Sharjah Airport International Free Zone - SAIF Zone - YB Case 2024

Registering a company in Sharjah Airport International Free Zone in 2020

Sharjah Airport International Free Zone - SAIF Zone

Sharjah Airport Free Zone (SAIF Zone) was built in 1996. This region is located near Sharjah International Airport. Sharjah is a great place for investors, because it is considered the center of the Middle East.Those who intend to register a commercial firm in the SAIFZ, would be advisable to enlist the support of experts. Еxperienced specialists will help you to register a firm in the UAE without difficulty.

For establishing a business in Sharjah the most popular segments are the following: IT services, media, durable goods, light and medium-sized industries.

Advantages, that open, if you decide to register a company in the SAIF zone:

To start an entrepreneurial activity in Sharjah Airport FZ is promising for active businessmen, who want to occupy high positions in modern business society. Sharjah brings 40% of the income from general industrial activities in the UAE.

To start a business in SAIF, you need to pay a fee. The cost is quite low compared to other UAE emirates.

SAIF FZ offers unprecedented benefits for investors:

  • a full external proprietorship;
  • 100% renewal of funds;
  • lack of taxes;
  • it is possible to get a license in the SAIF FZ within 24 hours at the place of employment;
  • a visa regime;
  • this zone has a round-the-clock line to support labor;

At a high level of development are communication networks. The exchange of information can be accomplished through air, land and sea communications.

Sharjah Chamber of Commerce also provides backup services.

The SAIF also has a competitive payment, ownership and management structure.

There are no restrictions on hiring foreign workers.

Investors can register companies in Sharjah FZ as a affiliate of a foreign company require a minimum capital of 150,000 dirhams (approximately $41,000).

In order to conduct efficient activities and to establish enterprises in the UAE and beyond, you can register a company in SAIF. To learn more, you can turn to specialists and request for advice on registering a company in the Sharjah FZ.

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