assessment of personnel qualifications

One of the key aspects of obtaining an investment activity license in the UK is the assessment of the qualifications, experience, and probity of the management and key personnel of the company by the FCA.

Stage 5:

Meeting capital and financial stability requirements

The company must prove its financial stability and compliance with minimum capital requirements, which depends on the nature of the planned activity.

Upon successful completion of all stages and approval of the application by the FCA, a license is issued, authorizing commencement of investment activities in accordance with the legislation of the United Kingdom. Obtaining this license serves as confirmation of the company's high level of trustworthiness and reliability, facilitating client and investor attraction.

List of required documentation to obtain an investment license in the UK

Registration of an investment license in Britain requires the provision of an extensive package of documents that confirms the company's compliance with established legal and regulatory requirements.

  • License application: a formal document that sets out basic information about the company, the type of license it intends to operate, and its area of ​​activity.
  • Business plan: a detailed document describing the business model, development strategy, sources of income, market analysis, and expected financial performance.
  • Evidence of qualifications and experience of management personnel: resumes, certificates and other documents confirming the professional suitability of managers and key personnel.
  • Policies and procedures: documents reflecting internal risk management procedures, compliance policies, AML and KYC.
  • Audit reports and financial statements: recent audit reports and financial statements confirming the financial strength of the company.
  • Information about the internal structure and management of the company: organizational structure of the company, charter, regulations of the board of directors and other corporate documents.

Obtaining an investment license in England is a meticulous process, necessitating careful preparation and precise adherence to all regulatory requirements. Official licensing entails not only the collection and submission of specified documents but also their subsequent review by the FCA, which may take a considerable amount of time. Securing an investment license in Britain constitutes a pivotal step, affording companies access to a breadth of opportunities in the financial market.

Registration deadlines and minimum authorized capital

The establishment of an investment license in England demands meticulous attention to detail, particularly concerning the processing timelines and minimum capital requirements. Depending on the nature of the investment activity and the size of the company, minimum capital requirements can vary significantly. For instance, investment firms granted permission to conduct specific investment activities such as proprietary trading or operating a trading venue are mandated to possess a minimum statutory capital of £750,000.

For companies holding authorization to operate a multilateral trading platform or acting as custodians for unauthorized investment funds, the minimum subscribed capital is set at £150,000. Conversely, for those limited to providing investment advice or portfolio management, the minimum subscribed capital is reduced to £75,000.

It is important to note that with the introduction of the Investment Firm Prudential Regime (IFPR) in the United Kingdom, which came into effect on January 1, 2022, new requirements for regulatory capital have been established. The granting of an investment license in England now includes not only requirements for minimum subscribed capital, but also for basic liquid assets, which must be equal to at least one third of the fixed overheads covered.

The timeline for licensing approval may vary depending on the complexity of the submitted documentation and the workload of the regulator; however, companies should anticipate a process duration of 3–12 months. Nevertheless, this period may be extended if errors are found in the submitted documentation. Therefore, it is imperative to initiate the preparation for application submission well in advance, guaranteeing thorough readiness of all essential paperwork and adherence to all mandates concerning statutory capital.

Amounts of government fees

Registration of an investment fund in England involves the payment of various government fees, the amount of which depends on the type of permission and category of application.

  • Category 1 (£250): encompasses permissions for lenders and arrangers, or consumer credit advisors, registration in accordance with AML Regulations (excluding crypto assets), notifications for Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMs) under specific regulations, as well as for financial services entities, filing notifications for exemptions related to electronic communications.
  • Category 2 (£500): concerns variations in permissions within the same segment, small payment institutions, specific types of authorization for monetary markets, limited permissions for consumer credit, and registration of protected companies for risk transformation.
  • Category 3 (£1,000) encompasses permissions for small electronic money institutions, notifications from operators of collective investment schemes, registration of account service providers, and straightforward applications for consumer credit.
  • Category 4 (£2,500): This encompasses permissions for managers of open-ended investment companies in the UK, not being retail schemes, authorized payment institutions, and corporate finance firms, as well as streamlined applications in specific segments.
  • Category 5 (£5,000): pertains to qualified investor schemes and alternative investment funds not managed by AIFMs but marketed in the UK.
  • Category 6 (£10,000): Intended for firms engaged in Contracts for Difference (CFD) trading, primary brokerage, and investment management in accordance with MiFID regulations.
  • Category 7 (£25,000): pertains to Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) and Organized Trading Facilities (OTFs), reflecting the high complexity and significance of these operations.

Taxation system for investment license holders in the UK

The attainment of an investment license in Britain entails not only grasping the procedures and requirements set forth by the regulator but also understanding the taxation framework applicable to license holders' operations. Within the realm of taxation, pivotal rates for investment license holders encompass corporate profit tax rates and income tax rates.

Since April 1, 2023, the main corporate profit tax rate has been set at 25%. This entails that corporations whose profits exceed £250,000 are obliged to pay tax on profits at this heightened rate. For companies with profits below £50,000, a rate of 19% is provided, serving as an incentive for small and medium-sized enterprises. Such rate differentiation underscores the importance of strategic tax planning for companies, particularly in the context of obtaining an investment license in the United Kingdom.

Regarding personal taxation, income tax rates vary depending on the level of income. For incomes up to £12,570, no tax is payable as this threshold constitutes the tax-free allowance. Subsequently, the basic rate is 20% for incomes from £12,571 to £50,270. The higher rate of 40% applies to incomes from £50,271 to £125,140, with an additional rate of 45% imposed on incomes exceeding £125,140.

The opening of an investment license in England necessitates companies and their owners to meticulously grasp both the requirements concerning the share capital and licensing procedures, as well as the tax legislation that will apply to their operations post-licensing. Such knowledge is imperative for effective tax planning and the minimization of tax liabilities, thereby fostering a more prosperous and resilient development of investment businesses.

Accounting and auditing for investment funds registered in the UK

The inception of investment activity in England is intertwined with compliance mandates regarding financial reporting and auditing, particularly for investment funds domiciled within the jurisdiction. A pivotal juncture lies in the obligatory appointment of a statutory auditor to conduct annual external audits of the company's accounts, as mandated by company legislation. However, for entities meeting the criteria of small enterprises under the Companies Act, this requirement may not be applicable. These criteria encompass an annual turnover of up to £10.2 million, a balance sheet total not exceeding £5.1 million, and an average annual employee count of up to 50 individuals.

For investment funds, it is also imperative to consider the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP), which provides guidance on the preparation of financial statements for all authorized funds. SORP establishes the guidelines for ascertaining whether income should be categorized as revenue or capital for the purposes of distribution and taxation. These standards apply to the annual and semi-annual reports of all authorized funds in the United Kingdom and are aimed at ensuring transparency and fairness in reporting.

The framework for accounting for investment funds also necessitates the maintenance of accurate records of all fund operations to ensure a fair assessment of portfolio instrument values and adequate evaluation of changes in worth. A critical element is the calculation of net asset value based on closing market prices of securities held within the fund's portfolio. This process ensures equitable distribution of profits or losses among investors.

Thus, conducting investment activities in England necessitates strict adherence to regulatory requirements, encompassing meticulous compilation of financial statements and conducting audits, ensuring transparency and safeguarding investors' interests.


Obtaining an investment license in England constitutes a complex process, entailing various requirements and challenges spanning a wide spectrum of aspects, commencing from regulatory compliance to ensure financial stability and managerial professionalism. This reflects the UK authorities' endeavor to uphold a high standard of investor protection and financial transparency. On one hand, these requirements underscore the country's aspiration to maintain its status as one of the premier global financial hubs, offering conducive investment conditions. On the other hand, they underscore the importance of meticulous preparation and professional consultation for those intending to engage in investment activities in this jurisdiction.

One of the pivotal stages in this process entails comprehending and fulfilling all requisite conditions, along with furnishing a complete set of documents, necessitating meticulous attention and profound expertise in the realms of financial regulation and corporate governance. Equally paramount is the consideration of strategic planning and the analysis of financial and operational risks, which are critical for the successful navigation of the licensing process and subsequent investment business development.

While the process of obtaining an investment license in England may prove intricate and labor-intensive, it heralds substantial avenues for international growth and advancement. Adherence to prescribed requirements and regulations, coupled with the assurance of a high standard of professionalism and transparency in operations, undoubtedly fosters bolstered trust from investors and partners, thereby unlocking fresh vistas for business.

Our company possesses experts ready to provide all requisite information and support throughout the process of obtaining an investment license in the United Kingdom. To engage with us, kindly select a convenient mode of contact from the contact list available on our website.

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