Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Entrepreneurs, who plan to register a company in the USA, will need to register an Employer Identification Number (EIN).

What is the EIN?

Anyone, who wants to open a business in the USA, should know that EIN (Federal Tax Identification Number) ​​is a 9-digit number, that can be obtained by submitting an application (including online) to the IRS of United States.

What legal forms of companies need EIN?

Obtaining an EIN is necessary for all business entities, except for companies with sole ownership.

YB Case is ready to provide you with personal advice on obtaining a US EIN.

Read also:

Why do you need the EIN?

A most common reasons for registering the EIN:

  • To open an account with a US bank;
  • To issue taxes of your company;
  • To hire staff;
  • To make payments to independent contractors.

You will need the EIN, if you have a legal entity and you receive an income of any kind.


You can register a company in America by simplifying your task as much as possible. To do this, you need to contact YB Case and get competent advice on registering an American company. Our specialists will assist you in preparing all necessary documents, including the registration of EIN in the USA. We also draw your attention to the fact, that YB Case experts can provide you with professional support in opening a corporate account in the USA.

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