Registering a company in Hawaii - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Hawaii

Hawaii (USA)

In what area of ​​business is it best to register a company in Hawaii?

In addition to providing tourism and everything related to the service sector, individuals and legal entities wishing to establish a company in Hawaii, it makes sense to do business in the seafood industry: various types of fish, especially a tuna, oysters and other shellfish, algae are expensive to purchase in all states. It is also profitable to cultivate pineapples, bananas, guava, coconuts, papaya and other tropical fruits, macadamia nuts, vegetables, herbs, sugarcane, coffee, tobacco, rice, cotton, flowers (especially phalaenopsis) in the Hawaiian tropics. Products are transported around the world, in particular to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and East Asia via the port of Honolulu. Honolulu International Airport is the center of air traffic in the Pacific.

Hawaii is the jurisdiction of the United States. In addition to official English, Japanese is common in the jurisdiction. The administrative center is Honolulu.

You decide to start a business in Hawaii, pay attention to the information below

In Hawaii is the Hollywood film industry. Automotive, metal processing, building materials and textile products are also developed in Hawaii.

Important for the state economy are the naval base of Pearl Harbor and Pearl Harbor-Hickam, the medical center of the Tripler Army.

To establish a company in the USA is available in one of the forms:

  • a Special Economic Zone Company (FZ LLC);
  • a Limited Partnership (LLP);
  • an Individual Entrepreneurship (SP);
  • a Local Corporation (S-Corp / C-Corp);
  • an Open Limited Company (PLC);
  • a Limited Liability Company (LLC);
  • a Representative Office (RO).

In order to register a company in Hawaii, prepare the following documents and appointments:

  • a unique name of the enterprise (at the end indicated OPF);
  • 1 or more directors of any residency (legal/physical persons);
  • 1 or more shareholders of any residency (legal/physical persons);
  • a local agent;

You will also need to open a US bank account, enter a company information in an open register and file tax reports.

Jurisdiction tax features

For all states the federal corporate tax is 21%. Also in Hawaii a local corporate tax of 6,40% must be paid, for state profits (from 4,4 to 6,4%) and for sales and use (4%). The tax on interest and royalties are 30%, on dividends are 35%.

How to set up a company in Hawaii remotely

YB Case specialists will provide support in registering a company in Hawaii remotely, in opening corporate accounts with Bank of Hawaii, US Bank, Fremont Bank, and also will provide assistance in obtaining a business license in the USA.

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