Moldova’s Valkanes free economic zone - YB Case 2024

An attractive destination for business investment: Moldova’s Valkanes free economic zone

The Valkanes FEZ
Based in Eastern Europe, the small country of Moldova holds an intriguing opportunity for global business expansion — the Valkanes Free Economic Zone (Valkanes FEZ). Established in 1998 and located strategically at the crossroads between the EU and CIS markets, the Valkanes FEZ offers incredible incentives for companies looking to set up manufacturing or distribution facilities in Moldova.

The Valkanes FEZ is managed by the Administrative Council and provides transparent processes for company registration and operation in Moldova. Residents have access to a one-stop shop for handling permits, customs, visas, and other regulatory needs to facilitate easy market entry.

With four subzones spread over 200 hectares of land in prime locations like Vulcanesti, Comrat, and Ceadir-Lunga, the Valkanes FEZ provides ready infrastructure for investors. The subzones offer industrial-grade road connectivity, power and water supply, waste disposal systems, security, office spaces and more. Investors can lease existing factories and warehouses or construct custom facilities as per business requirements.

Registration of a company in the Valkanes FEZ in Moldova allows you to obtain such advantages:

  • 6% corporate tax rate (with a 3-year tax holiday for over $1 million investment),
  • zero VAT on imported equipment,
  • only 0.1% tax on customs procedures,
  • guaranteed protection against legal changes for 10 years,
  • access to a multilingual workforce and Moldova's low labour costs.

The opportunities span the Valkanes FEZ's major industries:

  • Automotive — Ideal location to produce cars, trucks, parts for export to nearby markets.
  • Food Production — Competitive base to manufacture quality foodstuffs.
  • Oil Refining — Leverage Moldova's own oil reserves for refining capacity.
  • Light Manufacturing — Access to utilities, warehousing, construction and more.

With 25 established residents already active in the FEZ and quality infrastructure in place, the Valkanes FEZ allows rapid startup and operations scale-up in Moldova. This enables businesses to leverage the country’s free trade agreements with major markets like the EU, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and others.

Ready to diversify your operation's footprint? Contact our Moldova investment experts to understand the full potential of basing your next facility in the Valkanes FEZ. We can guide you on incentives, facilities, workforce, and more to ensure your project’s success in the following areas:

  • registration of a Moldovan industrial company,
  • incorporation of a foreign trade company in the Valkanes FEZ,
  • registration of a branch of a foreign manufacturing company in the Valkanes FEZ,
  • obtaining a residency of the FEZ “Valkanes” in Moldova,
  • registration of a Moldovan automobile company,
  • starting a foodstuff venture in Comrat,
  • Establishment of an oil refinery in Comrat,
  • setting up a production company in Ceadir-Lunga,
  • registering an agro-industrial business in Ceadir-Lunga.
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