Company registration in FEZ "Balti" - YB Case 2024

Company registration in FEZ "Balti"


FEZ "Balti" in Moldova promotes economic development by attracting capital investments through favourable tax conditions. It is a platform for registering an export manufacturing Moldovan company, which enjoys a favourable customs and tax regime.

When registering a Moldovan company in FEZ "Balti", the following advantages that the free economic zone can provide should be noted:

  • Utilization of adept citizenry;
  • leasing chambers and parcels of terrain at significantly more alluring valuations than prevalent in the marketplace;
  • the proficiency to hoard commodities sans constraints on utmost or minimum measures and sans any levies on customs;
  • hoarding of commodities in depots and locales;
  • feasibility to execute packaging, unboxing, conjoining, categorizing, reclaiming, and so forth;
  • the prospect of collaboration, enhancement, supply of apparatus, and collective utilization with the intent of yield on investment via the rendering of zone oversight services.


The Unfettered Economic Expanse "Balti" has been functioning in the Republic of Moldova since 2010 (over a span of 25 years). The principal undertakings for the formation of an enterprise in UEZ "Balti" in Moldova encompass the manufacturing of entwining modules for the vehicular sector and sheathed intermediate and diminutive voltage linkages, production of overseeing apparatus for luminosity arrangements with Light Emitting Diode illuminants, construction amenities, tariffs clarification, and victuals provision.

FEZ "Balti" aims to contribute to the socio-economic development of the region and the country as a whole by attracting investments and creating jobs. FEZ "Balti" has 11 sub-zones. There are 48 companies with foreign and domestic capital in FEZ.


The following investment incentives are available to entrepreneurs planning to start entrepreneurial activity in FEZ "Balti":

1. State protection of investments;

2. Guarantee against expropriation, confiscation or nationalisation of assets.

1. Without PDS, without customs duties and excise duties;

2. 0.1 per cent customs procedures instead of 0.4 per cent outside the BMS;

3. on-site customs.

10 years of guarantee

Corporate tax rate:

1. 50% reduction for exports of goods and services;

2. 25% discount for other activities.

Corporate tax holidays:

1. for 3 years for an investment of 1 million USD

2. for 5 years with an investment of 5 million USD


For those who intend to set up a manufacturing company in Moldova's FEZ "Balti", it is useful to know that on 31 December 2019, there were 70 residents operating in FEZ "Balti". The number of employees increased by 10%. Of the total number of employees in FEZ, the largest share belongs to "Balti" - 62.8%. At the same time, the size of the average salary in FEZ "Balti" increased by 6% in 2019.

The value of investments made in 2019 by FEZ "Balti" residents totalled 22.7 million USD. This is 48% of the total volume of investments in Moldovan FEZs.

The year 2019 was marked by the opening of a new factory. The German company "Draexlmaier" built a new factory in the municipality of Cahul with an area of 22000 m², which became the fourth largest in Moldova. 1,600 new jobs have been created here.


Fiscal and customs privileges, as well as the experience of the management team in attracting and managing investments are the strengths of FEZ "Balti" for the development of successful activities.

If you are interested in registration as a resident of FEZ "Balti", make an appointment for a consultation with our company's employees. Contacts are given on the website.
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