Registering a company in the Canton of Zug (Switzerland) - YB Case 2024

Company registration in Zug

Zug (Switzerland)

Zug is the smallest (239 km²), but the richest and densely populated (500 people per 1 km²) canton of Switzerland. Also, it is the metropolitan region of Zurich. The Canton of Zug borders on Schwyz, Aargau, Lucerne and Zurich.

The official language is German. The population is more than 125 thousand people.

Registering a company in the Canton Zug will be a good idea, because this canton is governed by its own tax regulators. 100 years ago, Zug has experienced a critical economic situation, but even then a legislative framework was created, on the basis of which, the cantons of Zug and Glarus reduced tax rates for resident companies.

The tax policy of the canton was effective, and since 1990, Zug has become the richest canton of the country. If you are planning to open a corporate bank account in Zug, note that, the canton’s GDP is nearly 300 million CHF per year and per capita income is one of the highest in the state.

For more information, please ask for individual advice on a company registration process in Zug and on account opening for a company with a Swiss bank from YB Case specialists.


Of the approximately 83 000 working people, 73% are involved in trade and services, 24,8% in industry, and 2,2% in agriculture.

If you want to set up a company in Zug, please take a look at the popular types of business activity:

  • Pharmacy;
  • Mining of precious metals, zinc and copper;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Coal mining;
  • Cryptocurrency activities (ICO);
  • Oil production;
  • Electronics;
  • Production of household appliances (the most famous manufacturer is V-ZUG);
  • Construction and real estate operations;
  • Fishing.

Those, who are planning to register a company in the Canton of Zug, may consider the following most developed economic sectors:

  • Hotel business;
  • Opening a cryptocurrency company in Switzerland;
  • Software development;
  • Tourism;
  • Mining;
  • Agriculture.

If you want to register a Swiss company and want to learn more about the most prospective business directions, then you can request for qualified advice on a business organization procedure from our professional team.

Legal forms

Those, who are planning to open a Zug company remotely, can choose the following business entity types:

  • Joint venture;
  • AG with the share capital of 100 000 CHF (91 500 EUR);
  • SP;
  • LP/GP;
  • Holding company with the share capital of 18 500 EUR;
  • Mixed company with the share capital of 20 000 CHF;
  • Branch;
  • Charitable foundation with the share capital of 20 000 CHF.

YB Case specialists recommend you registering a GmbH in Switzerland with the share capital of 20 000 CHF (18 500 EUR), because it is the most easy-to-manage legal form.

Tax regime

Setting up a company in Zug is a profitable decision, owing to the fact that the tax rate of the cantong is at a minimum level according to international standards. Also, many companies subject to standard taxation are based in the canton of Zug because of cost-effectiveness.

If you are intended to open a company in the Canton of Zug, please consider the following tax rates:

  • Corporate tax rate in Zug is 6%. Companies with the annual turnover over 100 000 CHF are subject to 4%;
  • Income tax rate in Switzerland is 8.5%;
  • VAT is 8% (for hotel business – 3.8%, for financial services and defined group of commodities – 2,5%);
  • Capital gains tax is not less than 150 CHF × 0.075 (per 1000 shares);
  • WHT on dividends and interest payments is 35%;
  • Personal income tax in Zug is 8%;
  • Dividends from foreign companies, commissions received from non-residents is 0%;
  • Income from investments is 0%.

How to set up a business in Switzerland remotely?

In order to register a Zug company and open a bank account with a Swiss bank remotely, you can contact YB Case experts and receive personal advice on a business registration process in Switzerland.

Registration requirements

Those, who are interested in opening a company in the Canton of Zug, need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Unique name of the company with legal form;
  • 1 or more directors (residents of Switzerland), individuals;
  • 1 or more shareholders (Switzerland residents), individuals or legal entities;
  • Registered office in Zug;
  • Board meetings should be held in Switzerland;
  • Accounting, financial reporting (once a year) and tax return are required.

In order to open an account for a Swiss company, we recommend you considering the following banks: Raiffeisen, UBS, BNP Paribas, ING, Credit Suisse and Lombard Odier.

Business benefits

If you want to set up a Zug company, you should know, that since the middle of the last century, the canton is the center of international trade in raw materials (oil) and food commodities (coffee).

Among the 100 trading companies of Zug are corporations such as Shell, Glencore Xstrata, BP.

In addition, YB Case experts recommend you opening a medical centre in Zug.

To find out more, you can request for competent individual advice on a company establishment in Switzerland from qualified YB Case specialists. Also we will provide you with support services on a corporate account opening in Zug, obtaining a license and other related matters.

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