Company registration in New Jersey

New Jersey (USA)

* The information from the registers of beneficiaries and directors is available only after a fee of $5

New Jersey is a state on the Atlantic coast of the northeastern United States, with access to the Delaware Bay in the state of the same name (also bordered by New York and Pennsylvania). A capital is Trenton. The national currency is the US dollar. The official language is English.

Key industries to start a business in New Jersey:

  • any virtual activity (IT, a consulting, etc.);
  • a production (America is the 2nd in the world after China in the manufacturing sector, especially the production of robots, aircraft, computers, turbines);
  • the energy (extraction of cheap energy from renewable sources);
  • an education (Princeton University, where Einstein worked, is located in New Jersey);
  • a medicine (a US insurance medicine is one of the most world developed);
  • a property;

In the above industries a state provides grants to investors, wishing to register a company in the USA.

A tourism in New Jersey plays an important economic role. The finance is a priority for the economy of New Jersey.

In 5 districts of New Jersey (Somerset, Morris, Hunterdon, Bergen, Monmouth), GDP indicators are the highest in America. Planning to set up a commercial company in New Jersey, it should be noted, the minimum wage in jurisdiction is quite high: $8,85 per hour.

How to establish a company in New Jersey (Regulator requirements):

  • 1 shareholder/1 director can register a company in New Jersey. Persons of any residency, both legal and physical, have the right to establish a firm in the USA. But a local registered agent is a prerequisite for starting your business. You must also have a real office. The participants' data is entered into the database, but the beneficiary's identity remains incognito.
  • A minimum authorized capital for registering a company in the States is $1.
  • Thanks to legal support in all stages of a company registration from of YB Case experts, you can quickly collect the necessary package of documents for registering a business in New Jersey, then submit documents to the Treasury Department and register the company in New Jersey remotely.

A tax system

There are 296 FTZ (free economic zones) in America, 5 of them are located in New Jersey:

New York/Newark (FTZ N44, Trenton, Morris Country County), (FTZ N49, Newark/Elizabeth counties), Philadelphia (FTZ N142, Salem/Millville counties), (FTZ N200, Mercer Country), (FTZ N235 counties Lakewood). FTZ companies are controlled by the State Treasury Department.

Investors, who choose to register a company in the New Jersey Free Economic Zone, receive a full exemption from re-export fees, a deferred import tax, an export fee exemption.

US signs bilateral tax treaties with 68 foreign states, as well as agreements with 20 countries on free trade zones and TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), which should be used when you plan to set up a company in America. In accordance with agreements, residents of other states do not pay American taxes or are partially exempt from them, but only for income limited by law. Such benefits vary by income and jurisdiction. There are states in the United States, that have amended local laws and introduced state income taxes. We advise you to ask for a professional legal assistance from qualified YB Case specialists, who will provide legal advice on how to protect your business in New Jersey from double taxation.

Forms of incorporation, in which you can set up a state-owned business in New Jersey:


MM LLC (Multi Member)

LLC, controlled by 1 entity



A representation


A corporate tax








A withholding tax rate on payments to foreign shareholders







In order to receive legal advice on the registration of a company in New Jersey, or on opening a corporate account in the USA remotely, recommend you to call YB Case specialists on the contacts listed on the site.

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