Registering a company in Montana (USA) - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Montana

Montana (USA)

Montana is one of the largest geographically states. The state capital is a city Helena. For communication and maintenance of all documentation officially use the English language in Montana.

In which industries are better to register a commercial firm in Montana?

Montana is rich in mineral and other natural resources. Of great importance are deposits of oil, natural gas and coal. Thus, the bulk of industrial production is the processing of extracted raw materials (oil products and coal products, ore smelting, chemical products, metal products). YB Case also provide advice on starting an agricultural or tourism business in Montana. However, agriculture is a large industry. A tourism (with golf courses, winter sports, hunting and fishing) is playing an increasingly important role.

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Montana’s tax

In the state, as well as in the USA in general, by and large there is no VAT. The municipal budget is formed mainly from property fees.

  • Montana corporate tax is 6,75%;
  • from individuals is 6,90%;
  • no capital gains tax;
  • interest taxes are 0-35%;
  • royalty are 0-30%;
  • U.S. state income tax is 21%.

You can open commercial organizations in Montana with the following legal forms:

  • MM (Multі Мembеr), СМ (Sіngle Мember), FZ - these are limited liability firms;
  • LLP (a limited partnership);
  • S/C corporations;
  • RO;
  • Private enterprises;

What steps need to be taken to establish a commercial company in Montana?

The good news is that you can set up a company in Montana within a week. You will need:

  • to register a unique trade name in the state;
  • to determine the type of your company;
  • 1 shareholder or more (both an individual and a legal entity) has the right to set up a company in Montana, while residency does not matter;
  • the founder of the enterprise can also be both a resident and a non-resident;
  • conclude an extract with a local agent (US resident);
  • a minimum fee in Montana from $1;
  • to register a physical address;

Doing business in Montana requires U.S. permits. YB Case experts can advise you on these issues. Our specialists will also provide legal assistance in registering a company in Montana remotely, advice on opening a commercial account with American banks.

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