Registering a company in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park Free Zone - YB Case 2024

A company registration in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park Free Zone

Dubai Gold and Diamond Park Free Zone (G & D Park FZ)

The park was created in 2011 to meet the special needs of the jewelry industry. This FZ is a treasury of the best jewelry, gems and other creations of jewelry grace. In G & D Park, due to its specifics, the tourism sector is at a high level. To register a company in G & D Park is beneficial for both beginners and experienced businessmen, who want to find additional opportunities for the development of their entrepreneurial activities.

Gold and Diamond FZ has many high-quality products and bullions. The cost of one such product can reach millions of dollars. If you are ready to start a business in Gold and Diamond FZ, then experienced jewelers, using many years of experience and knowledge, will make any designer product to order for you and your customers.

If you decide to register a commercial firm in Diamond Park FZ, you have a real chance to work with more than 90 of the best global brands. There are 118 specialized manufacturing companies in this FZ. Dubai Gold Park FZ has many office spaces, restaurants, cafes, making purchases more convenient, and staying in this zone comfortable.

To establish a company in G & D Park FZ is a promising solution for you, as the park offers the best opportunities for all customers and visitors.

You can register a firm in Gold & Diamond Park in two forms:

1. An individual entrepreneurship.

2. A partnership.

Business benefits in G & D FZ:

  • The possibility of 100% ownership of a foreign company;
  • Tax benefits;
  • No fees;
  • Low maintenance;
  • Low shipping costs;
  • An inexpensive electricity;
  • An exemption from all import and export duties;
  • Free hiring of expatriates;
  • Free offices are available for sale or rent;
  • Free transfer of funds and lack of currency control;
  • To set up a company in G & D FZ is promising due to its strategic geographical location and easy access to economically developed regions;
  • Specially designed working environment with appropriate ventilation system, gas outlets, air conditioning system, waste collection and disposal;
  • Ensuring a high level of staff safety;
  • High level of fire safety and fire protection systems;

You can obtain licenses in Dubai G & D FZ:

  • A trading;
  • A production license;
  • A retail;
  • A service;
  • E-commerce;
  • A National Industrial license;
  • A license for innovation;
  • Offshore registration licenses;

Dubai G & D Park is a good choice for investors, who want to set up a company in UAE to import/export and sell gold, diamonds and other products.

If you are interested in the opportunity to conduct business in this jurisdiction, then you can turn to specialists and receive advice on registering a company in Dubai Gold and Diamond Park, as well as order support in opening an account in the UAE.

You can find out details from YB Case employees by calling the numbers indicated on the website or by filling out a special form.

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