Company registration in Idaho


Planning to open a company in the USA (Idaho), then this material will be useful to you. This article is about the main points, that must be taken into account, when you establish an American company. Idaho is rightfully considered one of the most competitive states in America.

To start an enterprise in the USA

To establish a firm in the USA, first you need to determine the legal form of a future commercial company. This state offers 2 forms of organization: a corporation and an LLC.

  • The first type acts as an independent legal unit. Includes shareholders/directors and officers.
  • The second is similar to the first + provides a very simple management (no directors or officers are required).

To register a trademark in the USA

Having decided to set up a company in America, it is worth paying due attention to choosing the name. To successfully register a trademark in Idaho, you have completed following steps:

  • the selected company name must be unique and easy to pronounce;
  • Searched for a trademark in the USPTO;
  • Tip: look for spelling errors, plurals, spelling variations, etc. of the selected name to make sure it is not registered yet.

Idaho’s taxation

The federal tax in this region ranges from 15% to 35%. It depends on the net profit of the enterprise. As for corporate tax, it is 7,4% of the amount of profit.

Obtaining FEIN (“EIN”) in Idaho

YB Case experts can provide assistance in registering EIN in Idaho. If you plan to set up a commercial firm in the USA and not hire employees, then EIN is not required to receive. In order to be an employer, you must obtain such a number, otherwise you will have to use your own insurance number in the documents. The number is necessary to prevent identity theft.

To OBTAIN Idaho licenses

To act legally, you need to obtain permits in Idaho. You can ask for advice on obtaining an Idaho license with our specialist, by calling us at the contacts listed on the site.

Also, YB Case experts can provide you with the following services:

  • advice on opening an Idaho bank account;
  • support services in setting up a commercial firm in Idaho remotely
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